Timeline (Storyline)

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This is a timeline based on World of Warcraft but with events and changes to Hearthstone based on its expansions, solo adventures, hero skins, mercenary portraits and mini-sets. To view the canon timeline, click here.

TITANS[edit | edit source]

Mythos[edit | edit source]

  • Origins of the Great Dark Beyond - The universe is created from the clash of the Light and the Void.
  • The First Ones create the Eternal Ones within Zereth Mortis.
  • The titans awaken - The first titans are born from world-souls and form the Pantheon.
    • History of Warcraft:  [Mythology of the Titans]
  • The birth of the Old Gods - The Void Lords create the Old Gods and send them across the universe to corrupt the nascent world-souls.
  • The rise of demons - The first demons arise in the  Twisting Nether.
  • Zovaal's betrayal - The Eternal Ones banish Zovaal to the Maw, and the Arbiter is created.
  • Exile of the nathrezim - Sire Denathrius pretends to exile the nathrezim from Revendreth.
  • Sargeras and the world-soul -  Sargeras slays a nascent world-soul before leaving the Pantheon and creating the Burning Legion.  Amitus, the Peacekeeper leaves shortly after for her own reasons.
    • History of Warcraft:  [Sargeras and the Betrayal]
    • Lore in Short: The Burning Legion (animated short) begins»

Primordial history[edit | edit source]

Unknown dates
  • Coming of the Old Gods - The Old Gods arrive on Azeroth and enslave the Elemental Lords.
  • Wrath of the titan-forged - The titans find Azeroth and create the titan-forged to combat the Old Gods.
  • The Ordering of Azeroth - Life is seeded on Azeroth by the titans and Keepers.
    • History of Warcraft:  [The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth]
  • The ordering of Draenor - Aggramar discovers Draenor overgrown by the Evergrowth. A war between the Sporemounds and the titan-forged Grond leads to the destruction of them both.
  • Age of Colossals - Breakers and Primals, descended from Grond and the Sporemounds, spread across Draenor as they war with each other.
  • The gods of Arak - Three godlike creatures, Anzu, Rukhmar and Sethe, rise in Arak along with the arakkoa race. Sethe attempts to kill Rukhmar, but is defeated. With his dying breathe, he attempts to curse Arak, but Anzu takes the curse upon himself to save Arak.
  • Charge of the Dragonflights -  Galakrond is defeated by proto-dragons, and the Keepers empower them into the first Dragon Aspects.
    • Dawn of the Aspects (novel) (past)»
    • Legacies (animated short) (chapter 1 past)»
    • History of Warcraft:  [Charge of the Dragonflights]
  • Sargeras and the Betrayal -  Sargeras and the Burning Legion defeat the Pantheon at Nihilam. Amitus learns of this and remains in exile.
  • Loken's betrayal - Yogg-Saron corrupts the Keeper, Loken, leading to the downfall of the other Keepers.
  • Winterskorn War - A war between the Winterskorn vrykul and the titan-forged who were exiled from Ulduar by Loken.
    • The  Curse of Flesh starts to affect the Winterskorn vrykul, causing their metal skin to grow brittle, in their induced slumber over thousands of years they will eventually turn to flesh.
    •  Tyr and  Archaedas and Ironaya flee south to protect The Discs of Norgannon, leading to Tyr's death.
  • The trolls begin creating early, primitive settlements in northern Kalimdor with larger cities in the south. Their range extends from the far south all the way to the Waking Shores in the Dragon Isles.
  • History of Warcraft:  [The Kaldorei and the Well of Eternity]
  • War of the Ancients
    • Return of the Hero begins
    • Book of Heroes begins
    • Ashes of Outland: Demon Hunter Prologue begins
    • War of the Ancients Trilogy (novel) (past)» Krasus, Rhonin and Broxigar arrive at this point in time. Malfurion Stormrage and Tyrande Whisperwind speak with their brother/friend Illidan about recent events.
    • War of the Ancients - Sargeras senses the Highborne's use of the Well of Eternity and decides to invade Azeroth. Corrupting Queen Azshara and her followers, a portal is opened through which the Burning Legion enters the world and lays waste to the night-elven civilization. Dathril Everlar sends Faelin to Suramar.  Hakkar the Houndmaster is killed and Illidan soon takes up the fallen Azzinoth's wargliaves. Sargeras turns him to the first demon hunter and has him strengthen the portal with Xavius.
      • Return of the Hero ends
      • History of Warcraft:  [The War of the Ancients]
      • Emperor's Burdens - Emperor Shaohao, the last emperor of the Pandaren Empire, is told of the impending invasion by a jinyu waterspeaker. After purging himself of his emotional burdens, he becomes one with the land and isolates Pandaria behind a veil of thick mists, which protects it from the war and ensuing disasters but also keeps it hidden from the rest of the world for millennia.
        • The Burdens of Shaohao (animated shorts)
    • The Sundering - Several night elves led by Malfurion Stormrage are able to defeat Mannoroth destroy the Well of Eternity, preventing Sargeras from entering the world, and stopping the Legion's invasion. However, this also creates a massive cataclysm known as the Sundering, where eighty percent of Kalimdor's landmass is plunged between the waves, leaving only a handful of isolated continents. Zainra finds Dathril and sink with the rest of the Highborne.
      • The Dragon Isles are sealed away from the world.
      • History of Warcraft: The Sundering of the World
      • Warbringers: Azshara (animated short)
      • Legacies (animated short) (chapter 2 past begins)«»
    • [Empires' Fall]

A New World[edit | edit source]

  • Mount Hyjal and Illidan's gift - The world tree  Nordrassil is planted, and Illidan pours a vial of the  Well of Eternity into the waters beneath it, leading to his exile.
    • History of Warcraft:  [Mount Hyjal and Illidan's Gift]
    • History of Warcraft:  [The World Tree and the Emerald Dream]
    • Demon Hunter Prologue ends.
  • The Lunar Festival is created, celebrating the Ancients who fell in the War of the Ancients.
  • War of the Shifting Sands -  C'Thun and the qiraji awaken and attack Kalimdor.  Fandral Staghelm leads night elves and dragons against the qiraji, pushing them back to the desert of Silithus. They are successful in sealing them within Ahn'Qiraj, but Fandral's son Valstann is slain in battle. Murozond and the infiintes aid the Shattered God's liberation, but is driven back by Nozdormu and heroes across time.
    • The War of the Shifting Sands (short story)

Doom of Draenor[edit | edit source]

  • Gurubashi War - The Gurubashi rally under Jok'non's son, Zan'non, and march to war against Stormwind, launching an attack on Stormwind City itself. Barathen dies during the battle and Llane is forced to convince Medivh to unleash his full Guardian powers to repel the attack. Llane, Medivh, and Anduin are hailed as heroes by the kingdom.
  • Medivh is confronted by his mother Aegwynn at Karazhan. She urges him to isolate himself from the world and leaves him with a caretaker,  Moroes. The Council of Tirisfal discover Medivh and begin sending apprentices to study under him, but none lasted for longer than a day. Moroes notices Medivh's ever-darkening mood and convinces him to begin launching banquets and feasts to lift his spirits.
  •  Draka and  Durotan become mates during the Kosh'harg festival.
    • Warcraft: Legends Volume 4: A Warrior Made--Part 1 (manga)«
    • Warcraft: Legends Volume 5: A Warrior Made--Part 2 (manga)
  • Harbinger of the legion - The orc Gul'dan is exiled from his clan and seeks out the  Throne of the Elements, where the elements reject him. Kil'jaeden reaches out to him and grants him the power of fel magic in exchange for agreeing to help the Burning Legion manipulate the orcs against the draenei. Gul'dan accepts, becoming the first orcish warlock.
    • Harbingers - Gul'dan (animated short)
    • Book of Heroes: Gul'dan begins
    • Gul'dan inundates the Throne of the Elements with fel magic, throwing the elements into disarray across the world, and also uses his magic to create the worst outbreak of the red pox in orcish history. Many orcs contract the plague at the Kosh'harg festival. Under the leadership of the Frostwolf chieftain Garad, the plague bearers establish a village in Nagrand to quarantine the afflicted. The village is named Garadar in Garad's honor after he succumbs to the pox.
  • Medivh continues to study demonic lore and Azerothian history and becomes convinced that the world is inherently flawed, too divided by petty rivalries to ever unite into a single force in case of a demonic invasion. He concludes that he needs an army to change things and begins venturing out into the cosmos, eventually discovering Draenor and the orcs.
  • Gul'dan and Kil'jaeden manipulate  Ner'zhul and the orcs, wiping out the Bladewind clan and blaming it on the draenei. The orc clans gather to discuss the threat and create the Horde.
  • At Oshu'gun, the clan chieftains to unanimously vote for Blackhand as their warchief.
    • Blackhand orders the construction of the Citadel in Tanaan Jungle as the Horde's capital, and organizes the various clans into specific roles within the Horde.
    • Book of Heroes: Rexxar begins
    • After another heated argument with  Leoroxx, Rexxar seeks out Blackhand to spare his clan in exchange for his allegiance. The mok'nathal is then drafted into the Warsong clan.
    • Blackhand forms the Black Tooth Grin clan, as Cho'gall recruits the pale orcs to form the Twilight's Hammer clan.
    • Warlocks begin to magically age adolescent orcs, and the orcs' skin begins to turn a sickly green.
  • The orcs gather at a mountain near the Citadel and drink the blood of Mannoroth at Gul'dan's urging, empowering them but enslaving them to Mannoroth. The Frostwolves, and Orgrim refuse to drink.
    • The victims of the red pox quarantined in Garadar remain isolated from the fel corruption, and they become known as the Mag'har, "Uncorrupted".
  • The orcs lay siege to and destroy Shattrath, unleashing the red mist against the draenei. Velen leads many Shattrath civilians to a refuge in Telredor, while others retreat to Auchindoun. The Shadow Council assault the mausoleum and attempt to summon a powerful demon, accidentally summoning Murmur, whose arrival blasts Auchindoun apart and levels the surrounding forests. The warlocks bind Murmur within Auchindoun.
  • Warcraft: Legends Volume 2: Family Values (manga)
  • Medivh appears to Gul'dan and the Shadow Council and tells them of Azeroth, as well as showing a vision of the Tomb of Sargeras to Gul'dan. The construction of the Dark Portal begins.
    • Rise of the Horde (novel) ends«»
      • History of Warcraft:  [Rise of the Horde] ends

Great Wars[edit | edit source]

Second War[edit | edit source]

