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Hotfixes in Hearthstone are server-side patches released between client patches. This page aims to list most officially announced Hearthstone hotfixes to date.

Hotfixes are server-side updates that do not require downloading and can be implemented with little or no downtime. Hotfixes usually address bugs, and are generally used to remedy smaller or particularly urgent problems without needing to wait for the next client patch.

2022-07-26 to 2022-08-15 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Hello everyone,

You can follow this post for information about Known Issues in the 24.0 Patch.

[Resolved 7/26] The team is aware that Achievements that granted Sunken City cards were able to be claimed after Patch 24.0 went live and that for many players those cards were already claimed. This is not a bug, but part of the shift from one expansion period to the next. Those are cards that were given on the Sunken City Rewards Track, converted to Achievements in anticipation of the end of the Sunken City expansion period. Some people have already received those cards and completed those achievements; others will still have a chance to earn those free cards by completing those achievements later.

[Added 7/26] The team is aware that the background is missing from the Rewards Track in Patch 24.0.

[Partially Resolved 7/26] The team has received reports of players receiving Yogg-Saron Tasks in Mercenaries even after completing Yogg’s task chain, and then getting blocked after completing Task 2. The team has identified the cause of this issue. We are temporarily disabling Yogg-Saron Tasks while we work on a solution, which will be scheduled for a future update. It is expected that players who had this errant Yogg at their Campfire will have that slot vacated for a less corrupting visitor.

[Resolved 7/28] The team is aware that some Murder at Castle Nathria Daily/Weekly Quests started in Patch 24.0. In a hotfix later this week, the team will temporarily disable those until expansion launch. In the meantime, players who receive those quests can reroll them, hold onto them until the expansion launches on August 2, or complete them in Duels.

[Resolved 8/1] The team is investigating reports that Moonlit Guidance no longer draws the copy of the Discovered card when the Discovered card is played the same turn as Moonlit Guidance. Update: Another small server hotfix was implemented on 8/1 to address the issues that remained after the prior hotfix.

[Resolved 8/3] The team is aware that Sir Finley’s Task 2 is not currently tracking. The team is temporarily disabling the Sir Finley visitor while the Task issue is being worked on.

[Added 8/2] The team is aware that the Sunken City game board is erroneously available Arena, even though Sunken City is not legal in this Arena rotation. This allows for a fringe case where Transfer Student can give a card that doesn’t work properly, due to the eligible card pool.

[Resolved 8/3] The team has resolved a bug where playing Primordial Wave would break “After you summon” effects, like that of Piranha Swarmer.

[Resolved 8/3] Murloc Holmes could cause crashes in certain edge cases.

[Added 8/3] The team is aware that banned Duels cards can appear in some card buckets.

[Added 8/3] The team is aware that Darius Crowley’s Cannons struggle to account for Location positioning.

[Added 8/5] The team is aware of some players having difficulty while trying to edit their Mercenaries Parties on mobile, like being unable select certain Mercs from the Party screen. While the team works on the issue, we have identified some workarounds for this issue: 1) select a selectable Merc on your team and hold down until the U.I wiggles, that will loosen things up and let you select your other Mercs; 2) select a selectable Merc and move it to over the collection area and then back into the Party; or 3) play on desktop–the issues we’re tracking seem to be isolated to mobile.

[Added 8/11] The team is aware that Sinful Brand is not dealing damage in certain circumstances. The team is investigating the issue.

[Added 8/11] The team is aware that the “One of the Classic Blunders” Achievement has, well, fallen victim to one of the classic blunders. It currently tracks not when you tricked your opponent with Suspicious cards, but when they trick you.

[Added 8/11] The team is aware of players having difficulty completing the “Flower Power” Achievement. The team is investigating the issue.


7/28 Update: We have now launched hotfix patch 24.0.1. Details can be found here: 322 ~~

7/29 Update: A second 24.0.1 server hotfix is currently in the process of being deployed. Details can be found here: 152 ~~ 8/11 Update: The team is currently in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix with the following updates:

• In Duels, banned Wildheart Guff from deckbuilding. • In Arena, the appearance rates of many cards across all classes and neutral have been adjusted. • Fixed a bug that occurred for players who triggered the free new/returning player deck condition before Patch 24.0, but then did not claim the deck until after Patch 24.0. • Fixed a bug where Collateral Damage would deal the wrong amount of damage if copied (such as by Twinbow Terrorcoil). • Fixed a bug where playing and attacking with the weapon selected from Suspicious Pirate would result in your opponent being offered a version missing one Durability. • Fixed a small visual bug with Decimator Olgra’s intro animation.

8/11 Second Update: Today’s hotfix was paused due to an issue with the patch. The team is working on the issue and will launch this patch again once the issue is resolved.


8/12 Update: Earlier today, a different patch version was inadvertently set live briefly. This resulted in game crashes, as well as players seeing incorrect versions of certain cards. That patch version has now been rolled back, and those issues should be resolved.


8/15 Update: The server-side hotfix update that was originally scheduled for 8/11 has now been deployed to all regions.

We will continue to update this post as we get more information.

2022-06-28 to 2022-07-15 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hello everyone,

Please follow this thread for information about known issues with Patch 23.6, which launched earlier today.

The Darkmoon Prize, Repeat Customer, has been temporarily disabled in Battlegrounds due to a bug.

[6/28, Resolved] A very small number of players incorrectly received a Golden Mercenary Portrait for Yogg-Saron, and/or Yogg-Saron as a Mercenary, after purchasing items that included a Random Legendary Portrait. A small hotfix was deployed to prevent this from happening further, however affected players will not lose the Mercenary or Portrait and will also receive a Random Legendary Portrait shortly after 24.0 goes live. (and Yogg-Saron will be available as a Mercenary soon!)

[7/7, Added] The team is aware that the “We DID Start the Fire” Achievement is not progressing.

[7/7, Added] Prince Renathal has been banned from the ongoing All-Star Squad Tavern Brawl. Players who already built Prince Renathal decks will need to build new decks in order to queue.

[7/15, Resolved] The team is tracking reports that a small number of players are not able to launch the game after the 23.6.2 update, or missing visuals in it. These issues impacted mostly Mac users and/or players with older devices. Some affected players reported that changing their quality settings to “low” was an effective workaround. The 7/15 Client Hotfix should resolve this issue for affected players.

[7/14 Added] Nozdormu day is back! But there are reports that the text of the daily quest is not appearing for all players. If you receive a “blank” daily, it’s Nozdormu in disguise! The quest can be completed normally: Play 3 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck. Have fun out there, Nozdormu fans.


[7/11 Update] Patch 23.6.2 will go live across the various platforms over the next few days. This patch is dedicated to deploying a behind-the-scenes update to the client that may lead to some immediate general performance improvements and will facilitate future improvements. There should be no notable player-facing changes in this patch. ~~

[7/14 Update] The team is in the process of releasing a hotfix client update that will fix an issue where a small number of players–mostly Mac users and/or players with older devices–were unable to open the client or were missing visuals after the 7/11 Update. Update to update: following reports that this fix caused issues for a different set of players, this fix has been temporarily rolled back while the issue is investigated. ~~

[7/15 Update] The team has addressed the issues with the 7/14 Update listed above and is now re-releasing the update to desktop clients.

2022-06-01 to 2022-06-13 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hello all,

Follow this thread for information about known issues with Patch 23.4, launching today.

Patch 23.4 will be launching with the following known issues:

Reno Jackson’s Treasure Inspector Equipment in Mercenaries will occasionally fail to cast anything. The team is working on this issue. Opening certain Wild-only packs will cause a crash on Android devices. This issue is expected to be fixed in the next major patch. In the meantime, those packs can be opened without any issue on PC and iOS devices. [Resolved 6/2]: Favorite card back selections are not locking. As this issue is wider in scope than initially thought, the team is working on resolving this issue in an upcoming hotfix patch. [Carried over from 23.2 Known Issues post 79]: The team is aware of reports of deck codes/decklists not saving or being inconsistent across devices. This appears to be related to the issue where players receive an “error while starting your game.” As a workaround for that error, delete the deck you are trying to queue with and rebuild it. Post-launch issues:

