List of powercreeped cards/4+ mana

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This article containts the list of powercreeped cards from 4 mana and above.

4-mana cards[edit | edit source]

 Ashtongue Battlelord
Ashtongue Battlelord

Battlelord? Meet the bat-lord.

High Priestess Jeklik


Life Sentence
Siphon Soul
Twisted Tether
 Blastcrystal Potion
Blastcrystal Potion

Who needs mana anyway?

Life Sentence
Siphon Soul
Twisted Tether
 Blood Witch
Blood Witch

It's not even that good on games where you want to lose the fastest.

Baroness Vashj
Crazed Worshipper
Crimson Hothead
Fate Weaver
Hooded Acolyte
Houndmaster Shaw
Instrument Smasher
Kobold Monk
Priest of the Feast
Remote-Controlled Golem
Repulsive Gargantuan
Spirit Healer
Tol'vir Stoneshaper
Water Elemental
 Boogie Down
Boogie Down

No time to dance when there's questing to be done.

Call to Arms
 Chillwind Yeti
Chillwind Yeti

Basic cards just have to be powercreeped, no matter how good they are.

Circus Amalgam
Dispossessed Soul
Draenei Totemcarver
Drakonid Operative
Gear Grubber
Ice Revenant
Klaxxi Amber-Weaver
Leyline Manipulator
Master of Evolution
Mo'arg Drillfist
Omega Devastator
Onyxian Drake
Time-Lost Protodrake
Worgen Greaser
 Circus Amalgam
Circus Amalgam

Unfortunately, being able to get hit by more tech cards is not an advantage.

Gear Grubber
Klaxxi Amber-Weaver
Mo'arg Drillfist
Onyxian Drake
Time-Lost Protodrake
 Cloak of Shadows
Cloak of Shadows

Even if already powercrept, this card was nerfed... Crazy, huh?

Time Out!
 Dragonling Mechanic
Dragonling Mechanic

Honestly, Mr. Bitey is cuter.

Mire Keeper
 Evil Heckler
Evil Heckler

Even if the Heckler isn't the best, his insults still really hurt.

Injured Marauder
 Evolved Kobold
Evolved Kobold

This kobold could not evolve away from being powercreeped.

Azure Explorer
Cosmic Anomaly
Guild Trader
 Gnomish Inventor
Gnomish Inventor

Her inventions are old-school.

Edwin, Defias Kingpin
Unchained Gladiator
 Grim Necromancer
Grim Necromancer

Necromancy is grim work. That's why they've earned a buffet.

Buffet Biggun
 Infested Wolf
Infested Wolf

This flea-bitten mutt was overdue for being outperformed.

Renowned Performer
 Lost Tallstrider
Lost Tallstrider

This card is very similar to Booty Bay Bodyguard, but it has many more cards which powercreep it.

Coilfang Constrictor
Evasive Feywing
Evil Heckler
Frizz Kindleroost
Gentle Megasaur
Goblin Blastmage
Injured Marauder
Naga Corsair
Professor Putricide
Razorglaive Sentinel
Rotting Necromancer
Savage Combatant
SI:7 Infiltrator
Spinetail Drake
Steam Surger
The Stonewright
Tomb Pillager
Veiled Worshipper
Vilefiend Trainer
Warsong Outrider
Worgen Greaser
 Militia Commander
Militia Commander

After a few years, you often need a new commander.

Angry Helhound
 Molten Reflection
Molten Reflection

Even infamous combo pieces can get upgraded versions later down the line.

 Mortal Strike
Mortal Strike

Blizzard might have over-balanced this card too much to the point where it's worse than a basic card.

 Oasis Snapjaw
Oasis Snapjaw

Sooner or later, every vanilla minion gets put out to pasture.

Maw and Paw
 Saronite Chain Gang
Saronite Chain Gang

How long can powercreep go on?

Azerite Chain Gang

You could say this card doesn't scale well.

Daring Drake
Warsong Outrider
 Sen'jin Shieldmasta
Sen'jin Shieldmasta

Everyone should remember this guy from their Hearthstone beginning; yeah it's powercreeped, but it is still a budget option.

Ashtongue Battlelord
Bronze Dragonknight
Circus Amalgam
Crazed Worshipper
Crud Caretaker
Gear Grubber
High Priestess Jeklik
Hooded Acolyte
Igneous Lavagorger
Klaxxi Amber-Weaver
Mo'arg Drillfist
Onyxian Drake
Saronite Tol'vir
Thickhide Kodo
Time-Lost Protodrake
 Silvermoon Guardian
Silvermoon Guardian

For being the first Horde paladins, you'd think the blood elves would've tried a little harder than this.

Wickerflame Burnbristle
Brass Elemental
Cariel Roame
First Blade of Wrynn
The Glass Knight
 Soul Split
Soul Split

As cool as the name and artwork are, it was printed as a worse version of an old mage spell and even got creeped in the set it was introduced in. Not every Demon Hunter card can be super strong.

Molten Reflection

Spellbreaker feels spellbroken.

Royal Librarian
 Stand Against Darkness
Stand Against Darkness

No one stands against powercreep.