  • Orgrim interrogates Garona on the Shadow Council, and marches on Blackrock Spire, executing all the members he could find.
  •  Deathwing coaxes the Dragonmaw clan warlocks to find the Demon Soul.  Alexstrasza senses this and comes to investigate.
  • Lothar, leading Stormwind's refugees, arrives in Lordaeron, summoning the Seven Kingdoms. In response to Lothar's urging, they form the Council of Seven Nations.
    • Tides of Darkness (novel) begins»
      • History of Warcraft:  [The Alliance of Lordaeron] begins
    • Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (novel) begins»
  • The Horde gathers resources and plans their next conquest in pursuit of the refugees. Gul'dan awakens from his coma and immediately submits to Orgrim, offering his services to the new Warchief.
  • Gul'dan creates the first death knights, fallen soldiers infused with the souls of his slain  Shadow Council.
  • The Horde pushes north, conquering Khaz Modan and trapping the dwarves and gnomes within  Ironforge and Gnomeregan.
  • Orgrim builds the orcish fleet in present-day Menethil Harbor, planning to sail around the Thandol Span and into Hillsbrad.
  • The Council of Seven Nations unanimously votes to form The Alliance of Lordaeron.
    •  Alonsus Faol and the Order of the Silver Hand is founded and begins training the first paladins.
      • Book of Heroes: Uther begins
  • The Dragonmaw clan bind Alexstrasza in Grim Batol with the Demon Soul, forcing the red dragonflight to the Horde's will.
  • Lothar calls upon an ancient pact, earning the assistance of the Quel'dorei in the war effort.
  • The Horde sail north but are outmatched by the Kul Tiras fleet. Red dragons chase off the Alliance and the Horde make landfall.
  • Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness begins»
  • The Battle of Hillsbrad Foothills ensues, leaving much of the landscape in ruin.
    • The Horde frees  Zul'jin from human captivity, who in turn pledges his tribe, the Amani, to the Horde's cause.
  • Horde forces move through the Hinterlands, suffering attacks from the Wildhammer clan of dwarves.
    • Garona escapes capture from her handler, Eitrigg.
  • The Horde moves to Quel'Thalas and Gul'dan assists in dismantling the elven runestones, which he later utilizes to create two-headed ogres.
    • With the assistance of the Horde, the Amani finally begin retaking parts of Eversong. The high elves are pushed back to the walls of Silvermoon, but fail to breach them. Orgrim realizes his resources should be pooled elsewhere and moves his forces southwest towards Alterac, leaving the Amani. Zul'jin would never forgive the Horde for this.
  • Realizing the might of the Horde, Aiden Perenolde strikes a deal with the orcs. They will be allowed passage through Alterac if they spare his city. Orgrim readily accepts and moves on to Capital City.
  • The Horde begins their siege of Capital City but is met with a strong opposition. Gul'dan, having finally learned the location of the Tomb, abandons the Horde with the Twilight's Hammer and Stormreaver clans, causing the Horde's loss in the Second War.
    • Gul'dan raises the Broken Shore and makes his way through the Tomb. Defying Kil'jaeden's plan of turning the Tomb into a portal for the Legion, however, the warlock attempts to take all its power for himself. He and his followers are torn apart by monstrous demons while the rest of his clan is defeated by the Dragonmaw.
      • Book of Heroes: Gul'dan ends
    • Cho'gall and the Twilight's Hammer clan flee west to Kalimdor.
  • The Horde flees south but is quickly followed by the Alliance, the Kul Tiras fleet, and the Wildhammer clan.
    • Khaz Modan is liberated and the dwarves and gnomes readily join the Alliance.
  • Siege of Blackrock Spire - the Alliance lays siege to Blackrock Mountain.
    • Ashbringer (comic) (past)»
    • Orgrim slays Lothar in combat but is swiftly defeated by  Turalyon and captured. Utherfights  Varok Saurfang during the siege.
    • The Second War ends with victory for the Alliance of Lordaeron.
    • History of Warcraft:  [Aftermath of the Second War]
  • Khadgar destroys the Dark Portal, but a rift connecting the two worlds remains.
    • Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness ends«

The Rising Darkness[edit | edit source]

  • Jaina Proudmoore becomes Antonidas' apprentice alongside Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider.
    • Book of Heroes: Jaina begins.
  • Kel'Thuzad, a skilled necromancer, heeds the voice of the Lich King and travels to Icecrown Citadel. He then creates the Cult of the Damned in service to the Lich King.
    • History of Warcraft:  [Kel'Thuzad and the Forming of the Scourge]
    • Road to Damnation (short story)
    • Scholomance Academy (past)
    • Tamsin Roame leaves for Scholomance and her new master after sparring with her sister, Cariel.
      • Book of Mercenaries: Cariel Roame (flashback)
  • Thrall breaks out of his internment, leading orcs to break their bonds and form a new Horde.
    • Lord of the Clans (novel)
    • Escape from Durnholde Keep - Epoch Hunter and the inifintes try to prevent his escape or kill him. (Caverns of Time)
    • After escaping Aedalas Blackmoore's keep, Thrall learns shamanism from Drek'thar's Frostwolves and fights a mysterious stranger.
    • History of Warcraft:  [The New Horde]
    • Of Blood and Honor (novella)
  • The Alliance splinters after the costly failure of their internment camps.
    • History of Warcraft: The Alliance Splinters
    • The Kingdoms of Quel'Thalas, Stromgarde and Gilneas leave the Alliance of Lordaeron.
    • King Genn Greymane orders the construction of the Greymane Wall.
  •  Kel'Thuzad and the Cult of the Damned begin infecting Andorhal's granaries with the plague.
  • Aegwynn uses her power to summon Medivh's spirit on Azeroth. Free of the taint of Sargeras, the Last Guardian decides that he will be the catalyst to unity and decides to warn the other races of the upcoming return of the Burning Legion.
  •  Gelbin Mekkatorque is elected High Tinker of Gnomeregan.

Third War[edit | edit source]

  • War of the Spider ends«
    • History of Warcraft:  [War of the Spider] ends
  • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: Exodus of the Horde (chapters 1 and 2)
    • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: Thrall's Vision (cinematic)
    • Thrall receives visions from a mysterious figure who warns him of coming darkness and pleads him to travel to Kalimdor. Thrall then rallies the Horde and steals a fleet of human ships, sailing west.
  • Scourging of Lordaeron - The Plague of Undeath spreads across Lordaeron as the Scourge conquers the land. Prince Arthas Menethil is sent to investigate, chasing the source down to Stratholme, and beyond to Northrend, where he is twisted into becoming a death knight.
    • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: Scourge of Lordaeron
      • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: The Warning (cinematic) Jaina tries to talk to Arthas about his newly errant behavior when interrupted by the Prophet.
      • History of Warcraft:  [The Scourge of Lordaeron]
      • Lore in Short: Arthas Menethil (animated short) begins»
      •  Culling of Stratholme - After Uther is stalled by a dreadlord. Arthas attacks Stratholme, killing innocent people in hopes of sparing them from turning into undead, eventually confronting the dreadlord  Mal'Ganis who spread the plague. Mal'Ganis taunts Arthas into following him to Northrend before vanishing. The infinites try and fail to lure his suspicions elsewhere before trying to kill him.
      • Arthas chases down Mal'Ganis, setting sail to Northrend with his troops. Here he discovers the runeblade  Frostmourne, which claims his soul and turns him into a death knight. He then returns home, slaying his father, and bringing the rest of Lordaeron to ruin.
      • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: Arthas' Betrayal (cinematic)
  • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: Exodus of the Horde (chapters 3-5)
    • Vol'jin: The Judgment (short story)
  • Gnomeregan is invaded by the troggs,  Gelbin Mekkatorque decides that the gnomes have to fight alone to let their allies focus on the Scourge in Lordaeron.
  • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: Path of the Damned
    • Battle of Darrowshire - The Scourge invade and overrun the paladin-protected town of Darrowshire.
    • King Arthas, at the beckoning of the Lich King, recovers the remains of Kel'Thuzad from Uther and marches north towards Quel'Thalas to raise the necromancer.
    • The gates of the Greymane Wall are closed to stop the undead. Arugal releases the worgen on  Genn Greymane's orders to repel the Scourge.
      • The Worgen Curse begins to spread in Gilneas.
    • Scourge invasion of Quel'Thalas - The Scourge, lead by Arthas, invade Quel'Thalas and lay ruin to Silvermoon. Using the energies of the Sunwell, Kel'Thuzad is resurrected into a lich, corrupting the Sunwell.
      • History of Warcraft:  [Sunwell - The Fall of Quel'Thalas]
      • Warbringers: Sylvanas (animated short) (past)» Ranger-General Sylvanas Windrunner is killed and raised into a banshee.
    • Blood of the Highborne (novella) (chapter 2)«»
    • Siege of Dalaran - Arthas and Kel'Thuzad lay siege to Dalaran to recover the Book of Medivh. Using this tome, they are able to summon Archimonde to Azeroth.
      • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: The Destruction of Dalaran (cinematic)
  •  Kael'thas Sunstrider returns to Silvermoon, and renames the high elves to blood elves in honor of their fallen kin.
    • Blood of the Highborne (novella) (chapter 3)«»
  • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: The Invasion of Kalimdor
    • The Horde, led by Thrall, makes landfall on Kalimdor and begins to gather their people and search for a new home. They encounter the native tauren and their leader  Cairne Bloodhoof, who join them on their journey.
    • After a brief skirmish with Jaina Proudmoore,  Grommash Hellscream is sent to build an outpost in Ashenvale. Here he encounters the night elves and a fight quickly breaks out. In desperation, Grom and his clan drink the Blood of Mannoroth to defeat the night elves, slaying the demigod  Cenarius.
    • Thrall and Jaina meet at the top of Stonetalon, and are convinced to join an alliance by  Medivh. They quickly move to find and cure Grom from the blood-curse. When the bloodlust is lifted, Thrall and Grom confront and slay  Mannoroth in what would become Demon Fall Canyon, but Grom soon succumbs to mortal injuries.
    • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: The Death of Hellscream (cinematic)
  • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: Eternity's End
  • Battle of Mount Hyjal - The night elves, along with the orcs lead by Thrall and the humans lead by Jaina, mount a defense at the top of Mount Hyjal against Archimonde. Using an army of wisps, the defenders managed to slay Archimonde.
    • History of Warcraft: The Battle of Mount Hyjal
    • Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos: Eternity's End cinematic (cinematic)

Rise of the Lich King[edit | edit source]

  • Marvon Rivetseeker excavates the Broken Pillar in Tanaris.
  • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne: Terror of the Tides
    • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne: The Awakening (cinematic)
    • At the behest of Kil'jaeden, Illidan performs a ritual in an attempt to destroy the Frozen Throne, but the ritual disturbs the earth, threatening to tear Azeroth apart. Maiev Shadowsong, along with Malfurion and Tyrande, and even aid from  Kael'thas Sunstrider and the blood elves, confront Illidan and stop his ritual. Illidan then flees to Outland hoping to evade Kil'jaeden's wrath.
    • History of Warcraft:  [The Betrayer Ascendant]
  • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne: Curse of the Blood Elves
    • Kael'thas and the blood elves are captured and imprisoned beneath Dalaran by Garithos below Dalaran.  Lady Vashj, under the guidance of Illidan, frees Kael'thas and recruits him, offering a solution to his people's magic addiction. Kael'thas follows Vashj into Outland, teaming up with Illidan and  Akama to take the Black Temple from Magtheridon as a stronghold. Here they are contacted once again by Kil'jaeden, giving Illidan and his cohorts another chance to destroy the Lich King.
    • History of Warcraft:  [Rise of the Blood Elves]
  • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne: Legacy of the Damned
    • Plaguelands civil war - The banshee  Sylvanas Windrunner stages a revolt against Arthas and the scourge, freeing themselves from the Lich King's domination and creating the Forsaken.
      • History of Warcraft:  [Civil War in the Plaguelands]
      • The Order of the Silver Hand fractures into the Scarlet Crusade and the Argent Dawn.
        • Ashbringer (comic) begins«»
    • Ascension of the Lich King - The Lich King, threatened by Illidan's magical attacks, is being weakened and summons Arthas to Icecrown Citadel to defend him. Arthas and Illidan duel, with Arthas being victorious. Arthas ascends Icecrown Citadel and merges with the Lich King  Ner'zhul, becoming the next incarnation of the Lich King.
      • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne: A Long Time Coming (cinematic)
      • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne: The Ascension (cinematic)
      • History of Warcraft:  [The Lich King Triumphant]
      • Lore in Short: Arthas Menethil (animated short) ends«
      • March of the Lich King: Death Knight Prologue ends
  • The blue dragon  Kalecgos takes the remnant of the Sunwell's energies, creating an avatar in the form of Anveena Teague.  Dar'Khan Drathir attempts to use her power to make himself a god, but is destroyed in the process. Anveena then remains at the Sunwell, under the protection of  Lor'themar Theron
    • The Sunwell Trilogy (manga)
    • Warcraft: Legends: Trag saga (manga) begins»
  • In Feralas, Cho'gall lures Garona into the open and magically enslaves her, turning her into his servant. The remaining Twilight's Hammer continue into Silithus to join C'Thun.
  • The World Tree Teldrassil is planted off the shore of Darkshore.
  • First Brewfest, organized as a beer-tasting contest between Chen Stormstout, Grimbooze Thunderbrew and Coren Direbrew.
  • Invasion of Durotar - The orcs make a permanent settlement in Durotar, naming their new capital Orgrimmar after Ogrim Doomhammer. The Kul'Tiran navy, led by Admiral  Daelin Proudmoore landed on the shores of Durotar and attacked the Horde settlements here.  Rexxar, Rokhan, and Chen Stormstout team together to help defeat Admiral Proudmoore. Jaina and Thrall come to a peace agreement, allowing the two factions to live in peace.
    • Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne: Founding of Durotar
    • Rexxar saves Mogrin from a quillboar attack, kills  Lady Darkscale and her naga with Jaina, and rescues Cairne's son Baine from  Khiragg.
    • [Old Hatreds - The Colonization of Kalimdor]
  • The Forsaken join the Horde.