[Resolved 6/1]: We are aware that Tyrael was a little late to show up, but he’s made it now. You can now claim you free Tyrael Mercenary Card in the shop! [Resolved 6/1]: The team is aware that some players got Tyrael portraits as their free Tyrael claim instead of the base Tyrael Mercenary card. The bug causing this issue has been resolved. [Resolved 6/1, Updated 6/3]: We are aware that an additional copy of Remote-Controlled Golem has been added to the collection. It is part of solo content and was not supposed to be made collectible. 6/3 Update: Players who got copies of this extra version of Remote-Controlled Golem cards have now had those extra versions removed and full dust value awarded for them. [Resolved 6/2]: The team is aware that the Mercenaries Campaign Task “Whispers of the Old Gods: Task 4” can’t be completed as written. It currently is tied to the Captain Shivers Bounty, instead of the Acolyte of N’Zoth Bounty. This will be fixed in a hotfix planned for later this week, but in the meantime you can progress by heading to Captain Shivers. Update: After the 6/2 Hotfix goes live, this workaround will no longer be applicable and the Task will only be able to be completed as written. [Resolved 6/2]: The team is aware that the Thrall, Son of Durotan skin is missing from some players’ collections. [Resolved 6/2]: The team is aware that Bioluminescence and Snapdragon are not working as intended. They will be fixed in a hotfix patch scheduled for later this week. [Added 6/1]: The team is aware of a visual bug with Baine Bloodhoof’s Herbal Ancestry Equipment (Chain Heal will state it will heal 20, but it will actually heal for the correct amount based on that Ability and Equipment level). [Resolved 6/9]: The team is aware of a bug with Lord Barov and Diablo. To avoid the issue, Lord Barov will be temporarily disabled while Diablo is back in Battlegrounds. [Resolved 6/9]: The team is aware that Shattershambler is not working as intended. It will be fixed in an upcoming update. [Resolved 6/3]: The team is aware of a small number of accounts seeing “Playful Sprites” error messages when trying to login. This will be fixed in the next available update. [Added 6/14] The team is aware that the Mercenaries Y’Shaarj Event Task 10, Visions of Conquest, reads that it requires 150 damage, but it actually requires 200 damage. This will not be corrected prior to the event ending, we apologize for the confusion. [Added 6/14] The team is aware that Nozdormu Day special daily quests are not going out with the June 15 reset. Nozdormu seems to have… lost track of time. We expect him to be back as scheduled next month. [Added 6/15] The team is aware of various Mercenaries issues, including the following, and is working on solutions to them: General performance issues, particularly in crafting and switching between menus. Friendly Speed ties sometimes not resolving in the intended order. Maestra’s Dirty Tricks is missing the Shadow spell school. Maestra can sometimes swap with a Merc that is already dead, leaving a dead Merc on your bench. Maestra can also sometimes swap with a minion, which is then trapped on the bench forever. Baine Bloodhoof’s Earthmother’s Fury’s Deathblow effect does not currently trigger. Reno Jackson’s Dazzlin’ Flexin’ is missing its Arcane spell school. Queen Azshara’s Mage Paramount gives your characters resistance, instead of just herself. Brann Bronzebeard’s Summit Campfire’s effect does not match its text. Lorewalker Cho’s Knowledge Ability spawns Hozen of smaller stats than stated. Maiev’s Imprison sometimes does not work in the Fighting Pit. Jaina’s Ice Block Talisman will trigger even if she has a Divine Shield that would block the damage. Issues with Stealth removal if all enemies have Stealth. ~~

6/2 Update:

We are currently in the process of deploying hotfix patch 23.4.1, a server-side hotfix, that will include the following updates:

Fixes bugs with Bioluminescence and Snapdragon not working as written. Adds Colossal minions into the random pool for certain cards that generated options from a random pool, such as Elise Starseeker’s Golden Monkey. Fixes the bug where the Mercenaries story task, “Whispers of the Old Gods: Task 4” had completion criteria that didn’t match its text. Fixes a bug causing favorite card back selections to not display. ~~

6/3 Update:

We are currently in the process of deploying a small hotfix that will fix an issue where a limited number of players were unable to login due to “Playful Sprites.”


6/9 Update:

The team is currently in the process of rolling out Patch 23.4.2, a server-side hotfix that addresses some of the known issues listed above. Find the details of that patch HERE 380.


6/13 Update:

We released a hotfix today that fixes the issue blocking the Y’Shaarj Mercenaries Event Task 9 from being completed. That hotfix is now live for all new games played in all regions.

We will update this thread throughout the patch period as we have more information to share.

2022-05-10 to 2022-05-25 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hello all,

Follow this thread for information about known issues in Patch 23.2, launching today.

Patch 23.2 will be launching with the following known issues:

[Resolved 5/19]: When viewing the normal (non-golden) version of a card when you have 1 normal and 1 golden, the Create/Upgrade message will ask if you want to “Create a new golden or Upgrade a normal?” That “Create” button will actually create a normal version, matching the Dust cost indicated. The text will be corrected in a future patch. In the meantime, the players can use the existing “Undo” function if they accidentally craft a different card or card version than intended. [Resolved 5/13]: The Mercenaries N’Zoth event timer will show that the new event “ends in 1 hr.” That is not correct and will be updated after the launch. The N’Zoth event will be available until Patch 23.4. The mobile patch launch will be delayed while the team works on the issues discovered with the desktop launch. Post-launch issues:

[Resolved 5/11]: The team is aware that some players are unable to login after the patch and being told they need to update. The team is working on a solution that they expect to implement soon. In the meantime, some players are reporting that they resolved the issue themselves by reinstalling the game client or repeatedly attempting to login. [Resolved 5/10]: The team is tracking reports of players getting locked out when trying to complete the new Mercenaries Bounties. The team will be temporarily disabling the Darkshore zone while this issue is resolved. [Resolved 5/13]: The team is investigating reports of Call of the Grave’s second effect not activating after the patch. [Resolved 5/10]: The team is aware that Deck of Lunacy, Cheesemonger, Enchanted Cauldron, and a few other cards/effects that use the same tech are not functioning after the patch. The team is working on a solution. [Resolved 5/13]: The team is investigating reports of players unable to enter certain Bounties (such as the Mi’da Bounty as part of the N’Zoth event). It appears that this error happens when the Bounty was unlocked by defeating on the previous Bounty (or Bounties) only on Heroic. While the team works on a permanent solution, a workaround to this issue is to go back and defeat the preceding Bounty (or Bounties) on Normal and then return to the one you are unable to access. [Added 5/11]: The team is aware that the frame rate dropdown can’t be fully utilized on some mobile devices. [Resolved 5/19]: The team is aware that some Rexxar Mercenaries Portraits appear to have feigned death. The team is working on a fix for players who lost access to those Portraits to get them back. Any players who lost Rexxar Portraits from this bug and then received those same Portraits again before the bug is fixed will get awarded a different Rexxar Portrait with the bug fix (or, if all Rexxar Portraits are owned, Rexxar Coins). [Partially Resolved 5/19]: The team is investigating reports that some cards/effects are still causing disconnects after the patch. Update: The team added a mitigation step with Patch 23.2.2 and is working on a permanent solution. [Partially Resolved 5/20]: The team is investigating reports that Battlegrounds Ratings are not progressing as expected when playing in a lobby with friends. Update: The team has pushed out an update that will avoid this issue if the party leader for your lobby is playing on desktop. The fix for if the party leader playing on mobile will be included in the next major patch. [Resolved 5/13]: The team is aware that a small number of players are getting “Playful Sprites” when trying to login in 23.2 if they had the Random Card Back equipped prior to the patch. The team has identified the cause of that issue and is working on a resolution for a hotfix planned to come soon. [Resolved 5/13]: The team is aware that the Mercenaries N’Zoth Event Task 6 is not progressing properly. The team has identified the cause of that issue and is working on a resolution for a hotfix planned to come soon. [Added 5/17]: The team is aware that the Send Deck Codes in Chat feature does not work on mobile devices. The team is investigating the issue. [Added 5/17]: The team is aware that Frozen Mammoth is still able to be drafted by some Arena classes. The team is investigating the issue. [Updated 5/31]: The team is investigating reports of deck codes/decklists not saving or being inconsistent across devices. Update: This appears to be related to the issue where players receive an “error while starting your game.” As a workaround for that error, delete the deck you are trying to queue with and rebuild it. ~~

5/10 Update: The team is currently in the process of launching a server-side emergency hotfix that will include the following fixes:

Fixes a bug that caused Mercenaries crashes in the Darkshore zone. The Darkshore zone should now also be unblocked. Players who were already stuck in the Darkshore zone may need to retire their Bounty before they can continue. Fixes a bug that was causing players to receive several notifications for Mercenary unlocks they already had. Fixes the bug that broke Deck of Lunacy, Cheesemonger, Enchanted Cauldron, and cards with those similar effects. The hotfix is expected to take a few hours to be distributed to all regions, but should update automatically when it hits your server. Separately, the team is still actively working on the Call of the Grave bug and the bug that is blocking some players from logging in.


5/11 Update: The team has just released an update patch for desktop. The patch fixes the bug blocking some players from logging in because of an “account update.” The patch also fixes a bug that prevented privacy settings from saving across devices.

The update patch will be made available to mobile devices as it is approved on those mobile storefronts.


5/13 Update: Patch 23.2.1 was released as a server-side hotfix. It included bug fixes and Arena adjustments. See the dedicated post 300 for more details.


5/25 Update:

We are releasing a server-side hotfix tomorrow that addresses some server-side issues and also includes the following changes to Battlegrounds:

The minion Stormscale Siren will be removed from the minion pool.

The minion Warden of Old will be returned to the minion pool at Tier 3 (now with the Naga minion type).

Dev Comment: The combination of Stormscale Siren and Tidemistress Athissa resulted in Naga warbands that scaled too large, too quickly. We’ll be playtesting changes to Stormscale Siren internally, in hopes that we can find a version that we’d be happy returning to the minion pool in a future patch.

We will continue to update this post as we have more information to share.

2022-04-05 to 2022-04-21 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey all,

Patch 23.0 is a big one, bringing with it the new Voyage to the Sunken City expansion, the Core Set update, and the next Hearthstone Year! There’s a lot going on, so follow this post for information about known issues in Patch 23.0.


Patch 23.0 will be shipping with a few known issues:

[Resolved 4/6]: The Sunken City Warlock collection achievement will be based off the wrong set’s cards at launch, so it might show progression (or even completion) before the expansion even launches. This will not impact the collection achievements that give diamond/coin rewards, as those are tracked in a different way. This will be resolved via hotfix shortly after the patch goes live.

Three cards being added to the Core set in this year’s update (Bronze Explorer, Darius Crowley, and Wrathscale Naga) will show in your collection at the when Patch 23.0 goes live (April 5), instead of at the Core Set update (April 12). This is a visual-only bug. Those cards will not be playable as part of the Core until all the Core updates are live.

The graphic on the Mercenaries daily Fighting Pit rewards chest will be a bit more colorful than intended. This will be corrected in a future update.

[Added 4/7]: Players affected by the blank celebration image after completing all Book of Mercenaries content (a bug in Patch 22.6) have now been awarded the intended Golden Standard Pack. The underlying issue was resolved in Patch 23.0, so going forward players will be awarded the Pack upon completing all the content.


