Level (2014-2021)

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Main article: Level

This article is for information about leveling before the Core set lauched on March 30, 2021.

1-10 (Before March 30, 2021)[edit | edit source]

Golden  Timber Wolf, the reward for raising a hunter to level 26

Up to level 10, reaching each even-numbered level will reward the player with a new Basic card x 2 for that hero's class. These cards are not obtainable through any other means. These cards constitute half of each class' Basic cards.

This makes reaching level 10 with each class quite important to playing that class, in order to complete the selection of Basic cards available to that hero. Once level 10 has been reached, that class' full selection of Basic cards is available to the player.

In addition to direct card rewards, reaching level 10 for the first time will complete the "Level Up" quest, awarding the player with 1 Classic card pack. This can be obtained using any class, but is only available once. Reaching level 10 with all classes will complete the "Got the Basics!" quest, awarding 100 gold.

Level Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
2  Starfire x2  Animal Companion x2  Frostbolt x2  Truesilver Champion x2  Power Infusion x2  Assassin's Blade x2  Bloodlust x2  Corruption x2  Cleave x2
4  Savage Roar x2  Starving Buzzard x2  Mirror Image x2  Consecration x2  Mind Vision x2  Fan of Knives x2  Flametongue Totem x2  Mortal Coil x2  Kor'kron Elite x2
6  Moonfire x2  Hunter's Mark x2  Frost Nova x2  Humility x2  Holy Nova x2  Shiv x2  Totemic Might x2  Soulfire x2  Whirlwind x2
8  Swipe x2  Tundra Rhino x2  Water Elemental x2  Guardian of Kings x2  Shadow Word: Death x2  Plaguebringer x2  Windspeaker x2  Sacrificial Pact x2  Shield Block x2
10  Ironbark Protector x2  Kill Command x2  Flamestrike x2  Blessing of Kings x2  Mind Control x2  Sprint x2  Fire Elemental x2  Dread Infernal x2  Arcanite Reaper x2

11-60 (Before March 30, 2021)[edit | edit source]

Above level 10, reaching certain levels will award golden versions of existing Basic cards. As they are uncraftable, it is not possible to disenchant these cards, making the reward purely cosmetic. These rewards are the only way to gain golden versions of these cards.

Between levels 11 and 50 (52 for mage and warrior, 20-60 for demon hunter), golden class-specific Basic cards are awarded.

Above level 50/52 (for nine initial classes), golden Basic neutral minion cards are awarded.

These cards are awarded one at a time, at each of the levels shown. The levels at which cards are awarded are the same for all classes, except demon hunters, mages and warriors. These classes award one pair fewer golden neutral minion cards, and award their last class-specific card slightly later, as shown in the table below.

Level Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
15 & 20 22 & 24:

 Coordinated Strike

 Healing Touch  Tracking  Arcane Intellect  Holy Light  Radiance  Sinister Strike  Ancestral Healing  Sacrificial Pact  Heroic Strike
23 & 26 26 & 28:

 Aldrachi Warblades

 Wild Growth  Timber Wolf  Frost Nova  Hand of Protection  Holy Smite  Plaguebringer Windfury  Dread Infernal Charge
28 & 30 30 & 32:

 Shadowhoof Slayer

 Mark of the Wild  Houndmaster  Arcane Explosion  Humility  Power Infusion  Fan of Knives  Totemic Might  Soulfire  Shield Block
32 & 34 34 & 36:

 Chaos Strike

 Claw  Arcane Shot  Arcane Missiles  Hammer of Wrath  Mind Vision  Assassin's Blade  Frost Shock  Corruption  Whirlwind
36 & 38 38 & 40:

 Glaivebound Adept

 Innervate  Multi-Shot  Mirror Image  Light's Justice  Shadow Word: Pain  Backstab  Rockbiter Weapon  Voidwalker  Warsong Commander
40 & 42 42 & 44:

 Sightless Watcher

 Moonfire  Hunter's Mark  Frostbolt  Truesilver Champion  Psychic Conjurer  Sap  Bloodlust  Felstalker  Cleave
43 & 44  Savage Roar  Tundra Rhino 44 & 46:


 Consecration  Shadow Word: Death  Deadly Poison  Flametongue Totem  Mortal Coil 44 & 46:

 Kor'kron Elite

45 & 46 46 & 48:

 Soul Cleave

 Starfire  Animal Companion  Blessing of Might  Holy Nova  Shiv  Windspeaker  Drain Life
47 & 48  Swipe  Starving Buzzard  Polymorph  Guardian of Kings  Power Word: Shield  Assassinate  Hex  Shadow Bolt  Execute
49 & 50 50 & 52:

 Chaos Nova

 Ironbark Protector  Kill Command  Water Elemental  Blessing of Kings  Mind Control  Sprint  Fire Elemental  Hellfire  Fiery War Axe
51 & 52  Oasis Snapjaw  Core Hound  Flamestrike  Stormpike Commando  Murloc Raider  War Golem  Magma Rager  Boulderfist Ogre  Arcanite Reaper
53 & 54 54 & 56:

 Satyr Overseer

 Nightblade  Stonetusk Boar  Dragonling Mechanic  Bluegill Warrior  Shattered Sun Cleric  Murloc Tidehunter  Frostwolf Warlord  Grimscale Oracle  Silverback Patriarch
55 & 56  River Crocolisk  Razorfen Hunter  Ironforge Rifleman  Stormwind Knight  Darkscale Healer  Voodoo Doctor  Booty Bay Bodyguard  Ogre Magi  Chillwind Yeti
57 & 58 58 & 60:

 Inner Demon

 Elven Archer  Bloodfen Raptor  Archmage  Goldshire Footman  Gnomish Inventor  Acidic Swamp Ooze  Frostwolf Grunt  Gurubashi Berserker  Raid Leader
59 & 60  Novice Engineer  Ironfur Grizzly  Dalaran Mage  Stormwind Champion  Lord of the Arena  Sen'jin Shieldmasta  Reckless Rocketeer  Kobold Geomancer  Wolfrider