World of Warcraft[edit | edit source]

  • Gnomeregan is lost after Sicco Thermaplugg convinces  Gelbin Mekkatorque to release lethal radiation in the city, irradiating not only the invading troggs but most of the gnomes as well. Mekkatorque and the gnomes are granted refuge in Ironforge by the dwarves, establishing Tinker Town.
  • King Varian Wrynn is kidnapped. Bolvar Fordragon becomes Regent-Lord of Stormwind.
    • World of Warcraft: Book One (comic) begins»
  • The Lich King reawakens after Arthas' will overpowers  Ner'zhul's will, and he begins watching the mortal races and their efforts against the Old Gods and the Burning Legion, creating a plan for invasion based around their responses.
    • Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (novel) ends«

Patch 1.1.0 World of Warcraft[edit | edit source]

  • World of Warcraft campaign - The Old Gods spread their influence to cause chaos across Azeroth, but all across the world, adventurers rise up to face these threats.
    • Seasons of War (cinematic)
    • Ragefire Chasm (dungeon) - The Searing Blade cultists, a group of warlocks and demons from the  Shadow Council, attempt to topple Orgrimmar from the inside.
    • Shadowfang Keep (dungeon) - Banshee Queen  Sylvanas Windrunner dispatches adventurers to kill Archmage Arugal, who is responsible for the outbreak of the worgen curse in Silverpine Forest.
    • Blackfathom Deeps (dungeon) - The Twilight's Hammer takes up residence in the ruins and begins to sacrifice people to Aku'mai, a minion of the Old Gods. The Earthen Ring send heroes down into the depths to wipe out the cultists and their god.
    • Gnomeregan (dungeon) - High Tinker  Gelbin Mekkatorque enlists brave souls to help his people reclaim their beloved city, and put down Mekkatorque's once-trusted advisor,  Mekgineer Thermaplugg.
    • Scarlet Monastery - Adventurers are sent into the Monastery to clear it of the Scarlet Crusade and kill  High Inquisitor Whitemane, but she escapes as Grand Crusader Mograine is killed.
      • Scarlet Monastery Graveyard (dungeon)
      • Scarlet Monastery Library (dungeon)
      • Scarlet Monastery Armory (dungeon)
      • Scarlet Monastery Cathedral (dungeon)
    • Uldaman (dungeon) - The League of Explorers excavates the ancient titan facility, recovering several artifacts, and disabling the Keeper,  Archaedas.
    • Zul'Farrak (dungeon) - Adventurers are sent into the Farraki capital to recover a group of lost mercenaries and stop a dangerous demigod from rising.
    • Scholomance (dungeon) - As the headquarters for the Scourge in the Western Plaguelands, adventurers are sent to take out its Scourge overseer, Ras Frostwhisper.
    • Stratholme (dungeon) - Heroes infiltrate Stratholme to squash the Scarlet Crusade leadership, and the Scourge leader of the city,  Baron Rivendare.
  • Dagran Thaurissan, Emperor of the Dark Iron clan, is ordered to war against the other dwarves by Firelord Ragnaros. He kidnaps Princess Moira Bronzebeard of  Ironforge and they soon fall in love and marry.
  • Molten Core (raid) - Moira Thaurissan spreads rumors of Ragnaros' plans, hoping to entice the heroes into defeating him. The Hydraxian Waterlords respond by recruiting heroes from the Alliance and Horde to delve into the Molten Core and defeat Ragnaros.

Patch 1.6.0 Assault on Blackwing Lair[edit | edit source]

  • The Darkmoon Faire gains traction and comes to Mulgore and Elwynn Forest.
  • Moira Thaurissan spread rumors of Dal'rend Blackhand alliance with the black dragon  Nefarian, hoping to entice the heroes into defeating them.
    • Lower Blackrock Spire (dungeon) - The Horde champions move through Blackrock Spire, wiping out the Dark Horde's various legions.
    • Upper Blackrock Spire (dungeon) - The Horde continues through the Upper Spire, taking out the Dark Horde's leadership, including Rend himself.
    • Blackwing Lair (raid) - Nefarian turns his wrath towards the Horde champions who wiped out his forces, but the Horde faces his wrath head on, taking the  [Head of Nefarian] back to Orgrimmar with them.

Patch 1.8.0 Dragons of Nightmare[edit | edit source]

  • The Emerald Nightmare spreads from Teldrassil and  Fandral Staghelm, struggling to hide it, allows the Cenarion Circle to begin investigating the Nightmare's influence across Kalimdor.
    • Temple of Atal'Hakkar (dungeon) - The green dragon Itharius calls for the help of the Cenarion Circle to help cleanse the nightmare within effecting several green dragons sleeping within. The circle sends Alliance heroes into the Sunken Temple who put down the corrupted dragons, and even stop an unexpected cult of Atal'ai trolls from summoning  Hakkar, the Soulflayer.
    • Corrupted green dragons appear around the world from the Emerald Nightmare, and champions of the Horde and Alliance are forced to put them down to stop their rampages.
  • The Cenarion Circle begins exploring Silithus as the corruption spreads, discovering the Twilight's Hammer in the region.

The Burning Crusade / Year of the Gryphon / Book of Mercenaries[edit | edit source]

  • Kil'jaeden sends Highlord Kruul to build the Burning Legion's forces on Outland to combat Illidan Stormrage's growing army. The  Doomguard finds the future  Mecha-Jaraxxus and together form the Rusted Legion. They launch a project of augmeneted warriors called Primes, which the Illidari reverse-engineer with their champions.
  • The naaru A'dal, M'uru, O'ros and Mi'da take the dimensional fortress Tempest Keep to Outland to aid Velen and  Khadgar in their fight against the Legion's amassing forces. A'dal transported itself to Shattrath City and called various forces, including the surviving Draenei and the Sons of Lothar, to Shattrath to unite against the Legion.
    • An army of blood elves, led by Voren'thal marches on Shattrath at the order of Illidan, but upon receiving a vision from the naaru, Voren'thal and his army surrender and join the Naaru's gathering forces, naming themselves the Scryers.
  • The blood elves, led by  Kael'thas Sunstrider, besiege and take control of Tempest Keep, learning to use its machinery to help feel their magic addiction.
    • The naaru O'ros and Mi'da seal off one of the wings, the Exodar from the blood elves, locking itself inside.
    • The naaru M'uru is captured by Kael'thas and is sent back to Quel'Thalas, where its energies are bent to the will of  Lady Liadrin.
  • The Blood Knights under  Lady Liadrin are formed by Rommath. Quel'Thalas enters negotiations with the Horde.
    • Blood of the Highborne (novella) (chapter 4)«
    • Regent Lord  Lor'themar Theron decides to inform Kael'thas of Anveena Teague, but his messengers are stopped by Kil'jaeden.
  • The Ethereals arrive on Outland, drawn by Kael'thas' manipulation of the energies in Netherstorm.
  • The destruction of Nathreza -  Akama allies himself with  Maiev Shadowsong against Illidan, and Illidan lures them into a trap, killing Maiev's forces, using their souls to power a portal to Nathreza.
    • Illidan and his Demon Hunters invade Nathreza and steal the Seal of Argus.
    • Illidan destabilizes the portal, causing it to collapse just as the Dimensional gateways that destroyed Outland did. This destroys Nathreza along with all the demons on it.
  • Velen leads a raid to liberate the Exodar and escape Outland. Blood elf saboteurs cause it to crash on Azeroth. Mi'da's form is shattered and his shards scatter across the planet on the Night of Falling Stars. Onyxia hires Tamsin, Tavish Stormpike and Scabbs Cutterbutter to find and assemble the shards.
    • Rise of the Horde (novel) (present)«
  • The blood elves, at the invitation of  Sylvanas Windrunner, join the Horde.

Patch 2.0.3 The Burning Crusade / Ashes of Outland[edit | edit source]

  • Invasion of Outland - The Dark Portal Opens under the command of Lord Kazzak, Highlord Kruul and Mecha-Jaraxxus. Their forces are pushed back through the Dark Portal and defeated by the Argent Dawn and Alliance and Horde forces.
    • The Dark Portal (cinematic)
    • Shadow Wing: The Dragons of Outland (manga) begins»
    • Ashes of Outland: Trial by Felfire begins - Aranna Starseeker, the overshadowed younger sister of Elise Starseeker, joins the heroes to outland on a journey of self-discovery, finding outcast friends, rusted foes, and her sister tracking her.
  • The Burning Crusade campaign - The Alliance and Horde push through Outland, taking out Illidan's armies, the Illidari and the Fel Horde, as well as the Burning Legion forces.
    • Hellfire Citadel - The Horde launch an assault against Illidan's forces in Hellfire Peninsula.
      • Hellfire Ramparts (dungeon) - The Horde's heroes secure the Citadel's ramparts, preparing to move inside.
      • The Shattered Halls (dungeon) -  Kargath Prime is confronted at the seat of his power, and is killed by the Horde's agents.
      • The Blood Furnace (dungeon) - The champions move into the Citadel, seeking to wipe out  Kargath Bladefist's army of Fel Orcs, only to discover the source of their corruption: the demon  Magtheridon.
      • Magtheridon's Lair (raid) - Magtheridon himself is confronted and slain, ending the Fel Orc corruption.
    •  Thrall travels to Nagrand and Garadar where he meets his grandmother Geyah, and Garrosh Hellscream, son of  Grommash Hellscream.
      • Book of Heroes: Garrosh Hellscream begins.
    • Auchindoun - The former draenei burial ground has been overrun by several factions, and heroes are sent in to clear them out, and end whatever threats they may pose.
      • Mana-Tombs (dungeon) - A faction of Ethereals led by Nexus-Prince Shaffar have set up a base here, pillaging whatever the tombs have to offer. The Consortium sends in adventurers to raid his base and slay the Nexus-Prince
      • Auchenai Crypts (dungeon) - Exarch Maladaar, who led the Auchenai here years ago, was driven mad by the death of his people and plans to resurrect a dark force within the crypts. Heroes are sent in to stop him from completing his dark rituals.
      • Sethekk Halls (dungeon) - Talon King Ikiss was driven mad by an Old God and interpreted the explosion caused by Murmur's summoning to be a sign of his god, and settled in Auchindoun. The arakkoa send adventurers to these halls to take out the maddened self-proclaimed Talon King.
      • Shadow Labyrinth (dungeon) - Murmur still resides in Auchindoun and adventurers are sent in to defeat this threat before it causes more destruction.
    • Rexxar rescues his clan from gronn forces such as Gorgrom.
      • Book of Heroes: Rexxar ends.
    • Gruul's Lair (raid) -  Gruul the Dragonkiller is seen as a god to the ogres of Blade's Edge Mountains, and under his command they attack the Horde and Alliance forces. Adventurers invade his lair and put an end to his attacks.
    • Karazhan (raid) - Adventurers dive into the abandoned tower of Karazhan to investigate Burning Legion activity, and plunder its treasures.
    • Coilfang Reservoir - The Alliance forces march on the naga's watery fortress, aiming to end their wanton destruction of Zangarmarsh's ecosystem.
      • The Slave Pens (dungeon) - The heroes free the enslaved Broken as they carve their way through the reservoir.
      • The Underbog (dungeon) - The Alliance champions aid the forces of Sporeggar in their fight against the spore giants, taking out their presence within this deep cavern.
      • The Steamvault (dungeon) - The naga's foul machinery that is draining Zangarmarsh is disabled.
      • Serpentshrine Cavern (raid) - Lady Vashj is finally confronted in the depths of her stronghold, and taken out by the heroes of the Alliance.
    •  Eye of the Storm (battleground) - The alliance and Horde begin skirmishing in Netherstorm, the center of their battles being a floating island far above the main landmass.
    • Tempest Keep (raid) - After hearing the news of Kael'thas joining the forces of the Legion, the blood elves lead the Horde to war against the traitor prince.
      • The Mechanar (dungeon) - The Horde invade the loyalist blood elves' factory and storehouse for raw magic.
      • The Botanica (dungeon) - Commander Sarannis, one of Kael'thas' lieutenants, is conducting experiments on wildlife in this wing, as the horde pushes through it, ending him and his experiments.
      • The Arcatraz (dungeon) - The heroes march into the Arcatraz prison and stop the blood elves from freeing the dangerous creatures within.
      • The Eye (raid) - The Horde army faces off against Kael'thas himself, seemingly ending his reign of corruption.
  • The Caverns of Time open - Nozdormu awakens and sinister forces begin to threaten the timeways.
    • Escape from Durnholde Keep (dungeon) - The infinite dragonflight attempt to prevent  Thrall's escape from internment by kidnapping  Taretha Foxton, preventing her from creating the distraction Thrall needed. Adventurers volunteer to go back and help create a distraction for Thrall themselves. Epoch Hunter poses as one Aedelas' huntress.
    •  Opening the Dark Portal (dungeon) - The infinite dragonflight attempt to attack Medivh as he opens the Dark Portal, preventing him from starting the First War. Adventurers are sent by the Keepers of Time to defend Medivh, allowing the orcs to enter Azeroth. Aeonus poses as one his former apprentices.
    •  Battle for Mount Hyjal (raid) - The infinite dragonflight attempt to alter the events of the Battle of Mount Hyjal and adventurers are sent in to ensure the events play out as they originally did. Murzond poses as a huntress to watch the adventurers.
  • After becoming demon hunters (sans Baduu), Aranna and co. fend off  Magtheridon Prime and Jek'haz's attack on the Black Temple. The Illidari launch an attack on Jaraxxus' Netherstorm base in the Rumbledome. They defeat the likes of  Gok'amok,  Flikk,  Baduu Prime, the Rusted One and even concvince Illidan to convert the survivors into the fold. Elise catches up and the two reach a mutual understanding through combat.

