The Nighthold

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The Nighthold is an uncollectible paladin location card, from the Caverns of Time set.

Generated cards

The Nighthold uses these card pools to generate cards:

Related with

WON 053.png


Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
The Nighthold is a vast palace complex and the center of government in the nightborne city of Suramar. It stands as a testament to the progress and achievements of the nightborne civilization since its inception over 10,000 years ago. Today, it is the largest structure on the Broken Isles, and one of the grandest in all of Azeroth. The palace is critically centered around the Nightwell, the font of staggering arcane power that has sustained Suramar for millennia.
For the vast majority of Suramar's history since the War of the Ancients, the Nighthold has served as the seat of power for Grand Magistrix Elisande and her regime. Partly occupied by demonic forces during the third invasion of the Burning Legion, the structure became a major target for the Nightfallen insurgents. During the rebellion's closing acts, the Nighthold was assaulted and stormed by the Nightfallen and their allies, who would ultimately succeed in defeating Elisande and driving the Burning Legion from Suramar.
The citizens of Suramar and the Nightfallen reunited, the Nighthold continues to act as the seat of Suramar's rulers and First Arcanist Thalyssra in the wake of the civil war. After the end of the Legion's invasion, the nightborne joined the Horde, and the palace became a launching point for many nightborne venturing out into the world for the first time.


Patch changes

  • TOY Logo Adventure.pngPatch (2024-05-23):
    • 2024-05-30: Fixed a bug where The Nighthold sometimes didn't cast all 3 Secrets.
  • WW Logo.pngPatch (2023-11-10):
    • Fixed a bug where The Nighthold did not give the right number of Secrets in Arena.
  • TTN Logo Adventure.pngPatch (2023-10-17):
    • Now has no rarity (previously: Legendary).
  • TTN Logo Adventure.pngPatch (2023-09-19):
    • 2023-09-22: Fixed a bug where The Nighthold could try to cast Secrets that were already active.
  • TTN Logo.pngPatch (2023-08-22):
    • Added.

External links