R.C. Rampage
 Steel Rager
Steel Rager

Well, it IS a Rager card, after all.

Azsharan Defector
Mok'Nathal Lion
Illidari Felblade
Warsong Outrider

Stegodon is known as "the thing that's summoned from  Spikeridged Steed." It's been powercreeped since the expansion it was released in.

Bloodhoof Brave
Cabal Acolyte
Crazed Worshipper
Earth Revenant
Hooded Acolyte
Incriminating Psychic
Omega Defender
Proud Defender
Stormpike Marshal
Warden of Chains
 Stormwind Knight
Stormwind Knight

At least he got to spend most of Kayn's Standard format life being better by one health.

Kayn Sunfury
 Sunstruck Henchman
Sunstruck Henchman

He should've stayed in bed.

Worgen Greaser
 Twilight Guardian
Twilight Guardian

Artifical dragon less good minion that actual cultists.

Crazed Worshipper
Hooded Acolyte
 Unsleeping Soul
Unsleeping Soul

I would also get insomnia, if during my release I was powercreeped from the get go. At least it's good for Silence Priest.

Azsharan Ritual
Molten Reflection
 Walk the Plank
Walk the Plank

Another reason why Rastakhan's Rumble felt off.

Life Sentence
Siphon Soul
Twisted Tether
 Wicked Skeleton
Wicked Skeleton



5-mana cards[edit | edit source]

 Antique Healbot
Antique Healbot

Anti-Kill bot made its days, but there is better healing out there now.

Amber Watcher
 Arcanite Reaper
Arcanite Reaper

 Fiery War Axe's big brother was bound to be powercrept, too.

Bone Glaive

Bloody hell, did anyone ever play this card?

Tenacious San'layn
 Bomb Lobber
Bomb Lobber

But what about his special deliveries?

 Bonfire Elemental
Bonfire Elemental

As unconventional as it is, it's still pretty decent in Elemental Mage decks.

Big Ol' Whelp
 Booty Bay Bodyguard
Booty Bay Bodyguard

This is straight up powercreep by design for being too weak.

Evil Heckler
Injured Marauder
Azsharan Sentinel
Drum Soloist
Flipper Friends
Priest of An'she
Protect the Innocent
Spirit Guide
White Eyes
 Captain Greenskin
Captain Greenskin

Yet another classic card getting outshined by later expansions.

Lady Ashvane
 Command the Illidari
Command the Illidari

Vengeance! Vengeance! Ven... We get it.

Flipper Friends
 Dalaran Crusader
Dalaran Crusader

Apparently, a faire attraction is stronger than the crusade.

Carousel Gryphon
 Emberscale Drake
Emberscale Drake

What to choose? Dragon scales or a giant shield?

 Fen Creeper
Fen Creeper

Fen Creeper was already outdone by  Sen'jin Shieldmasta in usefulness, as he does the same job better for 1 mana less.

Crazed Worshipper
Hooded Acolyte
Aldor Truthseeker
Alley Armorsmith
Azsharan Sentinel
Direhorn Hatchling
Faceless Lurker
Flipper Friends
Gold Road Grunt
Jade Behemoth
Rotten Applebaum
Sludge Belcher
 Flame Lance
Flame Lance

Premium arena removal got itself some unfair competition.

Life Sentence
Siphon Soul
Twisted Tether
 Grook Fu Master
Grook Fu Master

No one used this card anyways.

Fantastic Firebird

Her blade isn't sharp enough anymore.

 Pit Fighter
Pit Fighter

At least this is still a good pick in the Arena.

Azsharan Sentinel
Ethereal Peddler
Flipper Friends
Lilypad Lurker
Temple Enforcer
 Power Word: Tentacles
Power Word: Tentacles

Good triumphs over evil, and this card is proof. Also evil's power level was really restricted by  Divine Spirit existing, it turns out.

Power Infusion
 Salty Dog
Salty Dog

Pirate decks would take a pirate, even if it was powercreeped. Although maybe not this one.

 Stormpike Commando
Stormpike Commando

The Stormpikes' HUUUUUGE GUNS have seen better days.

Burrowing Scorpid
Oil Rig Ambusher
 Stranglethorn Tiger
Stranglethorn Tiger

The beasts of Stranglethorn Vale aren't as much "strangle" as they are "thorn".

Lotus Assassin
 Sunreaver Warmage
Sunreaver Warmage

We will remember the Sunwell... but not this card.

 Vilebrood Skitterer
Vilebrood Skitterer

Even creepers are bound to powercreep.

Silver Serpent

6-mana cards[edit | edit source]

 Ancient of Blossoms
Ancient of Blossoms

With time, blossoms wither. With time, cards get better.

Gloomstone Guardian
Druid of the Claw
Emerald Explorer
Silverfury Stalwart
Testing Dummy

Unfortunately, Archmage was never ready for this.

Violet Warden
 Boulderfist Ogre
Boulderfist Ogre

Even the king of vanilla minions is not immune.

