Vessina (hero)

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.
You might be looking for one of these cards: Vessina, Vessina (boss).

Vessina is a hero that the player can pick in The Dalaran Heist. She represents the Shaman class.

Hero Powers[edit | edit source]

Available at start Unlock: Summon 25 Totems Unlock: Overload 25 Mana
Totemic Call

Starting cards[edit | edit source]

Available at start Unlock: Defeat 5 Bosses Unlock: Defeat 10 Bosses
Carve and Curse Primal Storms The Swamp
 Air Elemental  Fire Fly  Mutate
 Earth Shock  Lightning Bolt  Dire Mole
 Knife Juggler  Likkim  Sludge Slurper
 Loot Hoarder  Totem Golem  Ghost Light Angler
 Rockbiter Weapon  Whirling Zap-o-matic  Underbelly Angler
 Stormforged Axe  Witch's Brew  Flesheating Ghoul
 Earthen Ring Farseer  Hot Spring Guardian  Spirit Echo
 Feral Spirit  Lightning Storm  Infested Tauren
 Flametongue Totem  Unbound Elemental  Tidal Surge
 Windspeaker  Lifedrinker  Hagatha's Scheme

Card Bundles[edit | edit source]

Battlecry Big Shaman Carvings Elemental Wrath Fishy Flood Legends Overload Regeneration Shifting Scales Spirits Sssspells
 Blazing Invocation Windfury  Primal Fusion  Fire Fly  Toxfin  Totemic Smash  Electra Stormsurge  Finders Keepers  Mistress of Mixtures  Mutate  Ancestral Spirit  Earth Shock
 Brrrloc  Corpsetaker  Totemic Smash  Elementary Reaction  Unite the Murlocs  Voltaic Burst  Zentimo  Sludge Slurper  Potion Vendor  Evolve  Loot Hoarder  Lightning Bolt
 Murmuring Elemental  Muckmorpher  Kobold Hermit  Fire Plume Harbinger  Ghost Light Angler  Maelstrom Portal  Barista Lynchen  Tunnel Trogg  Witch's Brew  Shifter Zerus  Nerubian Egg  Witch's Apprentice
 Brann Bronzebeard  White Eyes  Primalfin Totem  Menacing Nimbus  Ice Fishing  Primalfin Totem  Hallazeal the Ascended  Ancestral Knowledge  Earthen Ring Farseer  Unstable Evolution  Reincarnate  Crackle
 Zola the Gorgon  Zilliax  Totem Golem  Sandbinder  Murloc Tidehunter  Feral Spirit  White Eyes  Crushing Hand  Healing Rain  Big Bad Voodoo  Shallow Gravedigger  Maelstrom Portal
 Rumbling Elemental  Eureka!  Flametongue Totem  Tol'vir Stoneshaper  Primalfin Totem  Flametongue Totem  Zilliax  Eternal Sentinel  Healing Wave  Devolve  Spirit Echo  Electra Stormsurge
 Saronite Chain Gang  Al'Akir the Windlord  Mana Tide Totem  Earth Elemental  Rockpool Hunter  Spirit Echo  Emperor Thaurissan  Lava Shock  Hot Spring Guardian  Spirit Echo  Arfus  Haunting Visions
 Barista Lynchen  Ragnaros the Firelord  Nightmare Amalgam  Servant of Kalimos  Soul of the Murloc  Tuskarr Totemic  Grumble, Worldshaker  Likkim  Jinyu Waterspeaker  Tinkmaster Overspark  Baron Rivendare  Lava Burst
 Corpse Raiser  Splitting Festeroot  Primal Talismans  Fire Elemental  Underbelly Angler  Call in the Finishers  Krag'wa, the Frog  Stormforged Axe  Lifedrinker  Zentimo  Piloted Shredder  Lightning Storm
 Doppelgangster  The Lich King  Tuskarr Totemic  Baron Geddon  Coldlight Seer  Bloodlust  Sylvanas Windrunner  Drakkari Defender  Shroom Brewer  Hex  Spiritsinger Umbra  Wicked Witchdoctor
 Fungalmancer  Walking Fountain  Draenei Totemcarver  Blazecaller  Murloc Warleader  Fungalmancer  The Mistcaller  Elemental Destruction  Tidal Surge  Lotus Illusionist  Abomination  Azure Drake
 Loatheb  Malygos  Totem Cruncher  Stone Sentinel  Primalfin Lookout  Eccentric Scribe  Swampqueen Hagatha  Feral Spirit  Antique Healbot  Djinni of Zephyrs  Carnivorous Cube  Hagatha's Scheme
 Grumble, Worldshaker  Ysera  Wicked Witchdoctor  Al'Akir the Windlord  Call in the Finishers  Necrotic Geist  Kel'Thuzad  Unbound Elemental  Hallazeal the Ascended  Doppelgangster  Corpse Raiser  Bogshaper
 The Mistcaller  Big Bad Archmage  Thunder Bluff Valiant  Kalimos, Primal Lord  Gentle Megasaur  Rain of Toads  Marin the Fox  Flamewreathed Faceless  Rotten Applebaum  Faceless Manipulator  Feugen  Hagatha the Witch
 Swampqueen Hagatha  Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound  Windshear Stormcaller  Ragnaros the Firelord  Murloc Tastyfin  Spark Drill  Medivh, the Guardian  Volcano  Deranged Doctor  Muckmorpher  Stalagg  The Runespear
 Primordial Drake  Thing from Below  Walking Fountain  Old Murk-Eye  Wobbling Runts  Ragnaros the Firelord  Lesser Sapphire Spellstone  Thrall, Deathseer  White Eyes  Malygos
 Shudderwock  Ozruk  Scargil  Sated Threshadon  The Lich King  Snowfury Giant  Azalina Soulthief  Cairne Bloodhoof  Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
 Siltfin Spiritwalker  Stormwind Champion  Ysera  Swampqueen Hagatha  Sylvanas Windrunner
 Finja, the Flying Star  Onyxia  Da Undatakah
 Corrupted Seer  N'Zoth, the Corruptor
 Everyfin is Awesome