Patch 2.1.0 The Black Temple[edit | edit source]

  • Black Temple (raid) - The combined Alliance, Horde, and Shattrath forces form an army and march on Illidan's stronghold. With help from  Maiev Shadowsong and  Akama, the champions defeat Illidan.
    • Demon hunter starting experience begins» - As the attack began, Illidan sent most of his demon hunters to Mardum, the Shattered Abyss, in order to retrieve the  [Sargerite Keystone]. Upon their return, the demon hunters find that the Black Temple has fallen and are themselves captured and imprisoned by the Wardens. Aranna's team retruns and is allowed freedom in exchange for joining the Alliance.
    • Illidan (novel) ends«
    • Book of Heroes: Illidan Stormrage ends.
  • The Headless Horseman begins terrorizing villages across Azeroth. Brave heroes fight off his attacks and chase him down into the Scarlet Monastery Graveyard where they put an end to his madness.

Forged in the Barrens / Wailing Caverns[edit | edit source]

  •  Rokara of the Frostwolves joins and with  Bru'kan, save  Guff Runetotem from  Hezrul Bloodmark, learning what it means to be Horde along the way.
    • Book of Heroes: Rokara begins.
  • Razorfen Kraul (dungeon) - Charlga Razorflank stages attacks on rival tribes as well as Horde villages. Some speculate that Charlga has even been negotiating with agents of the Scourge, and adventurers are sent in to wipe out her army of Quillboars.
  • Razorfen Downs (dungeon) - A lich, Amnennar the Coldbringer, takes control of the Quillboar capital and begins twisting them to the Lich King's will. Heroes are sent in to take out the lich and stop the Lich King's plans. Tamsin Roame is joins Rokara's party after trying to raise and dominate Plaguemaw the Rotting.
  • After freeing  Varden Dawngrasp from Isha Awak's maw, they meet Kazakus, golem shaper and Kabal leader, who hires them to find naaru shards. One in a caravan with a golem escort, and a void shard in General Twinbraid's post in Bael'dun, in the hands of  Feegly the Exiled. Rokara and Garrosh spar with each for the former to learn the troll's final lesson.
    • Book of Heroes: Rokara ends.
  • Xyrella heads to the Barrens to find Mi'da shards, the only thing capable of saving her daughter's life. She saves Tavish from  Kargal Battlescar and head to Nozzlepot's Outpost to cleanse the Sludge Fens, taking Engineer Whirleygig's shredder and thwarting Trixie Sporckets' ambush. Scabbs joins the group and deal with Tinkeer Sniggles,  0CT0-Bot, and a still brain-washed Garona, the latter having the same purpose as the dwarf and gnome. The mercenaries stay with Xyrella to help keep her vow.
    • Book of Mercenaries: Xyrella
  • After an angry treant attacks Thunder Bluff, Guff leads the mercenaries to the Stagnant Oasis to find a shard guarded by  Vapos, kill Barak Kodobane and drive off Cannonmaster Smythe. They also convince a party of adventurers to let them take Hamuul's mission.
    • Book of Mercenaries: Guff Runetotem begins.
  • Wailing Caverns (dungeon) - The circle sends Horde adventurers into the Wailing Caverns to explore the corruption within, and save and quell the sleeping druid, Naralex, within, who carried a void shard. Guff joins the Disciples of Naralex.
    • Book of Mercenaries: Guff Runetotem ends
  •  Cariel Roame abandons her post in Northwatch and searches for Tamsin, only to find  Samuro and Kurtrus Ashfallen, an Illidari deserter who seeks his family's killer, Anetheron. The two team up and convince Aranna to back off, fight the likes of  Sangtusk and  Sarilus Foulborne before teaming up with the other Alliance mercenaries against  Rathorian and Kazakus. Varden is captured and sent to Stormwind with the original trio as the duo confront Neeru Fireblade and Tamsin. Cariel tries to stop her friend from killing her undead sister. But she is knocked out as the undead escapes with her imp  Gizmizzle carrying the shard and the Demon Seed.
    • Book of Mercenaries: Kurtrus Ashfallen

United in Stormwind / Deadmines[edit | edit source]

Patch 2.4.0 Fury of the Sunwell[edit | edit source]

  • Battle for Quel'Danas - A resurrected Kael'thas and his felblood minions take M'uru to the Sunwell Plateau. Lady Liadrin and her Blood Knights join the Shattered Sun Offensive, along with the Aldor and Scryer factions.  Felerin, the Forgotten leads a splinter group of felblood Illidari against their fallen prince.
    • Battle for Sun's Reach - The Shattered Sun Offensive invades the Isle of Quel'Danas to retake it from Kael'thas' forces.
    • Magisters' Terrace (dungeon) - The Horde hunts down Kael'thas in the Magisters' Terrace, slaying him once and for all.
    • Sunwell Plateau (raid) - The Alliance march on the Sunwell, and with the aid of Anveena Teague are able to stop Kil'jaeden's summoning, banishing him back to the  Twisting Nether.
      • Velen uses the remains of M'uru's heart to cleanse and reignite the Sunwell, making it into a found of both holy light and arcane magic. The Blood Knights forsake the use of the light by force, and begin to ask for its aid through the Sunwell.
  • Tyrygosa discovers the nether dragons in Outland and brings them to the Nexus in hopes of revitalizing them. Instead, the Nether Dragons, empowered by the energies, attempt to usurp the power from the blue dragonflight.  Malygos appears and absorbs the magical energies that make up the Nether Dragons' being. This new energy reawakens the Aspect and restores his sanity.
  • The Twilight's Hammer recruit Archbishop Benedictus to the cult and Cho'gall travels to Northrend to weaken Yogg-Saron's bindings in Ulduar.

Fractured in Alterac Valley / Onyxia's Lair[edit | edit source]

  • The mercenaies head to Alterac Valley and side with the Stormpike Guard and Frostwolf Clan. After some convincing with Vanndar Stormpike, Tavish and the others clear  Morloch out of Irondeep Mine and drive off Rokara's mercenaries. The Stormpikes mount an attack on Galvangar and  Iceblood Garrison while the Frostwolves do the same with  Balinda Stonehearth and  Iceblood Tower, with Drek'thar leading the charge on Dun Baldar Brdige. Cariel falls off the bridge and Tavish goes after her, finding Kazakus with all of Mi'da's shards. Kazakus transform into Kazakusan with Tavish aided by the Horde mercenaries. The black dragon ressurects Mi'da as a dark naaru and uses him to ressurect Tamsin, now a dreadlich.
    • Book of Mercenaries: Tavish Stormpike ends
  • Bru'kan and the mercenaries retreat from their former teammate and Wing Commander Ichman. They decide to call upon Alterac's lords, Bru'kan and the Horde seeking  The Primalist and Lokholar with Guff and the Alliance seeking Ivus. Vanndar tries to stop them but is made to stand down after Bru'kan sacrifices himself to destroy Tamsin's phylactery.
    • Book of Mercenaries: Bru'kan ends
  • Varden heads to Silvermoon to seek Lor'themar's guidance and joins with the mercenaries and adventurers to aid King Varian kill Onyxia and save his son.
  • Onyxia's Lair (raid) - Varian Wrynn returns to Stormwind and reveals Lady Prestor as  Onyxia with the help of Reginald Windsor, chasing her down into her lair, kidnapping Anduin Wrynn in the process. Varian and his allies enter the lair and fight her. Kazakusan aids the Broodmoother of the void before she is slain. Varden and Xyrella takes Mi'da with a reanimated Onyxia. Varian decapitates her over Azuremyst and after purifying Mi'da, uses the last of his power to lightforge Xyrella's daughter.
    • World of Warcraft: Book One (comic) ends«
    • World of Warcraft: Book Two (comic)
    • Book of Mercenaries ends
  • King Varian, and Warchief  Thrall met for peace summit at Theramore.  Stasia Fallshadow and Garona Halforcen, under the thrall of Cho'gall, attempted to assassinate King Wrynn at a peace summit. Though her assassination attempt failed, Varian saw her as a Horde spy, and the negotiations broke down. Jaina and Aegwynn took Garona prisoner at Theramore and interrogated her, finding that she was enchanted. Jaina, Agewynn, and Garona then worked together to fight Cho'gall's influence.
    • World of Warcraft: Book Three (comic) begins»
  • Retaking of Andorhal - A small army, led by Maddox, attempts to retake the ruins of Andorhal, but they all fall to the Scourge.
    • Warcraft Legends: Volume I: The Journey (manga)

Wrath of the Lich King[edit | edit source]

  • The blue Dragon Aspect  Malygos begins redirecting the ley lines of Azeroth to his lair, the Nexus, to prevent mortals from wielding arcane magic. Natural disasters increase in frequency as a result. Several Kirin Tor mages are sent to investigate and Malygos reveals his plan to them, offering the chance to join him. Malygos kills those who refuse to aid him, preventing them from reporting back. The first mage hunters are created.

Patch 3.0.2 Echoes of Doom / March of the Lich King[edit | edit source]

  • The second Scourge Invasion - The Lich King begins his campaign of conquest anew, sending the Scourge across Azeroth.
    • O Thanagor (cinematic)
    • Zombie Infestation - Plagued grain appears at capital cities across Azeroth, causing an outbreak of ghouls and undead.
      • Scourge Invasion Stormwind
      • Scourge Invasion Orgrimmar
      • Scourge Invasion Theramore
      • Second Scourge Invasion of Quel'thalas - The Lich King personally leads the invasion force to Silvermoon to finish what he started. The extinction of the blood elves. Murzond creates a new time rift to Azmoure, a timeway where the Lich King is victorious in the end, sending its undead verisons of legendary champions to aid the Scourge. The Horde, Alliance and Shattered Sun Offensive team up against the Ebon Blade, Nerubians, Cult of the Damned, Scourge trolls and warlocks.
        • Return to Naxxramas - A reborn Kel'Thuzad moves his necropolis over Sunwell Plateau aided by Sindragosa. The Scourge is forced to retreat to Northrend after the deaths of many of their undead champions.
      • World of Warcraft: Book Three (comic) ends«
        • World of Warcraft: Book Four (comic) begins»
    • The Scarlet Crusade moves to Northrend in the wake of devastation, forming the Scarlet Onslaught. The Argent Crusade and Knights of the Ebon Blade are formed at the Battle for Light's Hope Chapel.
    • The Lich King sends his death knights against the Scarlet Crusade of New Avalon, destroying the settlement.
    • Battle for Light's Hope Chapel - They continue their march, targeting the Argent Dawn at Light's Hope Chapel, but are pushed back by a group of paladins led by Lord Maxwell Tyrosus and  Tirion Fordring. On the verge of the death knight's defeat, the Lich King himself appears to take out the paladin leadership, forsaking the lives of his death knights in the process. The death knights, led by Darion Mograine, rebel against the Lich King, handing the  Ashbringer to Tirion, who is able to push the Lich King back to Northrend.
      • The Knights of the Ebon Blade, the Argent Dawn, and the Order of the Silver Hand come together to form the Argent Crusade.
      • Battle for the Ebon Hold - The Knights of the Ebon Blade march back to their base of operations, the Ebon Hold and capture it from the Scourge.
    • Lor'themar Theron: In the Shadow of the Sun (short story)

Patch 3.0.3 Wrath of the Lich King[edit | edit source]

