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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
You might be looking for one of these cards: Squeamlish (boss).

Squeamlish is a hero that the player can pick in The Dalaran Heist. She represents the Druid class.

Hero Powers[edit | edit source]

Available at start Unlock: Play 15 Choose One Cards Unlock: Gain Attack 25 times
Touch of Bark

Starting cards[edit | edit source]

Available at start Unlock: Defeat 5 Bosses Unlock: Defeat 10 Bosses
Ferocity Two Paths Nature's Boon
 Acornbearer  Dire Mole  Claw
 Earthen Scales  Raven Idol  Enchanted Raven
 Feral Gibberer  Anodized Robo Cub  Dendrologist
 Dreamway Guardians  Power of the Wild  Gadgetzan Socialite
 Plated Beetle  Greedy Sprite  Healing Touch
 Tortollan Forager  Mark of Nature  Landscaping
 Addled Grizzly  Shade of Naxxramas  Lifeweaver
 Blessing of the Ancients  Mire Keeper  Poison Seeds
 Astral Tiger  Portal Keeper  Savage Combatant
 Oaken Summons  Starfall  Crystal Stag

Card Bundles[edit | edit source]

All Bark Beasts and Buffs Big Friends Choices, Choices Feral Bite Legends Nature's Wrath Nurture and Grow Protectors Recovery Roar! Swarm
 Dendrologist  Dire Mole  Jungle Giants  Crystal Power  Pounce  Wardruid Loti  Living Roots  Biology Project  Mark of the Wild  Crystal Power  Witching Hour  Abusive Sergeant
 Witchwood Apple  Enchanted Raven  Tortollan Forager  Jade Idol  Claw  Flobbidinous Floop  Naturalize  Floop's Glorious Gloop  Stonehill Defender  Mistress of Mixtures  Predatory Instincts  Acornbearer
 Landscaping  Helpless Hatchling  Elder Longneck  Living Roots  Earthen Scales  Ixlid, Fungal Lord  Bloodmage Thalnos  Darnassus Aspirant  Defender of Argus  Potion Vendor  Bittertide Hydra  Living Roots
 Mulch  Swamp Leech  Cursed Disciple  Raven Idol  Lesser Jasper Spellstone  Loatheb  Crystalsong Portal  Loot Hoarder  Saronite Chain Gang  Dreamway Guardians  Druid of the Fang  Mark of the Lotus
 Poison Seeds  Haunted Creeper  Ancient of Lore  Druid of the Saber  Spirit of the Raptor  Aya Blackpaw  Dreamway Guardians  Coldlight Oracle  Strongshell Scavenger  Earthen Ring Farseer  Menagerie Magician  Dreamway Guardians
 Soul of the Forest  Jeweled Scarab  Ancient of War  Druid of the Swarm  Savage Striker  Cairne Bloodhoof  Wrath  Greedy Sprite  Sludge Belcher  Fungal Enchanter  Witchwood Grizzly  Echoing Ooze
 Twig of the World Tree  Mark of the Wild  Giant Anaconda  Keeper Stalladris  Feral Rage  Emperor Thaurissan  Swipe  Grove Tender  Witchwood Grizzly  Healing Touch  Stampeding Roar  Haunted Creeper
 Force of Nature  Mark of Y'Shaarj  Gloop Sprayer  Wrath  Ferocious Howl  Sylvanas Windrunner  Azure Drake  Jade Blossom  Hungry Ettin  Lifeweaver  Amani War Bear  Power of the Wild
 Living Mana  Vicious Scalehide  Ironhide Direhorn  Druid of the Scythe  Bite  Dr. Boom  Nexus-Champion Saraad  Forest Guide  Jade Behemoth  Lifedrinker  Dreampetal Florist  Addled Grizzly
 Treespeaker  Addled Grizzly  Linecracker  Wardruid Loti  Branching Paths  Malorne  Starfall  Mire Keeper  Spreading Plague  Antique Healbot  Giant Anaconda  Blessing of the Ancients
 Tending Tauren  Mark of Nature  Star Aligner  Fandral Staghelm  Ironwood Golem  Troggzor the Earthinator  Gadgetzan Auctioneer  Azure Drake  Heroic Innkeeper  Crystal Stag  Ironhide Direhorn  Crypt Lord
 Ancient of Lore  Mounted Raptor  Bonemare  Druid of the Claw  Savage Combatant  Kel'Thuzad  Starfire  Nourish  Lucentbark  Rotten Applebaum  Malorne  Hobgoblin
 Ancient of War  Vicious Fledgling  Chromaggus  Dark Wispers  Swipe  Ragnaros the Firelord  Exotic Mountseller  Ancient of Lore  Primordial Drake  Moonglade Portal  Charged Devilsaur  Imp Master
 The Forest's Aid  Evolving Spores  Gruul  Ancient of War  Leeroy Jenkins  Sneed's Old Shredder  The Forest's Aid  Chromaggus  The Lich King  Ancient of Lore  Violet Wurm  Moroes
 Cenarius  Mark of the Loa  Ironbark Protector  Malfurion the Pestilent  Gonk, the Raptor  The Lich King  Malygos  Ultimate Infestation  Hadronox  Lucentbark  Oondasta  Savage Roar
 Mulchmuncher  Wildwalker  Blood of The Ancient One  Wisps of the Old Gods  Cenarius  Ultimate Infestation  Tree of Life  Tyrantus  Wisps of the Old Gods
 Virmen Sensei  Aviana  Kun the Forgotten King  Ysera  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End  The Forest's Aid
 Dark Wispers  Big Bad Archmage  Aviana  Arcane Giant
 Kun the Forgotten King

