Template:Hex strategy

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One of the Shaman's most powerful removal spells, this is a great card for easily and efficiently removing large and powerful minions from the field. It can be tempting to use early in the game due to the relatively low Mana cost, but is often better saved for later. It is best used on very large minions such as  Deathwing, or minions with powerful abilities, like  Gadgetzan Auctioneer. This spell permanently transforms the minion into a 0/1  Frog with Taunt, removing all enchantments and card text. This process does not trigger Deathrattles, cannot be prevented by Divine Shield, and cannot be reversed. It also prevents them from being re-summoned via effects like  Resurrect and N'Zoth's Battlecry.

The main downside to this spell is that the target is not destroyed, but replaced with a 0/1 Taunt. While this generally means it cannot attack, ongoing effects and buffs granted to it following its transformation (such as  Raid Leader) can still grant it Attack, turning into an attack-capable minion. More critically, the Frog's Taunt will often require the shaman to waste an attack in order to destroy the target, albeit usually without requiring a minion to take any damage in the process. This can be seen as an additional price to playing this card. In a few situations, the Frog's Taunt can actually be more problematic than the minion that was Hexed. Consider this carefully, and if there are other targets to be attacked that round, attack them first before using Hex.

Be aware that the Frog is a Beast. This can make Hex a little riskier against Hunters and, to a lesser extend, Druids, whose synergy with beast cards can allow them to quickly turn the Frog into a respectable minion, or even benefit from its death with  Scavenging Hyena.

In some cases, Hex can be used on your own minion to create an extra Taunt. While this is an extreme play, it may allow you to survive an extra turn.

The decks that utilize Hex the most are decks that need assistance in getting rid of troublesome minions. The Shaman is a class which does not have access to as many destroy effects as some other classes. Including Hex in a deck which otherwise only has  Lightning Storm and/or  Lightning Bolt is a good idea, especially if you do not want the downside of Overload to affect you too badly.

In Wild format, Hex is a hard counter to the mage Secrets  Duplicate and  Effigy, because using Hex on a minion and then killing the Frog would result in the Frog being duplicated in the case of Duplicate, and a 0-mana minion being summoned in the case of Effigy.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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Remember that this is just an archived content of Strategy section that was supposed to be removed following the decision in Hearthstone Wiki:Project 13. It's up to you to review the content and keep them for a project in the future. Details to follow soon, once Project 13 is completed.