Captain Eudora

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
For other uses of Captain Eudora, see Eudora (disambiguation).

Captain Eudora is a hero that the player can pick in The Dalaran Heist. She represents the Rogue class.

Hero Powers[edit | edit source]

Available at start Unlock: Summon 25 Pirates Unlock: Draw 100 cards
Dagger Mastery

Starting cards[edit | edit source]

Available at start Unlock: Defeat 5 Bosses Unlock: Defeat 10 Bosses
Skulker Dead Man's Tale Kobold's Desire
 Backstab  Buccaneer  Pogo-Hopper
 Pit Snake  Journey Below  Swashburglar
 Southsea Deckhand  Pilfer  Togwaggle's Scheme
 Defias Ringleader  Serrated Tooth  Cutpurse
 Eviscerate  Goblin Auto-Barber  Lab Recruiter
 Gilblin Stalker  Underbelly Fence  Augmented Elekk
 Deadly Fork  Blink Fox  Beneath the Grounds
 Fan of Knives  Violet Illusionist  EVIL Miscreant
 Shade of Naxxramas  Hench-Clan Burglar  Waggle Pick
 Shadow Sensei  Tomb Pillager  Dark Iron Skulker

Card Bundles[edit | edit source]

Battlecry Cogs and Gears Combo Cutthroat Deathrattle Draw! Kingslayer Legends Scallywags Spellslinger Thief Trickery
 Shadowstep  Pogo-Hopper  Bladed Cultist  Abusive Sergeant  Journey Below  Preparation  Deadly Poison  Edwin VanCleef  Serrated Tooth  Backstab  Hallucination  Togwaggle's Scheme
 Daring Escape  Galvanizer  Cold Blood  Argent Squire  Jade Swarmer  Bloodmage Thalnos  Doomerang  Face Collector  Southsea Deckhand  Preparation  Swashburglar  EVIL Cable Rat
 Pogo-Hopper  Mechwarper  Defias Ringleader  Cold Blood  Violet Haze  Loot Hoarder  Kingsbane  Leeroy Jenkins  Swashburglar  Bloodmage Thalnos  Underbelly Fence  Lab Recruiter
 Togwaggle's Scheme  Harvest Golem  Eviscerate  Dire Wolf Alpha  Necrium Blade  Shiv  Leeching Poison  Loatheb  Bloodsail Howler  Cheap Shot  Undercity Huckster  Sap
 Blink Fox  Iron Sensei  Jade Shuriken  Eviscerate  Unearthed Raptor  Acolyte of Pain  Bloodsail Raider  Myra Rotspring  Ship's Cannon  Eviscerate  Blink Fox  Augmented Elekk
 Brann Bronzebeard  Blightnozzle Crawler  Edwin VanCleef  Argent Horserider  Baron Rivendare  Coldlight Oracle  Cavern Shinyfinder  Cairne Bloodhoof  Shady Dealer  Jade Shuriken  Face Collector  Beneath the Grounds
 Sonya Shadowdancer  Mechanical Yeti  EVIL Miscreant  Vicious Fledgling  Tomb Pillager  Fan of Knives  Goblin Auto-Barber  Emperor Thaurissan  Southsea Captain  Razorpetal Lasher  Shaku, the Collector  EVIL Miscreant
 Enhance-o Mechano  Piloted Shredder  SI:7 Agent  Dark Iron Dwarf  Lesser Onyx Spellstone  Mimic Pod  Toxicologist  Maexxna  Raiding Party  Shiv  Hench-Clan Burglar  Sonya Shadowdancer
 Fal'dorei Strider  Zilliax  Elven Minstrel  Tinker's Sharpsword Oil  Myra Rotspring  Elven Minstrel  Envenom Weapon  Sylvanas Windrunner  Southsea Squidface  Fan of Knives  Lilian Voss  Academic Espionage
 Hench-Clan Burglar  Mechanical Whelp  Spirit of the Shark  Cobalt Scalebane  Necrium Vial  Portal Keeper  Hench-Clan Thug  Dr. Boom  Ticket Scalper  Questing Adventurer  Spectral Cutlass  Fal'dorei Strider
 Spirit of the Shark  Sneed's Old Shredder  Vilespine Slayer  Leeroy Jenkins  Recurring Villain  Myra's Unstable Element  Blade Flurry  Marin the Fox  Walk the Plank  Shadow Strike  Vendetta  Kobold Illusionist
 Xaril, Poisoned Mind  Mekgineer Thermaplugg  Cursed Castaway  Recurring Villain  Tunnel Blaster  Portal Overfiend  Tinker's Sharpsword Oil  Ragnaros the Firelord  WANTED!  Violet Spellsword  Ethereal Peddler  Waggle Pick
 Corpse Raiser  Mecha'thun  Batterhead  Da Undatakah  Thistle Tea  Captain Greenskin  Sneed's Old Shredder  Captain Greenskin  Violet Teacher  Trade Prince Gallywix  Heistbaron Togwaggle
 Gral, the Shark  Anub'arak  Sprint  The Lich King  Cannon Barrage  Azure Drake  Tess Greymane  Thistle Tea
 Shadowcaster  N'Zoth, the Corruptor  Chromaggus  Anub'arak  Skycap'n Kragg  Gadgetzan Auctioneer  Nefarian  Unidentified Contract
 Vanish  Malygos  Captain Hooktusk  Malygos  Tak Nozwhisker
 Gurubashi Hypemon  Ysera  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End  Valeera the Hollow
 Bonemare  Hakkar, the Soulflayer
 Primordial Drake

Emotes[edit | edit source]

Captain Eudora, full art
Type Emote
Selected Ready for target practice!
Opening remark Things are about to get messy!
Thanks I'd be lost at sea without ya.
Well Played Now, that's a nice shot!
Greetings Aren't you a salty one?
Wow Crazy like a fox, you are.
Oops Must be a bit seasick.
Threaten You can scatter, but you can't hide.
Sorry Aw, sorry 'bout that.
Attack Eat grapeshot, mongrel!
Concede Ya really sunk my ship.
Thinking [1] Hmm...
Thinking [2] Huh, what do I do here?
Thinking [3] You've got to think, Eudora...
Almost out of time Get some wind in those sails!
Almost out of cards My hoard's running low.
Out of cards Outta cards. Better get pillaging.
Error: Too many minions Too many swabbies on the deck.
Error: Generic Oh no, no, no...
Error: Hand already full My hand's fully loaded, like my sidearm.
Error: Hero already attacked Attack again? I just did!
Error: Minion not ready That one's still getting its sea legs.
Error: Minion exhausted That one's already tired out.
Error: Not enough mana Not enough mana.
Error: Need a weapon Need a weapon for that, matey.
Error: Can't play that card Can't play that.
Error: Can't target stealthed minions That one's trying to hide. Hah!
Error: Not a valid target That's the only target I CAN'T hit
Error: Must attack taunt minion There's another one taunting me. GRR.
 Kingsbane is played This one's a beauty.
 Headcrack is played Sometimes you gotta solve problems head on!
 WANTED! is played There's a price on your head! Hyah!
 Assassinate is played What's that in your back?
 Cannon Barrage is played Fire! Fire everything!!
 Vanish is played Everyone - scatter!
Hyperblaster is played What kinda sidearm is this?!

Lore[edit | edit source]

Warcraft Wiki icon.pngThis section uses content from the Warcraft Wiki.
Captain Eudora is the vulpera leader of the Bilge Rats, located in Freehold. Along with Captain Jolly and Captain Raoul, she serves as one of the bosses in the Council o' Captains encounter.

Patch changes