Post-launch issues:

[Resolved 4/5]: The team is aware that completing the Mi’da Bounty in Patch 23.0 caused a crash that locked players out of the Mercenaries Game Mode. The team temporarily disabled the Bounty while that issue was resolved. The team is in the process of rolling out an emergency hotfix that will fix the issue and turn the Mi’da Bounty back on. [Resolved 4/8]: The team is aware that the Diamond Loatheb card—a reward for owning a complete Curse of Naxxramas collection—is not claimable by players who already owned the entire Curse of Naxxramas set prior to this patch going live. The team is working on resolving this issue. [Added 4/5]: The team is aware that the conversion from the Honor Track to an Achievement gave players a celebration for each phase of the Honor Track they had already completed during the battle for Alterac Valley. This is a visual-only bug. [Resolved 4/8]: The team is aware that Kurtrus, Demon-Render (the hero card) is scaling the summoned demons incorrectly. A fix to this bug is expected in a hotfix planned for later this week. [Resolved 4/12]: Some players reported getting stuck on the “expansion now live” pop-up. For players stuck in that screen, restarting the client (sometimes a few times) will get them un-stuck. The team has disabled the pop-up to avoid further issues. [Resolved 4/12]: Players in certain regions reported that their shops did not update with the new products (including, notably, the Voyage to the Sunken City packs). Those stores have since restarted and the products are now live for all regions. [Added 4/12]: The team is investigating reports of players getting stuck after purchasing the Tavern Pass. [Resolved 4/14]: The team is investigating reports that Classic decks were converted to Wild upon the Standard Wild rotation. [Resolved 4/14]: The team is aware that Murky’s Mercenaries Tasks are not following the new system of automatically rolling from one to the next. This should be fixed in an upcoming hotfix. [Added 4/12]: The team is aware that the “are you sure” pop-up when disenchanting cards so that you have less than can be played in a deck is currently not functioning. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN DISENCHANTING YOUR CARDS TODAY. This issue will be resolved in a future patch. [Resolved 4/21]: The team is investigating reports that dual-class Duels decks created before Voyage to the Sunken City launched became invalidated after the launch. [Resolved 4/14]: The team is investigating reports of new Core cards missing from Duels and Arena. [Added 4/13]: The team is investigating reports of shop issues on Android devices. [Partially resolved 4/21]: The team is investigating reports that Lokholar is not being granted in the New and Returning Player Decks that include it (Paladin and Warlock). [Added 4/18]: The team is aware that Lady S’Theno is incorrectly counting Health + Armor when deciding which is the lowest Health enemy to attack. [Added 4/18]: The team is aware of certain cards causing disconnects. This issue will be resolved in an upcoming patch. [Added 4/18]: The team is aware that some players are seeing their Mercenaries’ Team Portraits appear to revert to the base Portraits outside of combat. This is a visual-only bug that will be resolved in a future patch. In the meantime, you can ignore that Portrait reversion and the Portraits will appear correctly in combat. [Added 4/27]: The team is aware that the Duels Treasure “Academic Research” has no effect after the most recent patch. [Added 4/27]: The team is aware that “Bazaar Bob” can appear during Duels runs. The team is investigating this bug. ~~

4/8 Update: Today we released a hotfix patch (Patch 23.0.1) with bug fixes and balance changes Standard, Battlegrounds, and Duels. You can find the details of that patch on its own dedicated post, here 169.


4/14 Update: Today we released a hotfix patch (Patch 23.0.2) to address some bugs after the launch of Voyage to the Sunken City. You can find the details of that patch on its own dedicated post, here 194.


4/21 Update: We’re currently in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix with the following updates:

Fixes the bug that prevented Lokholar from being granted in new/returning player decks. Players who already claimed new/returning player decks that were supposed to include Lokholar, and have not already earned Lokholar, will have the card added to their collections in a future update. Fixes a bug that allowed Barbed Nets to trigger two ticks of the Hunter Questline under certain circumstances. Fixes a bug where Multi-Strike would prevent a player from attacking the enemy hero with Kurtrus, Demon-Render. Fixes a bug causing certain Duels players to get stuck when trying to enter the mode. Bans Golakka Glutton from Arena deckbuilding. We will continue to track Patch 23.0 and update this post when we have new information to share.

2022-03-18 to 2022-03-30 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

[Resolved 3/18]: There was an issue with the 22.6 mobile client that required the patch to be re-submitted to the mobile marketplaces, causing delays. The patch is now available on all marketplaces.

3/21 Update: We are currently in the process of rolling out an emergency hotfix patch for desktop devices. The mobile update has to be submitted to mobile storefronts, so it will come within the next few days. Because they are still on the same major version, the is NO risk that updating your desktop device will lock you out of your mobile devices—these issues will simply not be resolved on mobile until the mobile patch is available on those storefronts.

The following updates are in this patch:

Resolved the issue where the shop was closed for certain non-English locales.

Resolved issues with the Achievement tracking, causing phantom Achievement notifications and an incorrect Achievement completion percentage.

Resolved an issue that blocked Hero Skins and Card Backs from being craftable with Gold (reminder: by design, not all Hero Skins and Card Backs are craftable with Gold).

Fixed a visual bug that made it appear as though players could craft cards when they didn’t have enough dust to do so.


3/30 Update: We are currently in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix with the following:

Adjusted several Battlegrounds Armor Tiers

Cookie the Cook and Nozdormu were moved to Armor Tier 1 (0 Armor)

Shudderwock was moved to Armor Tier 3 (3-6 Armor)

Elise Starseeker and Onyxia were moved to Armor Tier 4 (4-7 Armor)

Bru’kan, Kael’thas Sunstrider, Kurtrus Ashfallen, Rakanishu, and Rokara were moved to Armor Tier 5 (5-8 Armor)

Edwin Vancleef, Galewing, Greybough, and The Rat King were moved to Armor Tier 6 (6-9 Armor)

Illidan Stormrage and Vanndar Stormpike were moved to Armor Tier 7 (7-10 Armor)

Tad will now only be able to generate minions still in the available minion pool.

Fixed a bug where completing the Heroic Smolderwing Bounty, but not the normal version of the Bounty, would not progress you to the next Bounty within Onyxia’s Lair.

Fixed a bug where Yu’lon’s Jade Gust did not deal bonus damage if the enemy used certain Attack Abilities.

Fixed a bug where Nefarian’s Chromatic Infusion gained the wrong amount of Health when stealing more Attack than the target had.

2022-02-15 to 2022-02-24 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

[Resolved 2/15] The team is looking into reports that Kazakusan is not working as intended. Early reports seem to show that the card is working as intended in Standard, but is having issues in Duels (and maybe in Arena). There appear to have been two related issues with Kazakusan in Duels. We are in the process of deploying a hotfix that should resolve both those issues.

[Resolved 2/15] The team is aware that Rogue and Demon Hunter Mini-Set achievements are not showing with Patch 22.4. The issue has been identified and the achievements are expected to be added into the game in the next major patch (Patch 22.6).

2/17 Update: Last night, we implemented a temporary fix to the issue of various Quests not tracking as intended. Last night’s temporary fix appears to have worked without further issues, so we are incorporating a permanent solution. We are currently in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix that addresses the following issues:

Fixes bug causing Quests and Honor Track to not progress. Fixes a bug that allowed players to “Golden” their hero in Battlegrounds, resulting in a doubling of their Health. Mitigates miscellaneous crashes. ~~

2/18 Update: We are in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix with the following Battlegrounds changes:

Establishes a rule that Tickatus can only get one Ice Block per game, like Akazamzarak. Correction: Tickatus can now no longer get multiple copies of Ice Block from additional “Big Winner!” cards. He can still get up to one Ice Block from his normal Prize turns and up to one Ice Block from “Big Winner!”, for a total of up to two Ice Blocks per game.

Makes it so that Ticket Collector (Tickatus’s Buddy) can no longer Discover the “Raise the Stakes” Prize (which was being used to return the Ticket Collector to your hand in order to get more Prizes, especially with Brann).

Fixes a bug where Golden Eclipsion Illidari (Illidan’s Buddy) did not give “Immune while Attacking” to your second minion to attack.


2/24 Update: We are in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix with the following changes:

Fixes a bug with two of the special Chi-Ji Event Tasks (Tasks 4 and 8) that caused them to not count when completed if the player selected certain non-fight nodes during the Bounty.

Fixes a bug where Pearl of Yu’lon wouldn’t affect friendly dragons that had less Health than the bonus Health they’d gained during the fight.

Fixes a bug causing Saidan the Scarlet to not gain double-buffs in hand until a buff was played on him while on the board.

2022-03-21 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hello all,

We wanted to let you know that the Friend of a Friend minion is being removed from Battlegrounds in an upcoming hotfix patch, currently scheduled for Wednesday.

A note from the Developers about this change:

Friend of a Friend led to drastic power spikes when combined with Brann, and drove play patterns requiring an extremely high number of actions per turn. While we think there is room in the game for these types of strategies, in this case it proved too pervasive and game-warping for the overall health of the game.

We know that some players have really enjoyed Friend of a Friend. Looking forward, we think it’s important to continue to push the boundaries of the game and explore what we can bring into it, but we also think it’s important to try to respond quickly when we’ve pushed too far. Keep an eye out for exciting updates as we continue to explore and fine-tune Battlegrounds to make it the best game mode it can be!

2022-01-25 to 2022-02-09 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

1/25 Update: The team is smoothing out a few launch issues, so the 22.2 mobile release has been slightly delayed. We know how excited our mobile players are, so we’re trying to get the release out as soon as possible.

1/25 Update 2: The mobile patch has started rolling out on storefronts and should be available on all devices soon.

1/25 Update 3: Patch 22.2 is now available in the Google Play store. You may need to use the workaround listed above to make the update show up. The patch is now available on all devices.