Gloomstone Guardian
Armored Goon
Coldarra Drake
Kingpin Pud
 Lord of the Arena
Lord of the Arena

Every vanilla or single keyword basic card is sooner or later doomed to powercreep.

Gloomstone Guardian
Flipper Friends
Barrens Scavenger
Death Beetle
Hammer of the Naaru
Hidden Oasis
Lightshower Elemental
Ornery Direhorn
 Sea Reaver
Sea Reaver

At least he has good stats for the cost... as long as you don't have any 1-health minions lying around.

Gloomstone Guardian
Armored Goon
Boulderfist Ogre
Coldarra Drake
Kingpin Pud
 Seeping Oozeling
Seeping Oozeling

"Can you stop whomping around? Some people are trying to seep..."

Death Blossom Whomper

The student outshines the master.

Devout Pupil
 To My Side!
To My Side!

And why not Three My Side?

Patchwork Pals
 Windfury Harpy
Windfury Harpy

Firstly they nerfed her look, then they decided to finish her with powercreep.


7-mana cards[edit | edit source]

 Amani War Bear
Amani War Bear

The weight of powercreep was just too much to bear.

 Bog Creeper
Bog Creeper

At least Bog Creeper powercreeps  Fearsome Doomguard.

Gloomstone Guardian
Winged Guardian
 Captured Jormungar
Captured Jormungar

It wasn't really that good to begin with.

Ancient of War
Furious Ettin
Goru the Mightree
Slithering Deathscale
 Core Hound
Core Hound

The worse choice for  Ancient of War, except it's even worse.

Ancient of War
 Fearsome Doomguard
Fearsome Doomguard

Rather weak for its cost, it has been overshadowed by many new cards, just like other cards of its generation.

Gloomstone Guardian
Bog Creeper
Winged Guardian
 Furious Ettin
Furious Ettin

Now they have even more reasons to be furious.

Ancient of War
Goru the Mightree
 Gladiator's Longbow
Gladiator's Longbow

This titanic weapon didn't stand a chance against the ultimate weapon: powercreep.

Aggramar, the Avenger
 Grotesque Dragonhawk
Grotesque Dragonhawk

This card never got its 5 minutes. Even in arena it was a sub-optimal pick.

 War Golem
War Golem

This is another example of the basic set being to simple; it's outclassed even among Basic set.

Ancient of Lore
Alexandros Mograine
Blastmaster Boom
Bwonsamdi, the Dead
Charged Devilsaur
The Countess
Dr. Boom
Evasive Drakonid
Harrowing Ox
Ironhide Direhorn
Kalimos, Primal Lord
Lightforged Crusader
Lor'themar Theron
Marsh Hydra
Obsidian Destroyer
Pirate Admiral Hooktusk
Prophet Velen
Skarr, the Catastrophe
Star Aligner
Stormwind Champion

8-mana cards[edit | edit source]

 Call of the Wild
Call of the Wild

Wild just hung up.

Patchwork Pals
 Deranged Doctor
Deranged Doctor

His potions didn't make the cut.

Mo'arg Forgefiend
 Eldritch Horror
Eldritch Horror

*Gasp*! The custodian was the culprit all along!

Torghast Custodian
 Force-Tank MAX
Force-Tank MAX

Thanks, but no tanks.

 Fossilized Devilsaur
Fossilized Devilsaur

This might be a more straightforward chain of powercreeps than Silverback Patriarch.

Ironbark Protector
The Lich King
Mo'arg Forgefiend
Sesselie of the Fae Court
Storm Giant
Taintheart Tormenter
Tirion Fordring
 Gift of the Wild
Gift of the Wild

This could be called a poisoned gift.

Drum Circle
 Ironbark Protector
Ironbark Protector

If these were the guys defending Darnassus, it's no wonder that it got burned to the ground.

The Lich King
Mo'arg Forgefiend
Sesselie of the Fae Court
Storm Giant
Taintheart Tormenter
Tirion Fordring
 Pit Crocolisk
Pit Crocolisk

Every crocolisk is bound to be powercreeped.

Tidal Revenant

9-mana cards[edit | edit source]

 Burly Shovelfist
Burly Shovelfist

He never skipped dig day, yet it still didn't prevent him from getting power creeped.

Brutal Annihilan
Fizzy Elemental

He can never go face, always trade.

Fizzy Elemental
 King Krush
King Krush

Seems like the beloved giant dino has quite the competitors among the Core Set.

Illidari Inquisitor
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder

10-mana cards[edit | edit source]

 Faceless Behemoth
Faceless Behemoth

This card is basically the amplified version of War Golem.

Ancient Void Hound
Fizzy Elemental
Colossus of the Moon
Deathwing, Dragonlord
Living Monument
Sire Denathrius
Thaddius, Monstrosity
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound
Y'Shaarj, the Defiler

Core Deathwing is less destructive than the Classic one, so it's more powerful. Huh.

Deathwing the Destroyer
 Living Monument
Living Monument

You could say this card is monumentally slow.

Fizzy Elemental
Thaddius, Monstrosity

Adding o in name sometimes very effective :?


Ultrasaur? More like Ultra-bad.