  • Wrath of the Lich King campaign (The war against the Lich King) - The Alliance and Horde forces land in Northrend, setting up fortifications in the Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra
    • Death Knight (manga) ends«
    • Warcraft: Legends: Trag saga (manga) ends«
    • Utgarde Keep (dungeon) - The Alliance infiltrate Utgarde Keep, to destroy the Scourge leadership led by Scourgestorm Millhouse and Bonethresher Sneed within Howling Fjord.
      • Utgarde Pinnacle (dungeon) - The Alliance move upward in the Keep, confronting and slaying King Ymiron and  Scourgelord Garrosh.  Inge, the Iron Hymn becomes queen and allies the Dragonflayers with the Alliance against the Scourge.
    • Azjol-Nerub (dungeon) - The Horde clear out the scourge nerubians here, including their fallen King  Anub'arak,  Malfurion the Pestilent and  Hamuul Runeblade.
    • Drak'Tharon Keep (dungeon) - The Drakkari prophet Tharon'ja has transformed into a massive skeletal serpent and commands the Scourge's forces in Zul'Drak from this fortress. Adventurers are sent in to stop the scourge's leadership,  Scourgeslayer Vashj and Scourgewolf Drek'thar here.
    • Gundrak (dungeon) - The last remnants of the Drakkari leadership led by  Thrall, Deathseer plan to sacrifice their loa in the halls of their capital. Adventurers are sent in to stop them.
    •  Culling of Stratholme (dungeon) - The bronze dragonflight sends heroes seven years into the past to prevent the infinite dragonflight from interfering with the Culling of Stratholme.
    • Wintergrasp (PvP event) - Alliance and Horde battle for dominance at Wintergrasp, hoping to gain access to the secrets held within Wintergrasp Fortress' vault.
      • The first watcher of the Vault of Archavon falls, Archavon the Stone Watcher.
    • Strand of the Ancients (battleground) - The Alliance and Horde skirmish over a mysterious titan artifact.
  • Curse of Naxxramas (raid) - The Alliance and Horde make a strike at Kel'thuzad's flying fortress, tearing the citadel apart from the inside.
  • Nexus War - The Wyrmrest Accord, the Kirin Tor, and its allies begin full-scale assaults on the Blue dragonflight and  Malygos at Coldarra.
    • Mage (manga)
    • As the Nexus War rages,  Kalecgos, Korialstrasz, and other heroes venture into Grim Batol to investigate a strange disturbance, and stop Sintharia's plans for twisting the Nether Dragons into Twilight Dragons.
      • Night of the Dragon (novel)
    • Violet Hold (dungeon) - The blue dragon  Cyanigosa is sent to release the prisoners of the Kirin Tor, and Icelord Jaraxxus to corrupt them, but both were stopped and the former imprisoned by the heroes of the Alliance and Horde.
    • The Nexus (dungeon) - The Alliance and Horde, along with the other dragonflights assault the mad aspect  Malygos' citadel.
      • Oculus (dungeon) - At the peak of the Nexus, the Alliance and Horde stop Malygos' redirection of the lay lines and prevent the now purified Chenvaala from corrupting them.
      • Eye of Eternity (raid) - Brave heroes enter Malygos' domain and confront the aspect, hoping to convince him to stop his crusade. The aspect refuses, and  Alexstrasza is forced to put him down with aid from the adventurers.
  • The Obsidian Sanctum (raid) - As a nesting ground for Sintharia's Twilight Dragon experiments,  Alexstrasza orders its destruction after the end of the Nexus War.
  • Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate -  Bolvar Fordragon and Dranosh Saurfang lead their forces in a coordinated assault against Angrathar the Wrathgate. As the Lich King himself steps onto the battlefield, the forsaken appear, launching canisters of blight to kill both living and dead, hoping to kill the Lich King. The Lich King retreats into his citadel to escape the blight.
    • Glory (short story)
    • Battle for the Undercity -  Sylvanas Windrunner is summoned before  Thrall to account for the actions of the Wrathgate, only to reveal that she escaped the Undercity which had been taken over by Varimathras and Grand Apothecary Putress. The Horde quickly assemble a force to retake the Undercity, and find the Alliance have also marched to take revenge on the traitorous undead. They retake the city, and  Jaina Proudmoore teleports the Alliance away before further conflict between the two factions can break out.
  • Li Li Stormstout, after having explored the limits of her home on the Wandering Isle sets out for adventure and exploration, following the trail of her uncle Chen Stormstout. She, and her begrudging protector Strongbo, encountered a naga witch and a fel orc blademaster. Chen appeared last minute to help save Li Li, but not quick enough to save Strongbo from taking a mortal wound.
    • Li Li's Travel Journal (short story) (parts 1-4)»
    • Pearl of Pandaria (comic)

Patch 3.1.0 Secrets of Ulduar / Fall of Ulduar[edit | edit source]

  • The Argent Tournament Grounds begin construction, preparing for a tournament to find the greatest heroes of the Horde and Alliance.
  • The second of the Vault of Archavon's four watchers falls, Emalon the Storm Watcher.
  • The Horde and Alliance leaders gather in the Violet Citadel upon word of Brann Bronzebeard's discovery of Ulduar's corruption.
    • Garrosh Hellscream: Heart of War (short story)
  • Ulduar - The Alliance and Horde launch an assault against the Titan facility to uncover more of the conspiracy of Ulduar's corruption.
    • Halls of Stone (dungeon) - The Alliance invade the Halls of Stone, discovering the  Forge of Wills within.
    • Halls of Lightning (dungeon) - The Horde invade the Halls of Lightning, ending Keeper Loken.
    • The Alliance and Horde, pooling their knowledge realize that the death of Loken triggered a message to the constellar  Algalon the Observer, that will lead to the re-origination of Azeroth, destroying all life.
    • Ulduar (raid) - The Alliance and Horde make a joint assault against the city of Ulduar, in an attempt to both end the Old God Yogg-Saron's corruption, but to prevent Algalon from re-originating Azeroth.

Patch 3.2.0 Call of the Crusade[edit | edit source]

  • Isle of Conquest (battleground) - Conflict between Alliance and Horde breaks out at the Isle of Conquest.
  • The third watcher of the Vault of Archavon falls, Koralon the Flame Watcher.
  • The Argent Tournament Grounds are completed. Highlords Tirion Fordring and  Darion Mograine have the forces of Alliance, Horde, Argent Crusade, and Knights of the Ebon Blade compete to decide which champions will participate in the final assault on Icecrown Citadel.
    • Trial of the Champion (dungeon) - The Alliance and Horde duel for the honor of assaulting Icecrown Citadel. The games are interrupted by the forces of the Lich King, led by  Uther of the Ebon Blade and  Fallen Yrel, testing the champions further.
    • The Argent Crusade's champions are sent to aid the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant against the Kvaldir at Hrothgar's Landing.
    • Trial of the Grand Crusader (raid) - The final tournament is held to test the strongest champions of the Horde and Alliance, preparing them for the final march on Arthas' citadel. At the end of the tournament, the floor collapses into The Icy Depths below the Crusaders' Coliseum, where they fight and kill the risen Anub'arak,  Valeera the Hollow and  Ebon Assassin Garona.

Patch 3.3.0 Fall of the Lich King[edit | edit source]

  • The Kalu'ak begin the Kalu'ak Fishing Derby, inviting fishers to come compete against each other's fishing skills for treasure.
  • The Ashen Verdict makes its final assault on Icecrown Citadel and the Frozen Halls.
  • The final watcher of the Vault of Archavon, Toravon the Ice Watcher, is destroyed.
  • Ruby Sanctum (raid) - Enraged at the destruction of the Obsidian Sanctum, the black dragonflight launches an attack on the Ruby Sanctum, and the heroes of Azeroth are called to help purge the invaders.
  • War Against the Nightmare - Malfurion Stormrage, slumbering within the Emerald Dream became captured by Xavius.  Fandral Staghelm, working to advance the Emerald Nightmare worked to hide the corruption's spread, but  Tyrande Whisperwind caught onto the traitor's actions and went into the nightmare to save Malfurion. Together they defeated Xavius and Fandral, locking Fandral away. The Aspects  Alexstrasza and  Ysera bless Teldrassil to protect it from the Nightmare's corruption.
    • Warcraft Legends: Volume V: Nightmares (manga)
    • Stormrage (novel)
  • Operation: Gnomeregan - Gelbin Mekkatorque and his gnomes retake Gnomeregan's surface.
    • Gelbin Mekkatorque: Cut Short (short story)
  • Zalazane's Fall - The Darkspear trolls and their allies retake Echo Isles from Zalazane.
  • Revil Kost teams up with Karlain, Brink Spannercrank, and Althea Ebonlocke as they search for the Dark Riders, and investigate the mysterious Wolf Cult. They recover several artifacts, including the Scythe of Elune.
    • Dark Riders (comic)

 Cataclysm[edit | edit source]

  • Elemental Unrest -  Deathwing aborbs great elemental powers within Deepholm, destabilizing the elemental realms. The elements lash out across Azeroth, causing mass destruction and chaos.
    • Shaman (manga)«
    • The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm (novel)  King Varian tries to teach Anduin how to be a warrior, thought the son appears more interested in non-violent solutions.
    • After searing fire elementals attack Ogrimmar,  Thrall makes  Garrosh Hellscream warchief of the Horde, and leaves to commune with the Elements.
    •  Magni Bronzebeard attempts a ritual to discover what the cause of the unrest is, but is turned into a diamond statue.  Moira Thaurissan, daughter of Magni, marches on  Ironforge with her Dark Iron clan and proclaims herself queen by birthright. A civil war breaks out Moira prevents anyone from entering or leaving the city, including the visiting Prince  Anduin Wrynn. Seeing this as an act of war, King  Varian Wrynn marches on the city. Anduin convinces Jaina and his father to show mercy, and Varian forces the dwarves to work together, forming the Council of Three Hammers to rule Ironforge.
  • Alliance-Horde war begins» - Garrosh begins invading Alliance territory, and  Cairne Bloodhoof challenges Garrosh to mak'gora.  Magatha Grimtotem secretly poisons Garrosh's axe, which kills Cairne.

Patch 4.0.3a The Shattering[edit | edit source]

