Shadowreaper Anduin

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For other uses of Anduin Wrynn, see Anduin Wrynn (disambiguation).

Shadowreaper Anduin is a legendary priest hero card, from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set.

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Knights of the Frozen Throne
Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Knights of the Frozen Throne
Golden Wild
Golden1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1

Ban lists

Shadowreaper Anduin is in these ban lists:

  • Hero cards - Hero cards cannot be drafted in Arena.

Related cards

ICC 830p.png
Tied Hero Power


To edit these notes, go to Template:Shadowreaper Anduin notes.


Play▶️The Light has betrayed me!
Attack▶️Shadows consume you!
Death▶️<death sound>
Emote: Greetings▶️Total darkness will be my revenge.
Emote: Well Played▶️<VO sound>
Emote: Oops▶️To err is human.
Emote: Threaten▶️Darkness will consume you!
Emote: Thanks▶️Thank you.
Concede▶️No, your victory proves nothing!
Running out of time▶️The shadows grow short!
Thinking▶️Darkness speaks to me...
Thinking▶️Shadowy thoughts...
Almost out of cards▶️I'm almost out of cards!
Out of cards▶️I'm out of cards!
Emote: Wow▶️Uncanny!


Shadowreaper Anduin is the death knight version of  Anduin Wrynn.

Shadowreaper Anduin in Freedom.

In the web comic Freedom, a  Pompous Thespian tells a tale of how  Valeera Sanguinar searched for her friends, King  Varian Wrynn and his son Anduin, who had disappeared in the countryside after the Scourge had once more risen up to sully the land. Valeera soon encountered  Garrosh Hellscream, who had become a death knight in service to  The Lich King. Garrosh claimed that he knew who had taken the two Wrynns and gave the rogue a pair of enchanted blades. Valeera asked about the one who had taken the two men, and Garrosh explained that the process of becoming a knight of the Frozen Throne could be "unpleasant", and that some handled it better than others. The Lich King had recently raised an extremely unwilling soul, who had been "broken" by the process and was so deranged he could not be controlled. He escaped into the wilds and began using his abilities to raise his own army of the dead, threatening not only the Frozen Throne, but the world at large. Garrosh concluded by stating that the fates of the rogue's human friends hung in the balance, and that only Garrosh and Valeera stood between the shadow and his goal of absolute chaos. Suddenly, Garrosh and Valeera found themselves facing the Shadowreaper and its army of undead. Valeera leapt into the fray with the blades Garrosh had given her, but each attack turned her more and more into a death knight. Garrosh and Valeera fought their way to the insane shadow at the undead army's heart, but in response, the creature sent forth its ascendant to transform one of the undead soldiers into a hulking monstrosity. Valeera fully embraced her darkness and gleefully slew the ascendant. However, as she prepared to attack the shadow, it told her "I know you will not harm me. You love me." The Pompous Thespian's tale is interrupted by the audience, who point out the anachronistic nature of the story and that Anduin couldn't have been more than ten or twelve years old when this supposedly happened. The thespian counters that he never said that the villain was Anduin, but the listeners are not convinced, saying that it couldn't be anyone but Anduin. When the audience again complains about the timeline, the thespian dismisses them by describing the story as "dramatic license" and continues his tale with Valeera turning on Garrosh as she realized that he had tried to make her kill the only person left in the world she cared about. While Valeera and Garrosh were arguing, Anduin began casting a spell, shouting that they were doomed and that only he could save them. Ultimately, Valeera turned to Anduin and stabbed him in the chest. As she stood over him, she raised her dagger, conflicted by emotions. Ultimately, the Pompous Thespian refuses to reveal the ending of the tale and that the point of the story was to think about Valeera' choice, and if "freedom" is all it's cracked up to be if one takes it to its logical conclusion.

For more information, see Knights of the Frozen Throne.


  • Shadowreaper Anduin underwent multiple redesigns during the development of Knights of the Frozen Throne. One early design saw the card as "Anduin, the Defiler", at 9-mana with the effect "Battlecry: Summon the highest cost enemy minion that died this game.".[3]


Patch changes


External links

References[edit | edit source]