Template:Headmaster Kel'Thuzad strategy

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Headmaster Kel'Thuzad has good stats for the cost, but his true potential lies in his Spellburst, when combined with cards like  Lightning Storm or  Flamestrike, given that the opposing Hero has a decent board of low-health minions. If you wish to either activate his ability later or simply cannot use it, playing it may not be such a bad idea, as your opponent will be hesitant to play any minions if they do not have an answer to Kel'Thuzad. This could backfire if your opponent has a spell like  Fireball, wasting his ability.

Headmaster Kel'Thuzad is also good for stealing a single minion. Using Headmaster Kel'Thuzad followed by a  Coerce or  Shadow Word: Death on the 8/8 from  Libram of Hope or something like  Kalecgos can be devastating, sometimes more so than a board of small minions.

Ideal situations involve lowering Kel and/or your damage spells cost so you can deploy the combo quicker. Warlock has  The Dark Portal to draw Kel from your deck at cost 0. Then play Kel with a damage spell like  Soul Rend or  Hellfire to wipe and res the board.

Don't hesitate to deploy a mass damage spell to wipe out all minions on the board (except Headmaster). Whatever is killed (including yours) will be revived at full health!

Mr. Bigglesworth

The easiest way to get Mr. Bigglesworth is using  Halazzi, the Lynx followed by  Emperor Thaurissan. This will give you a large number of 0-mana cats, letting you easily fill the board. Keep in mind that this has no practical purpose — Mr. Bigglesworth is functionally identical to a  Snowflipper Penguin — and is merely a just-for-fun combo.

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