Keep enchantment

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Keep enchantment is an ability on cards that lets them keep any enchantments over all zone transitions.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • All enchantments on cards are kept, including positive and negative. These may include:
  • Enchantments are kept no matter which direction cards move between zones.
    • Typically, enchantments are lost in backwards zone transitions (See Advanced rulebook#Moving between Zones)
    • Cards that specify that they keep enchantments keep them even in these situations, such as moving from battlefield to hand or hand to deck.
    • Note that this only applies if the "keeps enchantments" part is outside of any other effect, such as Deathrattles. In  Immortal Prelate's case, the effect is part of the Deathrattle, which requires Immortal Prelate to die, and so it doesn't keep enchantments when e.g. returned to the hand.
  • Enchantments with a set duration, such as  Leeching Poison on  Kingsbane, will still wear off as normal.
  • Copies created by effects such as  Death's Shadow will not copy the enchantments from the original card.[1]
  • If a card that keeps enchantments is destroyed and then resummoned on the board (such as through use of  Desperate Stand or  Carnivorous Cube), the resurrected copies will not keep their previous enchantments. Rather, the original copy is the only copy that keeps its enchantments.[2][3]

Cards[edit | edit source]

Swipe left or right to see the cards.
LOOT 542.png
TRL 306.png

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Disguised Toast on Youtube. (2017-12-10). 
  2. Peter Whalen on Twitter (X). (2018-11-03). 
  3. Peter Whalen on Twitter (X). (2018-11-04).