Template:The Amazing Reno strategy

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Since Reno's Battlecry effect is symmetrical, he works best in a deck playing few minions. This will reduce the chance of his Battlecry being a downside, as well as increase the number of enemy targets for the random spells he casts.

Arguably the most powerful effect of his ability is that it causes minions to "disappear", not to be destroyed, so Deathrattle effects do not trigger and the minions are not added to the resurrection pool.

 What Does This Do? is a powerful hero power, but it is extremely unreliable. On average, the ability will occasionally generate free minions, heal yourself, damage or clear the opponent's board, and draw cards; all for zero mana. However, you can just as easily end the game by Pyroblasting yourself, overdrawing in Fatigue, buffing your opponent's minions, or emptying all your mana with a  Forbidden Words. Because of this, ending the game quickly should be a priority once Reno is in play. Since the effect triggers at the start of your turn, you have your entire turn to play around the random effect.

If Reno's power becomes too much of a burden, you can replace it with  Ascendant Scroll, provided by  Raid the Sky Temple. In Wild, it can also be replaced more easily using  Frost Lich Jaina or disable it with a  Mindbreaker.

The Amazing Reno is a reasonable soft counter to Resurrect Priest, which outright removes minions from their dead pool. It should be saved to hit important minions like  Batterhead,  Catrina Muerte,  Ragnaros the Firelord, and  The Lich King.

This template contains Strategy content for these cards.

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