1/25 Hotfixes: We rolled out a small hotfix earlier today resolved the Heavy Armor bug mentioned above. We are now in the process of rolling out another hotfix that 1) fixes the Mysterious Stranger bug mentioned above; and 2) partially resolves the Guff Questline bug mentioned above. The Guff-Questline fix in this hotfix will fix the bug in Ranked Standard only. We are planning another hotfix to fix the bug in all other modes and formats; we are hoping to release that hotfix tomorrow.


1/26 Hotfix: We are in the process of rolling out a hotfix that will: 1) correct some Duels spells that were improperly treated like Battlecry effects; 2) prevent an interaction that caused some game crashes in Battlegrounds; and 3) will complete the Guff-Questline bug fix that was partially hotfixed yesterday. These three fixes are further documented above. In this hotfix, we will also move the Duels Treasure Shadowcasting 101 from Pool 1 to Pool 2 Ultra Rare.


1/27 Hotfix: We are in the process of rolling out a hotfix that will: 1) allow players who placed a Merc they don’t own in the Training Grounds to exit to the main menu or restart their client in order to reset the Training Grounds; and 2) re-instate the full Dust refund period for eligible cards that were changed in Patch 22.2. Please confirm dust values before disenchanting any cards, to make sure that the hotfix has been rolled out in your region.

Earlier today, in a separate update, we also addressed the missing 1000-win Portraits. That update should be completing soon.


2/1 Hotfix: we are in the process of rolling out a hotfix. That includes both game updates and balance changes for Battlegrounds and Duels. You can read the details of the hotfix here. 89


2/2 Update: We have awarded Arcane Dust refunds to anybody who disenchanted any cards that should have been eligible for dust refunds during the brief period on January 27 when that refund period was unintentionally cut short.


2/8 Update: We’ve just released Patch 22.2.2 32. This Patch includes a few bug fixes, but it is primarily a scheduled balance Patch for the new content that was added in Patch 22.2. Earlier this morning, we rolled out a refund for a small number of players who received a regular Lok’holar prior to claiming the Lok’holar on the rewards track.

We are also aware that the the Alterac Valley event rewards have ended prematurely for people who have not yet completed their Honor Track. We are investigating the issue at this time.


2/9 Update: We’re in the process of rolling out a hotfix that will turn the Honor Track back on for players who haven’t yet completed it. Players are expected to pick right back up where they were before it ended early. This hotfix also includes a bug fix that will stop Battle Tactics (Vanndar’s Hero Power in Duels) from improperly being able to reduce the cost of Neutral Spells as well as minions.

2021-12-01 to 2022-01-07 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums


12/1 Update: We are in the process of rolling out a hotfix that includes the following updates:

Begins the Battle for Alterac Valley Event! Adds Goblins versus Gnomes to Duels card buckets Fixes the Lady Anacondra/Celestial Alignment bug Fixes the Glacial Downpour bug Includes a mitigation for the Mercenaries Anointed Blades disconnect bug The team is continuing to investigate and work on the other issues mentioned in this post.


12/6 Update: We are in the process of rolling out a client hotfix (meaning a new download for your device) that includes the following updates:

Updates the win/loss Arena and Duels U.I. so that players can again see their records during the Battle for Alterac Valley Honor event. Removes the “Temp” image echo in claiming Alterac Valley packs; also adjusts particles behind the packs on the ranked rewards screen. Adds a temporary solution to a bug that sometimes caused crashes when Zephrys was played. The temporary solution involves turning off some of Zephrys’s animations. We will continue to explore more permanent solutions and turn the animations back on once it is safe. This hotfix is rolling out similar to a patch release cadence (we just released on PC, mobile is planned for approximately 1 p.m. Pacific).

For Google Play users who are having trouble seeing the hotfix, we have a suggested workaround: go to Google Play → open your profile icon in the top right → open “Manage apps & device” → select “Updates available” → select “Update All.”

Separately, we are also working on a server hotfix (no new download), with the target of releasing it later today; more details to come once it is ready.


12/6 Update 2: We are in the process of rolling out the server-side hotfix mentioned above. It includes the following updates:

Fixes bugs with Southsea Captain, Murloc Warleader, Scabbs Cutterbutter, and Ysiel Windsinger priority levels. Specifically, Southsea Captain and Murloc Warleader will now properly still apply their buffs after a card like Wave of Apathy reduces the attacks of your minions. Scabbs will now combine with Tenwu of the Red Smoke to make the bounced minion cost (0). Ysiel will now override cards like Celestial Ink Set. Fixes a bug causing Dr. Boom, Mad Genius to crash the game for both players. Speeds up Cheaty Snowbold’s animation speeds for launch. Fixes a bug that showed some Mercenaries as having available tasks beyond Task 18. ~

12/8 Update: We are currently rolling out a hotfix that addresses the bug causing Mercenaries XP gains to be reduced. The hotfix also provides support to fix a recent issue that caused leaderboards to stop updating.


12/10 Update: We are in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix that includes the following updates: • Fixes a bug with Pathmaker’s effect display in match history tiles. • Fixes a bug where Pride Seeker’s effect did not persist after Celestial Alignment. • Fixes a bug where Snowfall Graveyard was causing slow downs or crashes if active while certain animations are triggered. • Fixes a bug where Maestra of the Masquerade doubled your Armor when you reveal yourself. • Fixes a bug where Iceblood Tower could allow for the player to make a Discover choice at the end of their turn. The selection will now be automatic and random. • Fixes a bug where Bloodsworn Mercenary caused crashes. • Fixes a bug where the Alterac Valley game board was not appearing in games. • Fixes a bug where Vanndar and Drek’Thar weren’t counting towards “Collect Legendary Alterac Valley” achievements. • Resumes Korrak’s full refund period that was unintentionally cut short. The refund period will continue until December 18. • Adjusts how Mercenaries ratings are calculated to generally award more rating for a win, but not lose more rating for a loss. The intent of this change is to make it so that more players can aspire to reach the top rating level (currently 12,000). We will continue to monitor ratings and make any further adjustments necessary in future updates. • Adjusts Mercenaries product logic for “random Mercenary”-type products. Previously, if you bought a product of this type while already owning all Mercenaries within that category (such as “Random Epic Mercenary” product when you already had all Epic Mercenaries), you would receive Coins for a random selection from that category. Now, in those situations you will first receive a random missing Portrait from a Mercenary within that category and will only receive Coins if you also have all Portraits for all Mercenaries within that category. • Increases Sky Admiral Rogers’s Firing Position damage (at Rank 5, damage increased from 20 to 25). • Fixes a bug in Mercenaries where Mr. Smite’s Sharpened Scabbard was adding damage while Mr. Smite was on the bench. • Fixes a bug in Mercenaries where Vanessa VanCleef’s Sifting Sachels would sometimes fail to add a Cooldown for what it copies. • Fixes a bug in Mercenaries where Valeera would sometimes not receive her Speed buff while she has Stealth. • Fixes a bug causing crashes in Mercenaries Fighting Pit games versus A.I. opponents. • Fixes a bug where products that offer random Mercenaries Portraits would give Mercenary Coins instead of a Portrait if the Portrait randomly awarded would have been the last missing Portrait for that particular Mercenary.

On another note, the team has decided to extend the start-of-rewards-track refund logic to also apply to Vanndar and Drek’Thar. Although these cards do not meet the circumstances we normally use to apply refund logic, we have heard your feedback that an exception in this instance will make for a better play experience for many players. The decision to add this refund logic was finalized after this hotfix was put together, so the refund period has not been enabled yet. We will update our messaging once that refund period has started. After that refund period goes live, players who already disenchanted Drek’Thar or Vanndar will automatically receive additional dust to make up for not receiving full value.

~ 12/20 Update:

Today, Patch 22.0.2 went live on all devices. The patch notes can be found here 13. With that patch, the full dust refunds are now live. However, we also noted that the dust awards for people who already dusted the normal versions of Drek’Thar or Vanndar were expected to go out today. They are now anticipated to go out tomorrow, instead.

We would also like to share an apparent workaround for people still having issues with Maestra: go into your collection and mark a portrait as “favorite” for each of your classes. Players are reporting that has stopped their issues with Maestra sometimes still appearing as a Rogue.


12/21 Update:

The refunds for people who disenchanted their regular Drek’Thar or Vanndar prior to the refund period have now been distributed. For everyone else, the full refund value is now live, as of yesterday’s patch.


1/3 Update:

Hello and happy new year, all! Over the break, we discovered an issue with the December 21 disbursement of dust refunds for people who dusted Vanndar before the dust refund period (Drek’Thar appears to have worked fine). That issue has now been resolved and those people have now gotten the disbursements that we meant to send them in December.


1/7 Update:

We are currently in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix to all regions that includes the following:

Fixes a bug that caused Maestra to not turn into another class if you did not have a favorited hero skin for that class (resulting in the Rogue being disguised as… a Rogue). Fixes timings so that a Shadowcrafter Scabbs that gets a Coldarra Drake can no longer skip the enemy turn by repeatedly using their hero power. Closes an exploit that players with hacked accounts were using to cheat in Mercenaries PvP. Fixes a bug that allowed players to get uncraftable golden cards from various random drops. Compensation for players who received these unintended uncraftable cards will be provided at a later time. Separately, we recently provided compensation for: players who purchased a Valeera Mercenaries bundle that was temporarily mistranslated in Russian and Chinese languages; and a small number of players who received Vanessa VanCleef Portraits through “random” products, instead of the rewards track as intended.

We will update this post when we have more information.

