Template:Kathrena Winterwisp strategy

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Primarily, Kathrena can be seen as an effective way to thin out your deck and summon powerful minions onto the battlefield immediately.

As Kathrena summons Beasts from your deck, she is optimally used in a Hunter deck which only runs powerful, expensive Beasts such as  Swamp King Dred and  Savannah Highmane to maximize value out of her effects.  Charged Devilsaur gets a minor boost from being recruited in that it avoids its Battlecry, meaning it can attack the enemy hero on the same turn. Its deathrattle also has synergy with Hunter's Deathrattle-activated cards, such as  Play Dead and  Terrorscale Stalker, as well as  N'Zoth, the Corruptor.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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