Template:Ethereal Arcanist strategy

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Ethereal Arcanist is best played in combination with Secrets in scenarios where your opponent cannot quickly dispose of him or your Secrets. Try to play multiple Secrets at a time since you can have more than one active Secret up. Depending on the Secrets you have available, try to play the ones that your opponent might not trigger right away. Also try to play a Taunt or maybe some freeze spells in order to protect Ethereal Arcanist long enough to get his effect rolling. A best case scenario is when you have an  Ice Block, because it will keep gaining stats until you or it takes fatal damage.

On the other hand, if you find yourself up against this card, you can either try to dispose of it if you have the damage available or you can trigger your opponent's Secret and hope that they don't have a replacement. Focusing on Ethereal Arcanist when you don't have the damage available can quickly get out of hand.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.