2021-11-18 to 2021-11-20 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

11/19 Update: We are in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix that includes the following updates:

Fixes a bug that caused Aranna to lose her Battlegrounds Armor when she transforms. Fixes a bug that caused Rush minions in Mercenaries to be able to attack again if their position shifts. Fixes a bug that prevented Mind Thief from triggering Combo effects. Reduces the Mercenaries turn limit to 30 Turns (Fighting Pit only). This is a temporary fix to address “stalemate” situations in the mode while a larger fix is being worked on for a future update. Loosens Mercenaries matchmaking rules for extremely high-end players. Update: The Mercenaries turn limit was reduced to 30 turns, not 25 turns as initially stated here. 11/19 Update 2: The team is aware of a bug causing crashes when starting Battlegrounds games. The team has isolated the issue and is working on solutions.

11/19 Update 3:

We have now reverted the bug fix to Aranna’s armor in Battlegrounds (so Aranna’s armor is bugged again), because it introduced the Battlegrounds crashes mentioned above. We will work on a better solution to the Aranna bug that we can safely implement at a later time. Separately, we are aware of an issue where players on Android devices who update those devices are then unable to play. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE VOLUNTARY UPDATE OFFERED RIGHT NOW OR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED FROM PLAYING ON THAT DEVICE UNTIL WE FIX THIS ISSUE. We are investigating that issue and the solution to it for people who were already affected. ~

11/20 Update:

TO ALL ANDROID PLAYERS AFFECTED BY THE ABOVE ISSUE: We have resolved the issue with the bad update that was blocking Android devices. Affected users will need to install a new update to correct the issue. If the latest update is not showing, we have a suggested workaround: go to Google Play → open your profile icon in the top right → open “Manage apps & device” → select “Updates available” → select “Update All.” We believe that should cause the update to appear on your devices. Once you have updated, you should be able to play again without issue.

2021-11-02 to 2021-11-09 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

11/3 Update: We are in the process of deploying a hotfix that includes the following changes:

[Partially Resolved 11/3][Mercenaries]: Fixed a bug causing Sneed to show the wrong crafting cost. Update: Sneed is craftable for the correct cost of an Epic (300 coins), but the client is still displaying the wrong crafting cost. This will be corrected in our next major patch. [Duels] Fixed a bug that players were exploiting to repeatedly gain unearned Tavern Tickets. Retroactive actions will be taken in the future to address people who already gained unearned Tavern Tickets. [Duels] Updated the Ever-Changing Elixir Treasure to now correctly transform a minion into one that costs (2) more, instead of just (1) more. [Duels] Updated the Hagatha’s Embrace Treasure to properly give two minions +1/+1 instead of just targeting one minion. [Duels] Fixed a bug with the Dragonblood Treasure that allowed the buff to sometimes improperly fall on non-minions. [Duels] Updated the spells created by Jerry Rig Carpenter hitting Warden’s Insight to each cost (3) instead of (0). We have plans for further updates in the near future.

~ 11/4 Update: We’re in the process of deploying a hotfix that includes the following changes:

Fixed the issue involving the Farewell and Good Night Quest mentioned above. [Battlegrounds] Updated Diablo’s Lord of Terror minion base stats from 3/3 → 5/5. [Mercenaries] Fixed the issue where players could become stuck on certain Vol’jin task levels mentioned above. Impacted players will be compensated with 100 Vol’jin coins in the coming days, and Vol’jin will be reenabled as a village visitor. Update: Vol’jin has been reenabled as a village visitor. [Mercenaries] Fixed an issue where Equipment Level 2 for Cookie’s Cooking wasn’t working as intended. [Mercenaries] Fixed an issue where the level 30 achievement for Mr. Smite and Captain Eudora were attributed to the wrong characters (Garrosh and Varian). [Mercenaries] Fixed an issue where the main campaign task chain would not progress or could be delayed in progressing. [Duels] Fixed an issue that could cause an error when ending a Duels run. Update: We’re aware that a small number of players are receiving an error message and being blocked from entering Duels. We’re investigating the source of this and are working to get these people unblocked as soon as possible. ~

11/9 Update: We have now finished deploying a hotfix that includes the following changes:

[Wild] Fixed a bug where Hidden Oasis pieces cost 0 after being split by Jerry Rig Carpenter. [Mercenaries] Adjusted matchmaking for players with very high MMR to be weighted more towards ratings instead of other matchmaking factors (such as Levels, Abilities, or Equipment). [Mercenaries] Queued Abilities will no longer still occur on the same turn that a Mercenary has been killed and reincarnated and/or resurrected. (Clarification, no Abilities will work in these circumstances, regardless of whether they target or not.) [Mercenaries] Fixed a bug causing Blinkfox’s Tenth Tail to always reduce Abilities to 0 Speed. Note: we are aware that there is another bug with Blinkfox—that the Mind Thief Ability copies the first Ability copied for two turns while Tenth Tail is equipped—that bug is not yet resolved and is scheduled for a later date. [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug causing desyncs in Diablo games, resulting in different players seeing different fight outcomes. [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented Diablo from receiving treasures if a player died on a Diablo turn. [Duels] Fixed a bug where Diablo’s Claws of Terror would not damage adjacent minions after Blightborn Tamsin was played. [Duels] Fixed a bug where Diablo’s Demonic Transformation would not add a demon to your hand when the cost of the discarded card was 0. Fixed a bug that caused Monstrous Parrot’s achievement, “Carrion, My Wayward Son” to not count certain Deathrattles. Fixed a bug that caused Dormant minions to not count towards the “Even Playing Field” achievement. Fixed bugs causing crashes. We will continue to update this post as we get more information

2021-09-02 to 2021-09-09 hotfixes[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

(Edited) We are deploying a server-side hotfix tonight to fix a rare bug that was blocking interactions with the middle of the screen. This hotfix will also resolve issues with the ‘Gift of Elune’ Mystery.

Tomorrow, we plan to deploy another hotfix to:

Add Deathwing back into the Battlegrounds Hero pool. Add Leapfrogger back into the Battlegrounds minion pool. Fix a visual bug that caused enemies to show the wrong tavern tier in Battlegrounds. Fix a bug that treated Razorgore, the Untamed’s effect as a separate buff for each Dragon you controlled, instead of one combined buff at the end of each turn. We will continue to monitor the issues to determine if any further steps are needed, and will update this post with any additional info.

9/1 UPDATE: Due to an unforeseen issue, Deathwing will not be reenabled tomorrow. Deathwing will return to Battlegrounds in our next patch.

9/2 UPDATE: The issue with adding Deathwing back to the hero pool has been resolved. Deathwing will be returning to the hero pool via hotfix today, as previously planned.

9/2 UPDATE #2: The hotfixes mentioned above went live as planned, but the issue preventing players from interacting with parts of the board was not completely resolved. We are continuing to investigate how to completely resolve the issue. Additionally, we have temporarily removed C’Thun from the Battlegrounds hero pool while we address an unintended interaction with C’Thun’s hero power. Finally, we are investigating an issue that is causing the August leaderboards to display rankings from September, instead of the accurate final rankings from August. We will continue to update as we have more information.

9/3 UPDATE: Our fix for Leapfrogger didn’t correct the issue entirely, so we’ve disabled the minion again until we’re able to reach a resolution. We’ll update here with more info on this later today.

9/3 UPDATE #2: We’ve fixed the core issue between C’Thun and Whelp Smuggler. C’Thun will be reenabled soon via server-side hotfix. For Whelp Smuggler, there is a small chance it won’t give a buff if multiple end-of-turn buffs from different sources trigger at the same time, but Whelp Smuggler will no longer grant extra buffs. We’re working on a more complete fix for Whelp Smuggler, which will likely go out in our next patch.

9/3 UPDATE #3: The issue with Leapfrogger has been fixed. Leapfrogger is planning to hop back into the Battlegrounds minion pool via hotfix this evening.

9/8 UPDATE: In Patch 21.2, we introduced a new system that made it so that new Battlegrounds Heroes would be guaranteed to be offered each game during their early access period (as long as anybody in that lobby had Battlegrounds Perks). The system was supposed to randomly split the offerings between all people in the lobby with early access, but we’re now aware of a bug that is making those offerings not random. We’re disabling the new system and going back to the old early access system for the rest of this early access period (ending September 14). We expect that the new system will be fixed and ready to use again in time for the next new Battlegrounds Hero/Heroes.

9/8 UPDATE #2: We’re working on an issue where chat settings are not being saved in the Hearthstone client. We’re expecting a fix for this to be included in our next patch.

9/9 UPDATE: We’re planning to deploy a server-side hotfix later today to address a bugged interaction between C’Thun and Maxima Blastenheimer. You will not need to download anything to receive this update.

2021-07-02 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re in the process of temporarily disabling Millhouse Manastorm in Battlegrounds due to an unforeseen issue. We’re expecting to get the issue fixed and have Millhouse Manastorm reenabled in an upcoming hotfix.

Separately, we’re aware of an issue causing some players who purchased solo adventures to be unable to access those adventures. We’re working to resolve that issue and will update here with more details on this next week.

Thanks for your understanding.

UPDATE: Millhouse Manastorm has been fixed and reenabled in Battlegrounds. Separately, the Solo Adventure bug has been fixed so that anyone who purchases will no longer encounter the issue. Any players who are locked out of a recently purchased Solo Adventure can contact customer service to gain access while we continue to work on a broader solution.

2021-06-18 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re in the process of deploying a small server-side hotfix that will update the appearance rate of cards in Arena to ensure class balance remains close to the ideal 50% win-rate. Specifically, the win-rate of Demon Hunter, Paladin, Shaman, and Warlock should now be decreased. The win-rate of Druid, Hunter, Mage, Priest, and Rogue should now be increased. The win-rate of Warrior should be roughly the same as before.

2021-05-19 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey all,

We’ve got one small Duels change going out in a hotfix this afternoon, moving Unlocked Potential from Treasure Pool #1 to Treasure Pool #2. This hotfix will take place on the server side, so you will not need to download anything if you’ve already updated to the 20.2.2 patch.