  • The Cataclysm -  Deathwing returns to Azeroth, scarring it with a great cataclysm.
    • Xaxas (cinematic)
    • Deathwing swiftly descends on Stormwind City, burning parts of it to the ground, and severely damaging other parts. Before the Alliance forces were able to rally and respond, Deathwing was gone.
    • The Blood Gate in Zuldazar is destroyed, prompting  King Rastakhan to ban the usage of blood magic.
  • Various leaders of Azeroth face inner turmoil in the aftermath of the Cataclysm.
    • Tyrande & Malfurion: Seeds of Faith (short story)
    • The Council of Three Hammers: Fire and Iron (short story)
    • Velen: Prophet's Lesson (short story) Prophet Velen teaches  Anduin Wrynn on how to be a priest.
    • Varian Wrynn: Blood of Our Fathers (short story)
    • Baine Bloodhoof: As Our Fathers Before Us (short story) (approx.)
  • Cataclysm campaign - Deathwing's wake of destruction, and Garrosh's war campaign leads to conflict across the world.
    • Battles between the Horde and Alliance rage as Deathwing unleashes the Old Gods' minions to reign chaos and terror.
      • Bloodsworn (comic)
      • Invasion of Gilneas -  Sylvanas Windrunner, under the command of Warchief Garrosh, launches a brutal invasion of Gilneas.
        • Genn Greymane: Lord of His Pack (short story) (past) ends»
        • The worgen curse begins to spread across Gilneas, and the Night Elves notice, sending their people to help the Gilneans deal with the curse. Using the Ritual of Balance, they are able to help the Gilnean Worgen to gain control of themselves in their cursed form.
          • Curse of the Worgen (comic) (present)«
        • Sylvanas assaults Gilneas City and is pushed back after killing Prince Liam Greymane. Sylvanas then loses the blight upon Gilneas, making it uninhabitable.
        • The Gilneans, with help from the Night Elves, flee the ruins of Gilneas.
        • Pyrewood Village and Ambermill fall amidst the fighting.
        •  Lord Godfrey assassinates Lady Sylvanas Windrunner upon her declaring victory over Gilneas. Her Val'kyr resurrect her after Godfrey and his allies retreat to Shadowfang Keep.
          • Sylvanas Windrunner: Edge of Night (short story)
        • Shadowfang Keep (dungeon) - Heroes of the Horde are sent into Shadowfang Keep to avenge Sylvanas, and kill Lord Godfrey.
        • Gilneas is left in ruins.
        • Battle for Gilneas (battleground) - The Horde and Alliance continue to fight over the ruins.
      • Kezan is destroyed by the Cataclysm and the Bilgewater Cartel, fleeing the ruins, joins the Horde.
        • Bilgewater Harbor is created from a "city-in-a-box" in Azshara.
        • Gallywix: Trade Secrets of a Trade Prince (short story) (present)«
      • The Gilneans take refuge amongst the Alliance who welcome them into their ranks.
        • Genn Greymane: Lord of His Pack (short story) (present)«
        • King  Varian Wrynn, after going on a hunting excursion with King  Genn Greymane, goes through the Ritual of Balance to help him have inner peace with himself. King Varian then gladly welcomes Greymane and his people into the Alliance.
          • Wolfheart (novel)
      • Deadmines (dungeon) - The Defias Brotherhood is reborn under  Vanessa VanCleef after years of inactivity, and heroes of the Alliance are sent in to take them out.
      • Stormwind Stockade (dungeon) - Quakes from the Cataclysm lead to elementals, led by Lord Overheat to break through from below the surface, killing half of the inmates. Meanwhile, another revolt led by Randolph Moloch and Hogger breaks out. Adventurers are sent in to regain control of the Stockade.
      • Temple of Atal'Hakkar (dungeon) - The Atal'ai priests return to the Sunken Temple, attempting to summon Hakkar once again. Lord Itharius of the Green Dragonflight recruits heroes to help stop the troll cultists.
      • Battle for Andorhal - The Horde, Alliance, and Scourge clash over the ruins of Andorhal to claim the ruins. The Horde claims victory for the Forsaken, but their general Koltira Deathweaver is punished for weakness shown in his truce with the Alliance.
      • Stratholme (dungeon) - Balnazzar and the son of Baron Rivendare, Aurius Rivendare, each take control of sections of the city, overrunning it with their respective undead servants. The Argent Crusade recruits heroes to help retake the city.
      • Tol Barad (PvP event) - Conflict between the Alliance and Horde breaks out for control of the prison island.
        • Argaloth, a prisoner in Baradin Hold breaks out amidst the chaos, but is defeated.
    • N'Zoth rallies its elemental servants to wreak havoc in Uldum, Vashj'ir, and Deepholm, hoping Azeroth's forces would be too spread thin to deal with all of his assaults.
      • Uldum quests - Al'akir breaks down the shielding around Uldum and the Forge of Origination, hoping to harness its powers.
        • Lost City of the Tol'vir (dungeon) - The Neferset tribe ally with Deathwing and Al'akir, and heroes are sent in to stop their threat.
        • Halls of Origination (dungeon) - Al'akir attempts to retrieve the reorigination device within the Halls of Origination, and  Brann Bronzebeard with the help of brave heroes, stop the Windlord's minions and prevent the reorigination of Azeroth.
        • Vortex Pinnacle (dungeon) - After a violent attack on Orsis by Al'akir's armies, adventurers are sent in to help rescue a Tol'vir captive and take vengeance for the fallen city.
        • Throne of the Four Winds (raid) - Adventurers enter Skywall and permanently slay Al'akir, ending his assault on Uldum.
      • Vashj'ir quests -  Queen Azshara and  Ozumat assaults  Neptulon's forces in Vashj'ir for his defiance of N'Zoth. Alliance and Horde forces rally under the Earthen Ring to stop their assault and save Neptulon.
      • Showdown in the Badlands - Deathwing's passing over the Badlands exposes a massive azerite vein.  Sheriff Barrelbrim and the Bloodrock Mining Co. conscripts both allies and settlers into excavating the substance for profit. The digging operations send the already distrurbed elementals into a frenzy while creating new ones. Elise Starseeker and Reno Jackson form a band of outlaws and ally with the elementals to stop the mining co. and restore the land.
      • Deepholm quests - The Earthen Ring,  Deepminer Brann and Sir Finley Mrrgleton track the Twilight's Hammer to Deepholm and recruit heroes to help destroy their presence there.
    • Mount Hyjal quests - Twilight's Hammer agents ally with Ragnaros the Firelord at Mount Hyjal and attempt to burn down  Nordrassil.
      • The Wild Gods return to Azeroth from the Emerald Dream and defend Hyjal from Ragnaros' elemental armies.
    • Twilight Highlands quests - The Alliance and Horde forces invade the Twilight's Hammer strongholds in the Twilight Highlands.
      • The Wildhammer Clan rejoins the Alliance and the Dragonmaw Clan rejoins the Horde.
      • Twin Peaks (battleground) - The Alliance and Horde, with their new allies, skirmish in the Highlands.
      • Grim Batol (dungeon) - Heroes recruited by the red dragonflight delve into Grim Batol to put an end to the Old Gods' minions within.
      • Bastion of Twilight (raid) - Champions raid the Bastion, putting an end to the Twilight Hammer's leader,  Cho'gall, as well as Sinestra and her twilight brood.
      • The forces of Azeroth launch an attack on Blackrock Mountain, to stop the creation of the Twilight Dragons and Nefarian's other experiments.
        • Blackrock Caverns (dungeon) - After discovering elementals being exported from Mount Hyjal, adventurers are sent into the cavern to discover and stop the Twilight's Hammer's plans.
        • Blackwing Descent (raid) - The resurrected Nefarian and Onyxia are slain, stopping Nefarian's experiments.
  • Traveler (novel) (approx.)
    • Traveler: The Spiral Path (novel) (approx.)
    • Traveler: The Shining Blade (novel) (approx.)

The League of Explorers[edit | edit source]

Patch 4.2.0 Rage of the Firelands[edit | edit source]

  • Elemental Bonds - Thrall is assaulted by the Twilight's Hammer, and struggles with his inner turmoil made manifest in the elements. Heroes arrive to assist him in gaining control of himself and the elements again.
  • Firelands Invasion - Ragnaros and his minions try to set Nordrassil to flame. Fighting breaks out within the Firelands itself.
    • The area of Mount Hyjal that was scorched in the second battle of Mount Hyjal is extinguished of flame and the forest begins to regrow. Agents from the Firelands bypass or destroy the wards and reinvade the area.
    • Firelands (raid) - Sulfuron Keep is besieged. The leader of the Druids of the Flame,  Fandral Staghelm, is killed before Ragnaros the Firelord is finally confronted and permanently slain. The firelord is somehow ressurected as the Lightlord and joins the heroes.
  •  Wrathion, with the help of a rogue champion, kills all the other black dragons he knows of.
  • Occu'thar, a prisoner in Baradin Hold breaks out amidst the chaos, but is defeated.

Patch 4.3.0 The Hour of Twilight[edit | edit source]

  • The Darkmoon Faire opens up Darkmoon Island with new attractions, carnival games, and mysteries.
  • Charge of the Aspects (short story)
  • Nozdormu sends heroes through the timeways to regain control of them from the infinite dragonflight and obtain the Dragon Soul.
    • War of Shfiting Sands (raid) Nozdormu leads heroes across time against Murzond and are forced to fight C'Thun Over Ahn'Qiraj before sealing him away again.
    • End Time (dungeon) - Nozdormu recruits adventurers to help him stop his future self Murozond, in order to break the infinite dragonflight's control of the timeways.
    • Well of Eternity (dungeon) - Agents of the Alliance and Horde are sent back over 10,000 years to retrieve the Dragon Soul from the War of the Ancients.
  • The final assault on  Deathwing and the Twilight's Hammer begins.
    • Hour of Twilight (dungeon) - The defenders of Azeroth siege Wyrmrest Temple, retaking it from the Twilight's Hammer.  Archbishop Benedictus is revealed to be the "Twilight Father" and is killed.
    •  Dragon Soul (raid) - Deathwing is destroyed by Thrall and the Dragon Aspects at the Maelstrom using the Dragon Soul. A second cataclysm is averted. The Aspects are reduced to a mortal state and the "Age of Mortals" begins.
      • Legacies (animated short) (chapter 2 past ends)«»
  • Alizabal, a prisoner in Baradin Hold breaks out amidst the chaos, but is defeated.

Mists of Pandaria[edit | edit source]

Patch 5.0.4 Mists of Pandaria[edit | edit source]

  • Ragefire Chasm (dungeon) - Dark shaman take up residence in Ragefire Chasm, and adventurers are sent in to kill them.
  • Scarlet Monastery - The Scarlet Crusade reclaims their monastery and  Lilian Voss, disguised as the Hooded Crusader recruits adventurers in helping wipe out the crusaders.
    • Scarlet Halls (dungeon)
    • Scarlet Monastery (dungeon)
  • Scholomance (dungeon) - Darkmaster Gandling continues his operations in the school of necromancy, and adventurers delve into the school to save Lilian Voss, and eliminate the Darkmaster.
  • Silvershard Mines (battleground) - The Horde and Alliance struggle for control of a diamond mine deep in the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale.
  • As the Horde prepares to invade Theramore, escalating their conflict with the Alliance, Chen and Li Li Stormstout set out to discover Pandaria. When they reach the shores, they discover that the mists have parted.
    • Quest for Pandaria (novella)
  • Attack on Theramore Isle - The Horde launches an invasion of Theramore, detonating a mana bomb that levels the entire city. Archmage  Rhonin sacrifices himself to push Jaina Proudmoore through a portal, saving her an instant before the bomb goes off.
  • Wandering Isle storyline - The Skyseeker crashes into the Wandering Isle. and the Pandaren of Shen-zin Su split into two major groups, Tushui and Huojin and join the Alliance and Horde, respectively.
  • Pandaria is accidentally discovered by the Alliance and Horde fleets as they skirmish in the South Seas.
    • Why Do We Fight? (cinematic)
    • Bottoms Up (cinematic)
  • Mists of Pandaria campaign - The Alliance and Horde forces quickly rally their fleets to conquer this new land.
    • Li Li's Travel Journal (novella) (parts 5-11)«
    • Jade Forest storyline - The Horde and Alliance's forward strike forces land in the Jade Forest and through their conflict unleash the  Sha, threatening Pandaria. They move through the forest gaining allies, their conflict culminating in the battle of the Serpent's Heart.
      • Temple of the Jade Serpent (dungeon) - After the Sha of Doubt arises from the breaking of the Serpent's Heart, heroes chase it down into the Temple to put an end to it. Thrall recieves Yu'lon's blessing.
      • A Brewing Storm (scenario) - Heroes assist Brewmaster Blanche craft a special brew and defend her from a saurok attack.
      • Greenstone Village (scenario) - After adventurers cleared the region of sprites, earth spirits strike back against Greenstone Village, and adventurers are called upon again to defend against the threat.
    • Valley of the Four Winds storyline and Krasarang Wilds storyline - Champions make their way into the Valley of the Four Winds where they make friends among the local Pandaren farmers and help Chen craft a new brew. Meanwhile, other heroes venture into the Krasarang Wilds, exploring the dense wilds and stopping the Sha of Despair at the Temple of the Red Crane. Jaina recieves Chi-ji's blessing. As the adventurers travel through the land, the mantid begin invading beyond the Serpent's Spine, attacking the Pandaren in the region.
      • Stormstout Brewery (dungeon) - Adventurers journey into the Brewery to help Chen regain control from the chaos of the incompetent Uncle Gao
      • Unga Ingoo (scenario) - Brewmaster Bo recruits heroes to help fight off a band of hozen pirates, armed from a shipwrecked Bloodsail ship.
    • Kun-Lai Summit storyline - After fighting off the mantid, the heroes travel north to Kun-Lai Summit to discover the local Pandaren facing an invasion of Yaungol from the west. Heroes defend against the invasion, then make their way north to gain the support of the Shado-Pan and stop the Zandalari trolls who have come and are plundering mogu ruins in hopes to bring back the Thunder King, Lei Shen.
      • Shado-Pan Monastery (dungeon) - The sha of Violence, Hatred and Anger break out within the monastery and begin wreaking havoc. While the Sha of Anger is taken out outside of the monastery, heroes venture in to free the Shado-Pan of the sha of Violence and Hatred.
      • Brewmoon Festival (scenario) - Adventurers stop by Binan Village during Brewfest and help defend the town against a horde of Yaungol.
      • Arena of Annihilation (scenario) - Gurgthock and Wodin the Troll-Servant come to the Temple of the White Tiger to host a new arena tournament, testing the steel of adventurers.
      • Mogu'shan Vaults (raid) -  Lorewalker Cho recruits adventurers to help delve into the mogu archives for ancient lore of the mogu empire.
    • Townlong Steppes storyline - Adventurers, after having fought back the Yaungol invasion in Kun-Lai, push them back into Townlong Steppes. Here they uncover another sha, the Sha of Hatred, causing trouble. With the assistance of the Shado-Pan, the heroes are able to defeat the Sha and its growing army of mantid.
      • Siege of Niuzao Temple (dungeon) - The mantid launch a massive assault on Niuzao Temple, and adventurers are recruited to destroy the mantid's assault force. Rexxar recieves Niuzao's blessing.
    • Dread Wastes storyline - Heroes begin moving into the Dread Wastes to push back the mantid's invasions. Here heroes find refuge and allies with the Klaxxi, and begin awakening their leaders to combat the rogue mantid monarch, Grand Empress Shek'zeer.
      • Gate of the Setting Sun (dungeon) - The mantid make an assault against the Serpent's Spine, and heroes are called upon to help defend the gate.
      • Heart of Fear (raid) - After the Sha of Fear broke out from Niuzao Temple, it begins to urge the mantid Grand Empress Shek'zeer to war against the Pandaren 10 years earlier than usual. Heroes chase down the mantid empress and end her reign, though the Sha of Fear flees further inland.
    • Vale of Eternal Blossoms storyline - The August Celestials open up the Gate of the August Celestials, allowing adventurers into the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to deal with the rising mogu threat.
      • Mogu'shan Palace (dungeon) - The Gurthan, Harthak, and Kargesh clans set up residence in the ancient palace during their attempt to retake Pandaria. Adventurers enter the Palace to stop them and their newly minted King Xin.
      • Temple of Kotmogu (battleground) - The Alliance and Horde skirmish over ancient treasures found in a mogu temple.
      • Crypt of Forgotten Kings (dungeon) - A set of mogu ruins become corrupted by the sha, and adventurers delve into them to cleanse them of the corruption.
      • Terrace of Endless Spring (raid) - Adventurers finally track down and confront the Sha of Fear to the Terrace of Endless Spring, ending its threat.