Sounds[edit | edit source]

Trigger: Gaining Armor▶️Me form of, Turtle!
Trigger:  Golden Candle▶️OK... that a REALLY nice candle...
Trigger: Playing a healing spell▶️Me form of, Shrub!
Trigger:  Moonfire▶️Me form of, Hedgehog!
Trigger:  Poison Seeds▶️Me plant new forest! Inside of you!
Trigger: Summoning a rat▶️Me Druid of YOU!
Trigger:  Sow the Seeds▶️Grow little ones, grow!
Trigger:  Swipe▶️Me form of, Rat!
Death▶️Me candle… is kaput!
Emote: Greetings▶️Me greet you!
Emote: Well Played▶️You play well!
Emote: Oops▶️Candle running low on that one.
Emote: Threaten▶️I show you why me am true Druid!
Emote: Thanks▶️Me thank you!
Unused: Sorry▶️Ohh.. Sorry!
Concede▶️Is time to give up!
Start▶️Me Squeamlish, Druid of the Rat!
Running out of time▶️Candle is burning out!
Thinking▶️What would Master Rat do?
Thinking▶️How to beat you…
Thinking▶️Hm… What form me use…
Almost out of cards▶️Oh no! Cards are running out!
Out of cards▶️No cards left… no more friends.
Error: Need a weapon▶️Need weapon!
Error: Not enough mana▶️No have Mana!
Error: Minion exhausted▶️This minion already attacked!
Error: Hero already attacked▶️I already attacked!
Error: Minion not ready▶️That one needs a turn to get ready!
Error: Hand already full▶️Me hand is full!
Error: Too many minions▶️Got no room for minions!
Error: Can't target Stealthed minion▶️That minion's in the shadows!
Error: Can't play that card▶️No can play.
Error: Not a valid target▶️Need! Target!
Error: Must attack Taunt minion▶️Can't do! They taunt!
Error: Generic▶️It no work!
Selection in Choose Your Hero▶️Me take many forms!
Start [Mirror]▶️Me also Druid of the Rat!
Emote: Wow▶️Ohhhh, wow!
Emote: Greetings [Mirror]▶️You greet… me? Me greet you!
Start [ Applebough]▶️Big tree! You want to see me shrub form?!
Start [ Awilo, Cooking Trainer]▶️Me love to cook! Can help!
Start [ Flight Master Belnaara]▶️That okay. Squeamlish still working on flying form.
Start [ Cyanigosa]▶️Is not being problem dragon lady. You is welcome!
Start [ Dagg Cruelmight]▶️You is stopping being so rude now!
Start [ Jepetto Joybuzz]▶️So many toys! Me want to play!
Start [ Kaye Toogie]▶️Sqeamlish help! Me gots big brain!
Start [ Kizi Copperclip]▶️Squeamlish whisker could being use trim!
Start [ Madam Goya]▶️You are being fan of Squeamlish?! Hi.
Start [ Mo Eniwhiskers]▶️Kobold friend! You is wanting to hear about adventures?!
Start [ Noz Timbertail]▶️Why you is dressed as pirate? No big water here!
Start [ Ol' Toomba]▶️Me go find treasure! We share!
Start [ Queen Wagtoggle]▶️Queen of Shinies! I be borrowing some shinies now.
Start [ Ranger Ar'ha]▶️And I'll help!
Start [ The Rat King]▶️King of Rats, hmph! Me rat form superior!
Start [ Lieutenant Sinclari]▶️Squeamlish is being here to help!
Start [ Soothsayer Zoie]▶️Squeamlish good heals! Me shrub form!
Start [ Alchemist Wendy]▶️Squeamlish always try new thing! Gimme gimme!
Start [ The Amazing "Bonepaw"]▶️Bad guy? Me not... bad...
Start [ Zuramat the Obliterator]▶️Squeamlish understanding. Squeamlish hungry too.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Squeamlish is unique to Hearthstone. She is a kobold Druid who bears a hedgehog form and a turtle form.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Squeamlish , full art
Concepts and sketches

Patch changes