Dev Comment: We do not expect this change to completely eliminate the possibility of meta-defining synergies that may pop up in duels for the time being. However, we are unsatisfied with how deterministic the passive treasures system has become after the recent change to offer more synergistic treasures. We’ll continue to listen to your feedback, and have plans to further tune the passive treasures system to be less deterministic in the next major patch.

2021-04-02 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re planning to release a server patch (20.0.1) this coming Monday, April 5. The patch includes bug fixes and game improvements for constructed modes. We’ll update the thread here once this update has gone live:

Removed Pen Flinger from designer buckets in Duels. Removed Cannibalism Passive Treasure from Duels. Fixed a bug where Silverleaf Poison could cause attacking with Kingsbane to draw two cards instead of one. Fixed a bug where Power Word: Fortitude could only be used on friendly minions. Fixed a bug where Vanessa VanCleef would give the post-transformation version of a minion, such as the Kodo version of Druid of the Plains. Fixed a bug where Vectus would not summon Whelps unless a friendly Deathrattle minion had been destroyed earlier in the game. Fixed a bug where Kurtrus Ashfallen would only attack one time if the opponent only had one minion. Fixed a bug where Sparkjoy Cheat could cast two secrets from your hand. Fixed a bug where playing Grave Rune on an enemy minion and destroying it would summon two copies of the minion on your side of the board. Doing this will now summon two copies on the opponent’s side of the board. Fixed a bug where Windshear Stormcaller would not summon Al’Akir the Windlord if you had all 4 basic Totems in play. Fixed a bug where Totemic Call could still give the Wrath of Air Totem when playing with certain Shaman Hero skins. Fixed a bug where Ysera could take damage from the Dream card Ysera Awakens. Fixed a bug where South Coast Chieftain’s Battlecry could trigger if your opponent had a Murloc and you didn’t. Fixed a bug where Olgra, Mankrik’s Wife did not have a mana cost and would not work as intended when cast from hand. Fixed a bug where Scorch was dealing 1 less damage than intended. Fixed a bug where the Dream card, Dream, could not be cast on friendly minions in Classic. Fixed a bug where Pack Kodo would only offer Hunter Secrets and Weapons regardless of which class played the card. (NEW) Fixed a bug where Far Watch Post would trigger off of Secret Passage.

2021-04-01 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re in the process of deploying a server hotfix that will address the following:

A bug with the Everybunny Get in Here! Tavern Brawl where dyes, eggs, and hatchlings were not working as intended. A bug where the Duels Passive Treasure Mysterious Tome was not generating Secrets at the start of a match. This hotfix will take place on the server side, so you will not need to download anything if you’ve already updated to the 20.0 patch.

2021-03-03 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re planning to deploy a hotfix soon to address a bug where the Maiev Shadowsong Hero portrait would show up in Rogue class packs. You should be able to open Rogue packs again after the hotfix is live. This fix will take place on the server side, so you will not see a download.

UPDATE: The hotfix has been deployed and Rogue packs are now unlocked. We’re planning to distribute a full refund of 400 Arcane Dust later today for players who received the Maiev Hero from Rogue Packs, and 1600 Arcane Dust for players who received the Golden version.

2021-02-20 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone, happy BlizzConline!

We’re deploying a small hotfix today to address an issue with the Group Learning bucket in Duels not populating correctly. This update is server-side, meaning you won’t need to download anything.

See you in the Barrens soon!

2020-12-17 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re currently in the process of deploying a hotfix that includes the following:

Made several micro adjustments for card offering rates in Arena.

Dev Comment: Updated the appearance rate of cards to ensure class balance remains close to the ideal 50% win-rate. Specifically, the win-rate of Demon Hunter and Warlock should now be decreased. The win-rate of Druid, Hunter, Mage, Rogue, and Shaman should now be increased. The win-rate of Paladin, Priest, and Warrior should be roughly the same as before. Fixed a visual bug that persisted on the board after a Corrupted minion had been destroyed or otherwise removed. We’re still working on a fix for cards that transform, such as Bandersmosh and Molten Blade.

12/21 Update: We are now deploying a fix for the following cards that transform: Shifter Zerus, Bandersmosh, Molten Blade, Chameleos. Fixed a bug that caused unlocked Duels Hero Power and Signature Treasure choices to revert to default Hero Powers and Signature Treasures after they’d been selected.

12/16 Update: Players will be compensated with 150 Gold for every Heroic Duels run impacted by this bug between the launch of the 19.2 patch and this hotfix. Compensation for this is planned to go out within the next two days. This hotfix will take place on the server side, so you won’t need to download anything if you’ve already updated to the 19.2 patch.

2020-12-03 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re currently deploying a hotfix that includes the following:

Fixed an issue that caused certain players to have an entirely blank Quest Log, and never receive Daily or Weekly quests. Impacted players will be compensated for missed XP in the near future. Fixed a bug where Heroic Duels matches were not granting XP. Impacted players will have missing XP granted in the near future. Fixed a bug where Heroic Duels runs were failing to start. Impacted players will have missing Gold refunded in the near future. Fixed a bug where new players were not receiving the Silas Darkmoon Legendary. Fixed a bug where rewards were not being granted for completing Chapter 5 in Tombs of Terror. Fixed a bug where Whizbang the Wonderful was not using new deck recipes. Fixed a bug where Nazmani Bloodweaver would incorrectly target cards that already cost 0. Fixed a bug where 17 Madness at the Darkmoon Faire cards were not draftable in Arena. This hotfix will take place on the server side, so you will not need to download anything if you’ve already updated to patch 19.0.

2020-11-20 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re currently deploying a client hotfix that includes the following:

  • Updated items on the Rewards Track.
    • Level 33 – Old: Year of the Dragon Card Pack → New: 150 Gold
    • Level 37 – Old: Scholomance Academy Card Pack → New: 200 Gold
    • Level 40 – Old: Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Card Pack → New: 200 Gold
    • Level 42 – Old: Ashes of Outland Card Pack → New: 200 Gold
    • Level 46 – Old: Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Card Pack → New: 300 Gold
    • Level 48 – Old: Year of the Dragon Card Pack → New: 300 Gold

Until this hotfix is fully deployed, some players may get the new rewards but still see the old ones. If you reached these milestones before we implemented these changes, you’ll be retroactively compensated up to the level you reached in a future update.

2020-11-18[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re currently deploying a hotfix that includes the following –

Fixed a bug where Heroic Duels ratings were inaccurately set. Heroic Duels ratings have been reset to 0 for all players. Fixed a bug where Duels games were not contributing to class progress. Fixed a bug where some players were not receiving new Weekly Quests.

Duels Updates

Lunar Band has been removed from the Passive Treasure pool. From the Swamp moved from Passive pool 1 to pool 2 Band of Bees moved from Passive Treasure pool 2 to pool 2 Ultra Rare. Phaoris’ Blade moved from Active Treasure pool 1 to pool 2. Phaoris’ Blade mana adjusted from 4 to 5. Grimmer Patron moved from Active Treasures pool 1 to pool 2. Wax Rager moved from Active Treasures pool 2 to pool 2 Ultra Rare.

2020-11-13 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re planning to deploy a few hotfixes to address some of the issues introduced in the 19.0 patch. We’ll update this thread with changes after they’ve gone live.

We’ve disabled rating floors in Battlegrounds after identifying a critical bug. We’re aiming to bring rating floors back online in a future patch. Fixed a bug where Madness at the Darkmoon Faire cards were not appearing in Duels loot buckets. Fixed a bug where several older pack reward pop ups were being displayed on login related to Duels and Master of Everything. Fixed a bug that blocked some players from logging in if they had the Challenge a Friend or Spectate a Friend Quests. Fixed a bug where some players would have incompletable Quests with odd progress numbers on log in.

2020-09-17 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re currently deploying a hotfix that addresses the following:

  • Fixed a visual bug where armor totals would not update properly after playing Galakrond.[1]

This is a server-side fix, so you won’t need to download anything if you’ve already updated to 18.2.

2020-08-20 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re currently deploying a hotfix (18.0.3) that includes the following:

  •  Nozdormu can no longer be summoned from Dream Portals created by  Ysera, Unleashed.
  • Fixed a Battlegrounds bug where Nat Pagle, Extreme Angler could cause combat to have different outcomes from each player’s perspective.

These changes will take place on the server side, so you won’t need to download anything if you’ve already updated to 18.0.

2020-08-13 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’ve got a hotfix going out later today that includes significant changes to the Discover keyword and randomly generated cards:

  • Discover cards can no longer Discover themselves.
  • Cards that 'generate a random card' can no longer generate themselves.

Dev comment: Overall, this change is aimed at helping games feel a bit more varied. While generating the same card can be an exciting individual moment, these types of experiences tend to have diminishing returns after a while. These adjustments should make for healthier games against classes with a ton of resource generation.

The hotfix also includes the following:

  •  Mr. Bigglesworth is now available in Battlegrounds to all players.
  • Fixed a bug where the selected minion summoned by  Jandice Barov would not have the death upon damage enchantment when summoned again with  Khadgar.
  • Fixed a bug where  Headmaster Kel'Thuzad would not resurrect minions that were destroyed from being returned to a full hand.

These changes will take place on the server side, so you won’t have to download anything if you’ve already updated to 18.0.

2020-08-07 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re currently in the process of deploying a hotfix to address the following items:

  • Fixed a bug where  Mindrender Illucia could sometimes permanently swap both players’ hands and decks.
  • Updated  Drakkari Enchanter's effect to no longer apply to secrets due to a bug that could cause a crash with secrets that trigger at the end of a turn.

This fix will take place on the server side, so you won’t have to download anything if you’ve already updated to 18.0.