Patch 5.1.0 Landfall[edit | edit source]

  • Operation: Shieldwall and Dominance Offensive - The Alliance and Horde navies make landfall in the Krasarang Wilds of Pandaria, setting up the strongholds of Lion's Landing and Domination Point.
    • Lion's Landing (scenario) - Just after the Alliance constructs Lion's Landing, the Horde sends in a strike force, and the Alliance champions rush to defend their new foothold.
    • Domination Point (scenario) - Just after the Horde constructs Domination Point, the Alliance sends in a strike force, and the Horde champions rush to defend their new foothold.
    • A Little Patience (scenario) -  Tyrande Whisperwind and her forces are ambushed by a Horde strike force near the Temple of the Red Crane, and the champions of Lion's Landing are sent to defend her and free the temple from the Horde's occupation.
    • Dagger in the Dark (scenario) - Garrosh sends in Vol'jin, a team of Kor'kron, and the champions of Domination Point to deal with the Saurok. During the mission, an assassination attempt by the Garrosh's men forces Vol'jin into hiding.
      • Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde (novel)
  • Assault on Zan'vess (scenario) - Champions assault Grand Empress Shek'zeer's final remaining forces in Zan'vess, retrieving their weapons stash to fuel their war.
  • Garrosh's agents raid Darnassus to steal the  [Divine Bell] and sabotage Lor'themar's negotiations with the Alliance, using Dalaran to quickly and quietly move his troops.
    • Purge of Dalaran - After the theft of the Divine Bell, Archmage  Jaina Proudmoore blamed  Aethas Sunreaver for allowing the Horde to use Dalaran for their war against the Alliance. As punishment, she purged the Sunreavers and the Horde from Dalaran completely.
      • Book of Heroes: Jaina Proudmoore ends.
    • Anduin works with the Monkey King to find the harmonic mallet.
    • Garrosh shatters the  [Divine Bell] while attacking Prince  Anduin Wrynn. The shattered pieces crush Anduin to near death.
  •  Kalecgos discovers the Spark of Tyr in Galakrond's Rest, triggering a vision of  Galakrond's fall and the rise of the Aspects. (approx.)
    • Dawn of the Aspects (novel) (present)«
  • Destination: Pandaria short stories (approx.)
    • The Trial of the Red Blossoms (short story) (approx.)
    • Bleeding Sun (short story) (approx.)
    • The Blank Scroll (short story) (approx.)
    • The Jade Hunters (short story) (approx.)

Patch 5.4.0 Siege of Orgrimmar[edit | edit source]

  • The  Heart of Y'Shaarj is unearthed and  Garrosh Hellscream uses the Pools of Power to revive the Heart, destroying half of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in the process.
    • The Sha of Pride is unleashed from Garrosh's actions and the Klaxxi Paragons join Garrosh's forces who hold the heart of their fallen god.
  • The Siege of Orgrimmar - The Darkspear Revolution, with support from the Alliance, besieges Orgrimmar in hopes of replacing the tyrant warchief Garrosh..
    • Siege of Orgrimmar (raid) - Heroes of the Horde and Alliance push through Garrosh's defenses and confront the Warchief deep underneath Orgrimmar.
    • Garrosh is dethroned and captured, then moved to Pandaria for trial.
      •  Vol'jin replaces Garrosh as Warchief of the Horde.
      • Alliance-Horde war ends«
      • Darkspear Rebellion ends«
      • Book of Heroes: Thrall / Garrosh Hellscream ends.
  • The Timeless Isle, lost for millennia to the currents of time, emerges from the mists off the eastern coast of Jade Forest.
  • Over Water (short story)
  • The Untamed Valley (short story)

Legion / Year of the Raven[edit | edit source]

  • King Magni Bronzebeard awakens in Old Ironforge.
    • Magni: Fault Lines (comic)
  • Gul'dan re-opens the sealed portal inside the Tomb of Sargeras, beginning the Burning Legion's third invasion of Azeroth.
    • The Tomb of Sargeras (audio drama)
  • Khadgar warns the faction leaders of the Legion's return, then heads to Karazhan for answers.
    • Harbingers - Khadgar (animated short)

Patch 7.0.3 Legion[edit | edit source]

  • Battle for the Broken Shore (Legion intro experience) - The Alliance and Horde attack the Legion's foothold at the Broken Shore, hoping to end the invasion before it begins.
  • Gul'dan and his legion penetrate the Vault of the Wardens thanks to Cordana Felsong, stealing the crystal within which Illidan's corpse was contained. He travels to Black Rook Hold and severs Illidan's body from his soul, causing the night elf dead buried within the fortress to return as maddened ghosts.
    • World of Warcraft Cinematic Teaser (cinematic)
    • Demon hunter starting experience ends« - During the attack on the Vault, Maiev, Aranna and Felerin release the captive Illidari. The demon hunters escaped from the besieged Vault and headed to Stormwind City and Orgrimmar under  Khadgar's guidance.
  • Legion Invasions - The Legion openly launches full-scale invasions on Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms.
    • Dark Mirror (short story)
    • The Burning Legion makes assassination attempts in Orgrimmar and Stormwind as the faction leaders gather to mourn the Warchief and the High King, but the Illidari undid their plans and are as such accepted as allies among the two factions.
    • Gul'dan gains access to the Nightwell by allying with the nightborne, led by Elisande.
      • Nightborne: Twilight of Suramar (comic)
    • Dargrul the Underking betrays the Highmountain tauren by murdering Highchieftain Ulan Highmountain and stealing the  [Hammer of Khaz'goroth].
      • Highmountain: A Mountain Divided (comic)
  • Dalaran is moved above Karazhan while  Khadgar, Magni, Brann Bronzebeard and the adventurers go to Ulduar. Magni tells them to seek the Pillars of Creation.
  • Legion campaign - Dalaran is moved to the Broken Isles to coordinate the search for the Pillars.
    • Azsuna storyline - The class orders help Prince Farondis regain his status and undo the naga's advances led by Tidemistress Athissa.
      • Eye of Azshara (dungeon) - Queen Azshara appears before Prince Farondis, and announces the coming of her Wrath. The order hall champions are then sent to defeat the Wrath of Azshara and retrieve the first Pillar of Creation, the  [Tidestone of Golganneth].
      • Vault of the Wardens (dungeon) - The order halls send heroes into the vault to recover artifacts and end the traitorous Warden, Cordana Felsong.
    • Val'sharah storyline -  Xavius returns and spreads the the Nightmare throughout Val'sharah, takes  Cenarius, Thaon Moonclaw and Elothir among others. Xavius corrupts the Tears of Elune, using it to corrupt  Ysera who is then mercifully put down by adventurers. The second Pillar, the  [Tear of Elune], is recovered from Ysera and purified from corruption.
      • Darkheart Thicket (dungeon) - Heroes chase Xavius into the thicket to confront the nightmare lord's shade and rescue Malfurion Stormrage.
      • Black Rook Hold (dungeon) - Heroes delved into the ancient keep to purify the spirits disturbed by Gul'dan's foul magic and demonic allies.
    • Highmountain storyline - War wages between Dargrul and the Highmountain Tribe. The Skyhorn and Stonedark tribes are rallied under the Highmountain, while the Rivermane tribe is decimated by Dargrul and the Bloodtotem accept the fel-gift and become Felsworn. The coalition launches an assault on the home of the drogbar as Dargrul retreats to Neltharion's Lair.
      • Neltharion's Lair (dungeon) - Champions, guided by Spiritwalker Ebonhorn, enter Neltharion's Lair and kill Dargrul, securing the third Pillar, the  [Hammer of Khaz'goroth].
    • Stormheim storyline - The Alliance led by  Genn Greymane assault Sylvanas and the Horde. The Skyfire is destroyed in the skirmish. Horde and Alliance Champions obtain the blessing of Ashildir and are granted audience with Eyir. Sylvanas' attempt to enslave her is thwarted by  Genn Greymane. Meanwhile, Champions of the order halls pass the different trials of the people of Stormheim and obtain the blessing of Yotnar, of the Thorignir, and of the ancient vrykul kings. The Legion and the Felskorn make a combind assault at the Gates of Valor, but are repelled by the champions.
      • Halls of Valor (dungeon) - The champions finally pass Odyn's test in the Halls of Valor, kill God-King Skovald and secure the penultimate Pillar, the  [Aegis of Aggramar].
      • Maw of Souls (dungeon) - Adventurers delve into Helheim to confront  Helya from claiming more souls bound for the dark afterlife.
    • Suramar storyline - Champions are sent into Suramar where they assist the Nightfallen, led by Thalyssra, in their rebellion against Grand Magistrix Elisande and the Nightborne nobility..
    • Assault on Violet Hold (dungeon) - The Legion assaults the Violet Hold hoping to release some of the Lich King's most dangerous servants. Champions rush to defend the prison and stop the Legion's assault.
    • Order Hall campaigns - Organizations across Azeroth assemble their resources and work to fight against the Legion's invasion.
      • Death Knight Campaign - Allying with the Lich King Bolvar Fordragon, the Knights of the Ebon Blade raise new horsemen to fight against the Legion.
      • Demon Hunter Campaign - The Demon Hunters work to reunite the various forces that served  Illidan Stormrage during the Invasion of Outland, and recover the  [Sargerite Keystone] that went missing when they were captured by the Wardens. The Illidari assault Niskara, hunting down the demon leaders  Caria Felsoul and Varedis Felsoul.
      • Druid Campaign - The druids of the Cenarion Circle work against the spreading Emerald Nightmare, working to confront and slay  Xavius the Nightmare Lord.
      • Hunter Campaign - The Unseen Path begin recruiting new Hunters and Rangers to their ranks, and work to aid the forces of Azeroth against the Legion's invasion, and take out the demonic lieutenant,  Hakkar the Houndmaster.
      • Mage Campaign - The Tirisgarde is reformed, and the dreadlord  Kathra'natir works to subvert the mages' plans hoping to bring down the Kirin Tor, but the mages of the stop the dreadlord's plans.
      • Monk Campaign - After the Legion's invasion of the Peak of Serenity, the Order of the Broken Temple is formed as the monks take refuge at the Temple of Five Dawns on the Wandering Isle. Here they begin work to craft the legendary Storm Brew to empower their forces against the legion.
      • Paladin Campaign - Working against the Legion, the Knights of the Silver Hand recover a message from  Turalyon and work to prepare an alliance between them, the Conclave and the Army of the Light, working together to confront the dreadlord Balnazzar during his assault on Netherlight Temple.
      • Priest Campaign - The Conclave reclaims Netherlight Temple and begins recruiting priestly champions of both the light and void to their cause. They then ally with the Knights of the Silver Hand and the Army of the Light to defeat the dreadlord Balnazzar during his assault on Netherlight Temple.
      • Rogue Campaign - The rogues of the Uncrowned work to subvert the Legion's influence, and investigate strange happenings around the SI:7, leading to them uncovering that Mathias Shaw had been replaced by the dreadlord Detheroc.
      • Shaman Campaign - The shaman of the Earthen Ring assemble at the Heart of Azeroth on the edge of the Maelstrom. They work to reunite the four elemental lords, while fighting off the return of the Twilight's Hammer.
      • Warlock Campaign - Warlocks of the Council of the Black Harvest assemble to strike at the Legion, taking out Jagganoth and claim Dreadscar Rift as their own. They then work to subvert Mephistroth's schemes by destroying or enthralling his demonic lieutenants, including the Eredar Twins.
      • Warrior Campaign - The Keeper Odyn recruits warrior champions into the Halls of Valor as Valarjar, where they recovered  [The Gjallarhorn] to call upon the keepers of Ulduar to aid against their war against the Legion. The Valarjar traveled to Ulduar, fending off a Legion assault, before invading Niskara to rescue Keeper Hodir.
    • The Emerald Nightmare (raid) - Xavius is defeated within the Emerald Nightmare, purging the Emerald Dream from its influence.

