Sargeras (Twist hero)

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You might be looking for one of these cards: Sargeras, Sargeras (boss).

Sargeras is an uncollectible warlock hero card, from the Tavern Brawl set.

Related cards

THD 103hp.png
Tied Hero Power
THD 103p.png


Sargeras uses these decks:

This deck can be used in Twist after unlocking  Sargeras, the Destroyer.
1Neutral Armor Vendor1
1Warlock Fracking1
1Warlock Kobold Librarian1
1Neutral Mistress of Mixtures1
1Warlock Mortal Coil1
2Warlock Darkbomb1
2Warlock Defile1
2Warlock Drain Soul1
2Warlock Elementium Geode1
2Warlock Plot Twist1
2Warlock Thornveil Tentacle1
2Warlock Unstable Shadow Blast1
3Warlock Backfire1
3Warlock Dark Skies1
3Neutral Death's Head Cultist1
3Warlock Domino Effect1
3Warlock Full-Blown Evil1
3Warlock Hellfire1
3Warlock Mortal Eradication1
3Neutral Razorscale1
3Mage/ Warlock Reverberations1
3Neutral Rustrot Viper1
3Warlock Scourge Supplies1
3Warlock Trolley Problem1
4Warlock Dark Alley Pact1
4Warlock Fire Breather1
4Priest/ Warlock Hysteria1
4Neutral Spice Bread Baker1
4Warlock Voidcaller1
5Priest Mass Hysteria1
5Warlock Opera Soloist1
5Warlock Skull of the Man'ari1
6Warlock Aranasi Broodmother1
6Warlock Entitled Customer1
6Warlock Ring Matron1
7Warlock Lord Godfrey1
8Warlock Enhanced Dreadlord1
8Warlock Wretched Queen1
9Warlock Krul the Unshackled1
9Warlock Voidlord1
10Warlock Bloodreaver Gul'dan1
10Warlock Table Flip1


Attack underlay▶️Destruction!
Death underlay▶️<underlay sound>
Emote: Greetings▶️Behold!
Emote: Well Played▶️You are an instrument of death.
Emote: Oops▶️An intolerable Mistake.
Emote: Threaten▶️You struggle in vain.
Emote: Thanks▶️I should reward you.
Unused: Sorry▶️Sorry.
Concede▶️I. Will. Return.
Start▶️My Crusade begins.
Running out of time▶️The time has come.
Thinking▶️What next?…
Thinking▶️Maybe… this?...
Thinking▶️So many plots…
Almost out of cards▶️I am almost out of cards
Out of cards▶️I am out of cards!
Error: Need a weapon▶️I require a weapon.
Error: Not enough mana▶️I need more mana.
Error: Minion exhausted▶️That minion has attacked.
Error: Hero already attacked▶️I have already attacked.
Error: Minion not ready▶️That minion needs to get ready.
Error: Hand already full▶️My hand is full.
Error: Too many minions▶️I have run out of space.
Error: Can't target Stealthed minion▶️That minion is hiding.
Error: Can't play that card▶️That can't be played.
Error: Not a valid target▶️I must target another.
Error: Must attack Taunt minion▶️A taunt minion is in play.
Error: Generic▶️Impossible!
Selection in Choose Your Hero▶️I lend you my power.
Emote: Greetings [Lunar New Year]▶️A New Year rises!
Start [Mirror]▶️And our destiny approaches.
Emote: Greetings [Holidays]▶️Enjoy your Winter Veil.
Emote: Wow▶️How?!
Emote: Greetings [Happy New Year]▶️A New Year rises!
Emote: Greetings [Fire Festival]▶️All shall bathe in flame!
Unused: Greetings [Pirate Day]▶️Scavengers follow in my wake.
Emote: Greetings [Happy Halloween]▶️Hallow's End has come.
Emote: Greetings [Happy Noblegarden]▶️Noblegarden brings change.
Emote: Greetings [Mirror]▶️A worthy adversary


Patch changes

External links