2020-07-31 hotfix 2[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re currently in the process of deploying another hotfix that will address the following Battlegrounds issue:

  • Fixed a bug involving  Mr. Bigglesworth where players would sometimes be offered a golden minion in the Recruit Phase, one less minion in the Recruit Phase, or one less minion as a Discover option.

This fix will take place on the server side, so you won’t need to download anything if you’ve updated to 18.0.

2020-07-31 hotfix 1[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Good morning everyone,

We’re currently deploying a hotfix that will address the following issues introduced with the 18.0 patch:

  • On the new Scholomance Academy board,  Transfer Student’s Battlecry will now add a random class card to your hand. This effect will revert to adding a random Dual-Class card to your hand when the expansion unlocks on August 6.
  • Magnetizing  Missile Launcher and  Venomizer will no longer cause the game to freeze.
  • Casting  Spreading Plague will no longer cause disconnects.

All these fixes will take place on the server side, so you will not have to download anything if you’ve updated to 18.0.

2020-06-24 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey all,

We’re in the middle of deploying a small hotfix that will address the following bugs.

  • Fixed an issue where having the Burning Rage Hero Power in the Outlandish Burndown Tavern Brawl would cause Illidan to transform upon death, instantly causing the opponent to lose.
  • Fixed an issue with the Happy Felfire Festival Quest where rewards were not being received. If you’re still missing these rewards after completing the Quest, they will now be automatically granted upon login.

This fix will take place on the server side, so you won’t need to download anything if you’ve updated your client to 17.4.

2020-06-23 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

Later today  Captain Eudora,  Skycap'n Kragg, and  Captain Hooktusk will be fully unlocked for all players in Battlegrounds! We’ve got a few bug fixes rolling out today as well:

  • Fixed an issue where upgrading the Tavern would prevent you from purchasing minions as  Lady Vashj. Lady Vashj has returned to the active Hero pool.
  • Fixed an issue where Arcane Cannon would not fire when Golden Monstrous Macaw died after attacking.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from finishing the Happy Felfire Festival Quest. You can now re-play the final mission of Chapter 1 to complete the Quest. In the coming weeks we plan to release a second fix that will automatically grant rewards that were missed from this bug upon login.

These changes will take place on the server side, so you won’t have to download anything if you’ve updated to 17.4.1.

2020-06-11 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re currently rolling out a hotfix for another Battlegrounds bug introduced in the 17.4 patch:

  • Fixed an issue where minions generated by  Captain Eudora’s Hero Power were not correctly interacting with the minion pool.

This will address multiple Battlegrounds bugs reported recently such as not receiving a minion when playing Murozond, not getting a Murloc when using Fungalmancer Flurgl’s Hero Power, getting 1 less minion when refreshing Bob’s Tavern, and only getting 2 Discover choices.

This update will take place on the server side, so you won’t have to download anything if you’ve updated to 17.4.

2020-06-09 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey Everyone,

We’re currently deploying a hotfix that will address a Battlegrounds bug introduced in today’s 17.4 patch:

  •  Malygos's Hero Power will now properly function when targeting friendly minions.

This fix takes place on the server side, so you won’t have to download anything if you’ve updated to 17.4.

2020-05-14 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We’re currently in the process of deploying a hotfix that will address the following:

  •  Renounce Darkness will no longer give upgraded Hero Powers.
  •  Nefarian’s Battlegrounds Hero Power will now fire correctly on every use.

Please note that these changes will take place on the server side, so you will not have to download anything if your client has updated to 17.2.

2020-04-23 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

Hey everyone,

We are currently deploying a hotfix (17.0.3) that will make some minor adjustments to card offering rates in Arena. These changes update the appearance rate of cards to ensure class balance remains close to the ideal 50% win-rate. Specifically, the win-rates of Demon Hunter and Priest should now decrease and the win-rates of the rest of the classes should now increase.

This hotfix will take place on the server side, so you will not have to download anything.

2020-04-15 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

4/15 UPDATE: The 17.0.1 hotfix has been deployed globally.

4/14 UPDATE: We’ve run into some additional problems deploying the 17.0.1 hotfix (we’re starting to think it’s cursed). As a result, the previously mentioned fixes for puzzles will not be included in this hotfix and will instead be included in an upcoming patch. We’re working to have the 17.0.1 hotfix applied within the next day or so. Thanks again for your patience.

4/13 UPDATE: We are expecting the 17.0.1 hotfix to roll out on Tuesday (4/14) now. Thanks for your patience while we get these issues resolved!

4/10 UPDATE: Due to some unforeseen issues, the 17.0.1 hotfix has been delayed until Monday (4/13).

Hey everyone! We are deploying a 17.0.1 server-side hotfix later today (likely late afternoon Pacific time) that will include the following fixes -

  • Invoke cards will no longer be generated by other cards when Galakrond is not in your deck.
  • It is no longer possible to have a Star Bonus at Legend.
  • Damaged minions with buffs that are made Dormant by  Maiev Shadowsong will no longer be full Health when awoken.
  • When  Dragonmaw Sentinel is buffed with Apotheosis and made Dormant with Maiev Shadowsong, it will no longer lose Lifesteal when awoken.
  • Dr. Boom’s Lethal Puzzles 3-4 and 4-4 can now be completed. [DELAYED]
  • Astromancer Arwyn’s Mirror Puzzle 6-7 can now be completed. [DELAYED]

Please note that these fixes take place on the server side, so you should not need to download anything if you’ve updated to 17.0.

2020-03-27 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard Forums

We are currently in the process of putting out a few hotfixes for issues introduced after the 17.0 update. Please note that these fixes take place on the server side, so you should not need to download anything if you’ve updated to 17.0.

  • We’ve identified and fixed an issue that could cause the game to fail to offer some eligible players the Returning Player Experience. Affected players should now receive the appropriate quest line when logging into Hearthstone.
  • Whizbang the Wonderful will no longer offer decks with cards that have moved *to the Hall of Fame.
  • Kingsbane will now correctly be destroyed and shuffled into your deck when *it reaches 0 durability.
  • Living Root, when disenchanted, now properly gives the amount of dust of a *common instead of an epic. However, its gem rarity will not be updated until *Monday (3/30).
  • Invoke cards will now no longer appear from cards that generate other cards.
  • Clever Disguise will now correctly function as intended when played.

This coming Monday (3/30), we’re planning to deploy a data-only patch that addresses a couple more issues:

  • Darkness Awaits will no longer be incorrectly marked as collectible in the Collection.
  • Basic cards will no longer be incorrectly earned from Arena rewards.
  • Living Root’s gem rarity will be corrected from Epic to Common.

There are several known issues that will self-resolve on 4/7 when the Demon Hunter and Ashes of Outland unlock:

  • Felfin Navigator will correctly appear in the Battlegrounds minion pool.
  • The Battlegrounds Perks button will correctly function as intended when clicked.
  • The new Priest cards will correctly appear in the Arena card pool.
  • Demon Hunter Initiate cards will no longer be granted by completing Galakrond’s Awakening Chapters.
  • Hallucination and Blink Fox will work correctly when played against Demon Hunter in Practice Mode.
  • Curious Glimmerroot will no longer cause client crashes when played against Demon Hunter in Practice Mode.
  • The Search Bar in the Collection will correctly function as intended, and will no longer jump to the top of the screen.

Additionally, there are a few Boomsday Project Puzzles that can no longer be completed now because of card changes introduced in 17.0. We’re planning to deploy a fix for Boomsday Project Puzzles on April 9.

We are investigating several other reports and will keep you posted as we know more. We’d like to thank everyone for their patience while we get some of these bugs squashed!

2020-03-20 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Source: Blizzard forums

Hey everyone,

We are currently rolling out a 16.6.1 Server Hotfix so that Legend players see a little more swing in their rank post-game. To prepare for the overhaul coming to Ranked Mode, we did some work behind the scenes with the 16.6 patch that swapped the old Ranked system over to the new, more precise, rating update formula used in Battlegrounds. This formula comes with a lower rating movement that happens post-game, which is why Legend players are seeing their ranks fluctuate less after a win or loss currently. This change should restore Legend rank changes to their previous state, while keeping the more accurate rating update formula in place.

We will continue to monitor these adjustments and make changes as needed.

2018-12-10 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Reduced  Zentimo’s animation times when combined with certain spells.
  • Doubling  Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk’s Battlecry will no longer cause instability.
  • Zentimo’s text has been clarified. Zentimo now reads “Whenever you target a minion with a spell, cast it again on its neighbors."
  • All of  Wardruid Loti’s forms now have the Legendary border.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Overkill minions to trigger incorrectly.
  • Spell damage will no longer persist when  Immortal Prelate is sent to your deck.
  •  Drakkari Trickster will now copy both the card and enchantment from the opponent deck.
  • Addressed some text and animation issues.
  • [Android] Fixed an issue that could cause the game to get “stuck” after installation.

2018-07-05 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed an issue where the resolution of certain cards would adversely affect your opponent’s allotted turn time.

2018-06-11 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  •  Tess Greymane’s Battlecry will now actually continue even if she is destroyed, silenced, or otherwise removed from the board.
  •  Shudderwock’s Battlecry cap is now 30, up from 20.

2018-06-08 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Tess Greymane will continue casting even if she's destroyed, silenced, or otherwise removed from the board.

2018-06-07 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  •  Dreadsteed is no longer killed permanently by effects that destroy it at the end of turn.
  • Spells countered by  Counterspell will no longer apply “next spell” discounts as if they were successfully cast.
  • Fixed certain AI crashes involving  Vex Crow/Petrified Bark/ Cryostasis.
  • Fixed an issue where silencing a Battlecry minion would prevent its ability from being recast from Shudderwock.

2018-06-06 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Minions with “Can’t be targeted by spells or Hero Powers” will now Adapt properly.
  • Elementals that have been Transformed will now properly trigger the "played an Elemental last turn" effect.
  • Resolved an instability issue that could be caused by Shudderwock and Kalimos.