Patch 7.1.5[edit | edit source]

Patch 7.3.0 Shadows of Argus[edit | edit source]

  • Argus Campaign (Argus storyline) - The draenei launch a full assault on the Burning Legion's homeworld of Argus using their newly constructed ship, the Vindicaar. Meeting with the Army of the Light above Krokuun, the latter's ship, the  Xenedar, is shot down.
    • Krokuun storyline - Velen reunites with the krokul of Krokuun.  Turalyon and  Alleria Windrunner are found after 22 years of absence. Krokuun is liberated, until the Army of the Light's advance is crushed by Aggramar at Nath'raxas Hold.
      • A Thousand Years of War (audio drama) ends«
    • Antoran Wastes storyline - The Army sets up a foothold in the Antoran Wastes and wages guerilla war with the Legion.
    • Eredath storyline - The Army goes to Eredath where they retrieve the  [Sigil of Awakening] and the Crest of Knowledge.
      • Seat of the Triumvirate (dungeon) -  Alleria Windrunner deals with the Void threat locked away in the Seat of the Triumvirate, the dark naaru L'ura.
    • Invasion Points - While the Burning Legion focuses their defenses on Argus, adventurers take the fight to the Legion on other worlds.
    • Antorus, the Burning Throne (raid) - The heroes of Azeroth invade Antorus, the Burning Throne, the seat of the Burning Legion's power, where they free the spirits of the imprisoned titan Pantheon and ultimately defeat the world-soul of Argus.
      • The Pantheon imprison Sargeras at the Seat of the Pantheon, with  Illidan Stormrage staying behind, but not before Sargeras impales Silithus with his sword.
      • The soul of Argus is sent into the Shadowlands, breaking the Arbiter and dooming countless souls to the Maw.

Kobolds & Catacombs[edit | edit source]

The Witchwood[edit | edit source]

The Boomsday Project[edit | edit source]

Battle for Azeroth / Year of the Dragon[edit | edit source]

  • Jaina: Reunion (comic)
  • Magni: The Speaker (comic)
  • Windrunner: Three Sisters (comic)
  • Warbringers Jaina (animated short)
  • Warbringers Sylvanas (animated short) (present)«
  • Before the Storm

Patch 8.0.1 Battle for Azeroth / Year of the Phoenix[edit | edit source]

  • The Fourth War begins with the Burning of Teldrassil.
    • A Good War
    • Elegy
    • Book of Heroes: Malfurion Stormrage ends.
  • Battle for Lordaeron
    • Book of Heroes: Anduin Wrynn ends.
  • War in Kul Tiras & War in Zandalar
  • Battle for Stromgarde
  • The Alliance and the Horde respectively ally with the Kul Tirans and the Zandalari.
  • Uldir

Rastakhan's Rumble[edit | edit source]

Rise of Shadows: The Dalaran Heist[edit | edit source]

Fire Fest-E.V.I.L.[edit | edit source]

  • Dr. Boom's poor driving skills drives the violet city into Blackrock Mountain during the Midsummer Fire Festival, garnering the attention of the Dark Irons, Ragnaros' blazing lightspawn and those who still call Blackrock Spire home. The League use this opportunity to to acquire useful information and artifacts and escape, heading west.

The League of Explorers: Revived![edit | edit source]

Saviors of Uldum: Tombs of Terror[edit | edit source]

Road to Northrend[edit | edit source]

  • With Uldum secured and plague free, the explorers go through Reno's Junkpile to find the right scroll that will take them to Dragonblight.
  • Unfortunately the squad find themselves at the gates of Orgrimmar and its guards before teleporting again.
  • Their second stop puts them in Un'Goro and in front of the devilsuar Primodino.
  • With Reno thinking "proper" they land in a Karazhan chess game against the White King, with the tower itself pulling itself together after Viz'aduum's meddling.
  • The fourth waypoint brings them to Ironforge and Bookmaster Bae Chao, who refuses to let them leave unless they return the books they checked out.
  • The four end up in Blackrock Mountain, dealing with the abandoned Tak Nozwhisker and his fire elemental friend.
  • Their next stop drops them in the Blackwald and witch impersonator Murgatha.
  • The final waypoint leads to Gurubashi Arena, whose audience won't let leave unless the four engage in combat with each other. Elise Starseeker and Sir Finley are defeated as the four finally reach Northrend.

Descent of Dragons: Galakrond's Awakening[edit | edit source]

Patch 8.2.0 Rise of Azshara / Voyage to the Sunken City[edit | edit source]

Scholomance Academy[edit | edit source]

  • An anomaly consumes Caer Darrow when key figures from both factions are on the island. This anomaly brings Scholomance's past to the present with those affected becoming students or instructors. Adventurers go in and use the new dual-class abilities they learned to restore history to it's proper state.

Madness at the Darkmoon Faire: Darkmoon Races[edit | edit source]

Shadowlands / Murder at Castle Nathria[edit | edit source]

  • A Moment in Verse
  • Shadows Rising
  • Terror by Torchlight
  • Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms
  • Exploring Azeroth: Kalimdor
  • Death Rising
  • Adventurers and the Knights of the Ebon Blade enter the Maw to rescue the kidnapped leaders. The adventurers escape  The Jailer by activating a First One waystone to Oribos, becoming Maw Walkers.
  • The Maw Walkers follow their only lead—the Mawsworn kyrian—to Bastion, where in the process of trying to get an audience with the Archon, they discover a conspiracy by the rebel Forsworn. The House of Constructs and House of Rituals invade Bastion.
  • The Maw Walkers travel to Maldraxxus to discover the cause of the invasion and ally with Baroness Draka and other necrolords still loyal to the missing Primus. They assemble the Blade of the Primus and open the Seat of the Primus, where they discover a message left by its former occupant stating that the Eternal Ones have to work together to prevent the Jailer from escaping the Maw and reaching "the sepulcher".
  • The Maw Walkers travel to Ardenweald to deliver the warning to the Winter Queen. They battle an invasion from the Drust and bond with the wildseed of the dead Ysera before gaining an audience with the Winter Queen, who resurrects Ysera and informs the Maw Walkers that Ardenweald is in dire need of anima. She sends them to Revendreth to ask  Sire Denathrius for help.
  • In Revendreth, the Maw Walkers discover that Denathrius is responsible for the anima drought. They ally with the Sinfall rebellion and rescue its leader—Denathrius' son  Prince Renathal—from the Maw and save some of his allies from Torghast, Tower of the Damned. The rebels confront Denathrius, but he defeats them and releases his anima stores into the Maw, causing it to grow dramatically.
  • The Maw Walkers join one of the four covenants to help them regain their strength and combat the various threats they face.
    • Kyrian Campaign
    • Necrolords Campaign
    • Night Fae Campaign
    • Venthyr Campaign
  • The Maw Walkers return to Torghast, gradually rescue Baine, Jaina, and Thrall, and ally with the imprisoned Runecarver. Anduin remains imprisoned by Sylvanas and the Jailer.
  •  Sanguine Depths: Maw Walkers rescue the naaru Z'rali from Denathrius' minions.
  • Castle Nathria: Denathrius is defeated and imprisoned in his sword  Remornia, Living Blade through use of the Light with Z'rali's help.
  • Sylvanas gives Anduin the ultimatum of joining her and the Jailer willingly or being forced to serve.

Patch 9.1.0 Chains of Domination / Maw and Disorder[edit | edit source]

  • The Jailer pulls the realm of Korthia into the Maw. He dominates Anduin and uses him to obtain the sigils of the Archon and the Winter Queen.
  • The united covenants and the Ebon Blade invade Korthia as the Death's Advance.
  • The Runecarver is freed and revealed to be  The Primus, but the Jailer obtains his sigil. The Primus declares that the Maw Walkers have to defeat the Jailer in his stronghold. The covenants create replacement sigils that they will need in order to pursue the Jailer if the assault fails.
    • The nathrezim openly return to the Shadowlands and steal Remornia, with Denathrius' essence in it.
    • The Winter Queen reconciles with her sister Elune. Tyrande Whisperwind's Night Warrior powers, which had threatened to kill her, are stabilized.
  • Sanctum of Domination: The Jailer expands the Maw to envelop Oribos and claims the Arbiter's sigil, the last one he needs. Sylvanas turns against him and the Jailer restores a missing fragment of her soul before discarding her and escaping with Anduin through a portal to the Sepulcher.
  • The Primus sets out to find a replacement for the Arbiter's sigil so he can create a key to follow the Jailer to the Sepulcher.

Festival of Legends[edit | edit source]

Whizbang's Workshop[edit | edit source]

The genius inventor and toymaker, the  Splendiferous Whizbang, has opened the doors to his magical workshop—and all of Azeroth is invited to join the festivities. A celebration to all that the heroes have accomplished and to commemorte the game  Harth Stonebrew made 10 years ago.

Dragonflight[edit | edit source]

  • Exploring Azeroth: Northrend
  • Exploring Azeroth: Pandaria
  • The Vow Eternal
    •  Lor'themar Theron and Thalyssra are wed, and the dragons hear the call of the Dragon Isles, beckoning them home.
  • A tempest is unleashed across Azeroth, and is contained with the defeat of the Primalists' forces
  • The dracthyr awaken from stasis in the Forbidden Reach. Subsequently, Raszageth the Storm Eater is freed from her imprisonment within the Froststone Vault. Two of the dracthyr weyrns, the Obsidian Warders and the Dark Talons, join the Alliance and Horde respectively. The Ebon Scales, meanwhile, turn against the Aspects and rename themselves the Sundered Flame.
  • Alliance and Horde expeditions travel to the Dragon Isles where the adventurers aided the dragonflights and the Dragon Aspects in restoring the oathstones and fighting against the Primalists.
  • Adventurers manage to kill Raszageth in the Vault of the Incarnates, but the remaining Primal Incarnates - Fyrakk, Iridikron, and Vyranoth - are freed from their prison. They head out to the Forbidden Reach and recover a locket, which revealed the location of Aberrus in Zaralek Cavern, hoping to claim  Shadowflame.
  • After hardships, the Windtotem tribe of tauren settle in the Ohn'ahran Plains.
  • Lord Banehollow, disguised as Madam Shadow tries to lure a new generation of warlocks, but his ploy is revealed and is defeated in the Blasted Lands.
  • The orc nation of Durotar celebrates their first Azerothian Kosh'harg. Stormwind faces a new unrest from the remnants of the Defias Brotherhood and corrupt nobles, but the enemies are defeated by Stormwind champions. The Ruins of Lordaeron are under attack by the renewed Scarlet Crusade. The Forsaken leadership and champions lead a counterattack across Silverpine Forest and invade Fenris Isle in order to defeat the Scarlets. A group of kaldorei ventures into Felwood to halt a demonic resurgence in Jaedenar, defeating Lord Hel'nurath and his lackeys.