Sounds[edit | edit source]

Vessina, full art
Trigger:  Bloodlust▶️Rise! Crush them!
Trigger:  Healing Rain▶️We did not have rain such as this in Vol'dun... I like it.
Trigger: Playing a lightning spell▶️By the power of Sethralissss!
Trigger:  Rain of Toads▶️Free foodsss.
Trigger: Seeing a snake▶️Where are its armsss?
Trigger:  Snake Trap▶️Sssneaky sssnakes.
Trigger:  Stoneclaw Totem (Rare trigger)▶️I thought thisss one was a snake...
Trigger: Treasure▶️Precious...
Attack▶️<attack sound>
Death<death sound>
Emote: Greetings▶️I do not have time to wassste.
Emote: Well Played▶️Hnh. Well done.
Emote: Oops▶️A missstake.
Emote: Threaten▶️I will bring the plagues down upon you!
Emote: Thanks▶️Acceptable…
Unused: Sorry▶️Ssssorry, heh heh.
Concede▶️Our plans did not work…
Start▶️Let us resolve this quickly.
Running out of time▶️Time isss short!
Thinking▶️Perhaps I can end this soon…
Thinking▶️What would Korthek do…
Almost out of cards▶️I have almost run out of cardssss.
Out of cards▶️My cards are hissstory!
Error: Need a weapon▶️I need a weapon!
Error: Not enough mana▶️I need mana.
Error: Minion exhausted▶️That minion has already attacked!
Error: Hero already attacked▶️I've already attacked!
Error: Minion not ready▶️This minion needs time to get ready.
Error: Hand already full▶️I have too many cardsss!
Error: Too many minions▶️There is no room for another minion.
Error: Can't target Stealthed minion▶️This minion hides in the shadowsss.
Error: Not a valid target▶️I must target something.
Error: Must attack Taunt minion▶️I am being taunted!
Error: Generic▶️I cannot do that!
Selection in Choose Your Hero▶️You want it done ssswiftly?
Start [Mirror]▶️Worry not, I will make it sswift!
Emote: Wow▶️Nicely done.
Emote: Greetings [Mirror]▶️YOU are wasting MY time!
Error: Can't play that card▶️I am unable to play that.
Start [ Albin Eastoft]▶️Your bark iss much worse than your bite.
Start [ Applebough]▶️Such delicious apples.
Start [ Dancin' Deryl]▶️You dance? In the face of doom?
Start [ Madam Goya]▶️Hmmm... A sshady ssalesman sslithering in the sshadows.
Start [ Queen Wagtoggle]▶️A rat pretending to be queen. Sssqueak for me!
Start [ The Great Akazamzarak]▶️I prefer to slither.
Start [ The Rat King]▶️Sso many ssnacks!
Start [ Vas'no]▶️Shamansss can be so obnoxiousss. I prefer a more sssubtle approach.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Vessina is unique to Hearthstone. She's a shaman Sethrak.

Patch changes