Monster Hunt

  • Toki’s Hero Power will no longer sometimes make minions that have been transformed in play become invisible.

2018-05-03 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Resolved an issue where the correct final boss would not appear in Monster Hunt if the player had used a hero card during the run

2018-04-27 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Resolved an issue where the Cannoneer was not seeing the correct end boss in Monster Hunt
  • Resolved some issues where the Time Tinker would break the timeline so hard it would crash the game client

2018-04-26 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Boss encounters in Monster Hunt will no longer be able to do more than 25 actions in a turn (no more infinite loops with Whisperer)
  • Inner Rage has been removed from deck of The Whisperer
  • Fixed an issue that would unlock the Final Challenge encounter early for some players

2018-04-26 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Resolved an additional issue that was preventing games from starting

2018-04-26 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Resolved an issue that was preventing games from starting

2018-04-25 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Minor localization fixes

2018-04-20 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Resolved an issue where the Hall of Fame cards for Year of the Raven (Molten Giant, Coldlight Oracle, Ice Block) were still appearing in Classic packs. Those players who received those cards following the launch of The Witchwood were compensated with some Arcane Dust

2018-04-19 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Made changes to arena draft. Details can be found here -
  • C'thun and Beckoner of Evil are now obtainable again. You will need to open one Whispers of the Old Gods pack and they will be granted
  • The Fireside card back should no longer be obtained through all friendly challenges

2018-04-17 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed an issue with discarding the echoed copies of cards that would cause a frozen card to remain on screen for PC and Mac.
  • Fixed an issue with discarding the echoed copies of cards that would cause a crash on mobile clients.

2018-04-16 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed an issue where Chameleos retained the stats after copying a transforming Worgen card that would make all future cards copied maintain those stats(including Hero Cards and Weapons)
  • Voodoo Doll should no longer destroy minions that have been bounced back to the hand and played again
  • Fixed an issue where Voodoo Doll could destroy a hero if it targeted a Chamelos that was bounced back to hand and copied a Hero Card
  • Resolved an issue where silencing a minion targeted by Voodoo Doll would visually remove the enchantment
  • Drakkari Enchanter will no longer cause transforming Worgen cards to have stats of 0/0
  • Resolved an issue where copies of transforming Worgen cards with different mana costs would change those costs when they transformed (Splintergraft copies, Sonya Shadowdancer copies, etc)

2018-04-13 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed an issue where Chameleos retained the buff from Lady in White when transformed into a Hero Card, giving the hero permanent 1 attack
  • Fixed an issue where Chameleos retained the buff from Prince Keleseth when transformed into a Hero Card, giving the hero permanent 2 attack
  • Fixed an issue where Chameleos retained the buff from hand buff cards like Grimstreet Enforcer or Don Han'cho when transformed into a Hero Card, giving that hero permanent attack equal to the buffed attack of Chameleos

2018-04-12 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Players should not roll into Monster Hunt daily quest until the Monster Hunt mode unlocks. (If you currently have this quest, you can re-roll it and it should not appear again)
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing arena play

2018-03-28 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Classic packs should no longer be given for Celebration of the Raven event

2018-03-01 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Several fixes related to the new season roll system

  • Players who finished at high Legendary ranks in February should no longer gain excess stars with wins
  • Players should no longer drop a full rank with a single loss
  • Players should no longer go through several wins without gaining any stars
  • Players should now correctly drop 4 full ranks from highest rank achieved in previous season - NOTE: Rank may appear wrong during season roll animation due to another issue. Check rank under Play menu to see the correct level

2018-02-20 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Cards that received balance changes in the 10.2 patch no longer give full dust value when disenchanted.

2018-02-15 hotfix[edit | edit source]

Couple of fixes for the Boss Battle Royale 2 Tavern Brawl

  • Professor Putricide (priest class) can play more than 3 secrets
  • Professor Putricide (priest class) no longer goes through phase changes

2018-02-13 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Fix for mobile users who had reached at least rank 5. They should now be able to look at quest log again without any problems.

2018-02-08 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Resolved issue where Sir Finley was not giving the option to be a Druid
  • Fix for Android users seeing GLUE strings all over client (please note the download for this fix may take some time to appear on your store. Google, Amazon,

Samsung, etc)

2018-01-25 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Fix for cards getting stuck on screen during the Nefarian Rises Tavern Brawl.

2017-12-06 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Addressed an issue that prevented some players from receiving daily quests.

2017-08-25 hotfix[edit | edit source]

2017-07-12 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Due to an unforeseen issue with the Tag Team Fireside Brawl, July 2017's Fireside Brawl has been changed to Top 2. We apologize for the inconvenience.

2017-06-12 hotfix[edit | edit source]

2017-04-21 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Resolved several card localization errors.
  • [iOS] Addressed an authorization issue with iOS purchases.

2017-04-11 hotfix[edit | edit source]

2017-04-07 hotfix[edit | edit source]

2016-12-06 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Addressed an issue that caused  Pilfered Power to overwrite full mana crystals with empty ones.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented Pilfered Power from granting  Excess Mana when played at 10 mana with minions on the board.
  • Addressed an issue that caused dragons drawn by  Wrathion's Battlecry to be visible to the opponent.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented  Madam Goya from swapping out a minion when played as the 7th minion on the player's board.
  • Addressed an issue that caused  Mortal Coil to incorrectly draw a card when played on a  Daring Reporter that remains on the board.
  • Addressed an issue that allowed Kazakus Potions using Icecap to incorrectly target destroyed minions.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented Kazakus Potions using Heart of Fire from dealing damage to minions affected by Mystic Wool.
  • Addressed an issue that prevented Divine Shield effects provided by  Grimestreet Protector from being Silenced.

2016-12-01 hotifx[edit | edit source]

The following hotfix was not listed in the official hotfixes thread but was announced in the official forums.

  • A hotfix was rolled out to all players on the Americas server at 2:30PM PST, which corrects [a bug with Mean Streets of Gadgetzan card packs that unintentionally made the drop rate of tri-class cards higher than intended]. Players on the Americas server will now see tri-class cards appear at a drop rate that is consistent with other cards of their rarity.

2016-10-23 hotfix[edit | edit source]

The following hotfixes were not listed in the official hotfixes thread but were announced on Twitter.

  • Resolved an issue with the occurrence of win streaks in Ranked Play [This fixed a bug introduced the previous day with Patch that caused only 2 stars to be required for a win streak]

2016-08-25 hotfix[edit | edit source]

2016-08-15 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Addressed an issue where certain Quests were not correctly added to the random Quest pool.

2016-07-15 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • The following issues have been resolved for PC and Mac:
    • Addressed certain instances where players were unable to log in to Hearthstone and received the error message, “Oops! We were unable to start a game for you. Please try again.”

2016-07-14 hotfix[edit | edit source]

NB: The below changes were released either as part of Patch or immediately afterwards, and were posted in the official hotfixes thread. They are included here for completeness.

  • The following issues have been resolved for PC and Mac:
    • Addressed an issue where players were unable to log in to Hearthstone and received the error message, “Oops! We were unable to start a game for you. Please try again.”
    • Addressed an issue where players were able to get duplicates of the same quest.
    • Addressed an issue where Morgl’s Hero Power was not animating correctly.

2016-05-04 hotfix[edit | edit source]

2016-04-28 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Resolved an issue with the interaction between  Fandral Staghelm and  Dark Wispers. The Dark Wispers buff can now only be cast on minions as intended.

2016-01-05 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • We’ve hotfixed the proportion of League of Explorers cards that appear while building an Arena deck. Previously, some League of Explorers cards were scarce, while others appeared much too frequently. League of Explorers cards should now correctly appear about 50% more often in Arenas than other sets. (Source)

2015-11-20 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Resolved an issue that would occur when  Unearthed Raptor’s Battlecry effect was used to duplicate several copies of a Deathrattle. The total number of Deathrattle effects that can be copied on a single minion is now capped [to 16].

2015-09-03 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • It is no longer possible to detect when a minion that has been used in a joust has been drawn.
  • Resolved an issue with  Nozdormu and joust that resulted in players losing a large portion of individual turns. [Note: The issue with Nozdormu allowing players to skip their opponents' turns was only specifically resolved in the cases of  Youthful Brewmaster and any Joust minion.]

2015-04-02 hotfix[edit | edit source]

2015-02-26 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • Issue causing purchase screen to appear darkened and prevent players from progressing with purchases has been addressed. Players should be able to obtain packs and enter Arena with no issues.

2015-02-09 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • The Hearthstone in-game friends list should be less crowded as your friends have agreed to give each other some space. Names should no longer overlap.

2014-10-01 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • The Naxxramas game board has been added to the game board rotation in Play and Arena mode.

2014-09-23 hotfix[edit | edit source]

2014-09-03 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  • The Warrior and Paladin Class Challenges found within Curse of Naxxramas are now improved. This should result in reduced hair loss and property damage.

2014-08-28 hotfix[edit | edit source]

  •  Kel'Thuzad now correctly returns golden minions as golden minions.
  • Fixed an issue with deck building.

2014-08-15 hotfix[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

  • Patches - a list of all Hearthstone client updates
  • Platform-specific patch changes - a list of changes specific to the game's non-PC versions
  • Card changes - a list of all changes made to specific cards
  • Rule changes - a list of changes to pre-existing game mechanics
  • Bugs - an ongoing project to chart all bugs currently affecting the game

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Hearthstone Esports (2020-09-13). Dreivo vs cagnetta99 - Quarterfinal - Hearthstone Masters Tour Online: Montreal (50:20 - 55:00). YouTube. Retrieved on 2020-09-19. Funny example of Galakrond armor bug.

External links[edit | edit source]